
Art or Crossing the Line? The clip of Zhang Songwen and Song Jia touching their chests was rebroadcast by RTHK and sparked a big discussion

author:Drop it, nothing more!

"A Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind": Foggy, looking forward to the truth revealed

Art or Crossing the Line? The clip of Zhang Songwen and Song Jia touching their chests was rebroadcast by RTHK and sparked a big discussion

1. The fog is filled, and the movie takes us deep into it

"A Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind", a film directed by Lou Ye, is like a diffuse fog that attracts us to gradually go deeper into it. At the beginning of the film, the quiet hamlet is uneasy by a sudden storm, and young police officer Yang Jiadong embarks on a journey to uncover the truth. This is not only a struggle between sin and desire, but also a deep excavation of human nature and fate.

Second, the roles are entangled, and emotions and interests are intertwined

Art or Crossing the Line? The clip of Zhang Songwen and Song Jia touching their chests was rebroadcast by RTHK and sparked a big discussion

Yang Jiadong, a young police officer with a sense of justice, unexpectedly falls in love with Lin Qiao, a woman full of scheming and desire, during the investigation. His heart is full of struggles and contradictions, as if trapped in a labyrinth from which he cannot escape. And Lin Qiao, Tang Yijie, Jiang Zicheng and other characters, each carrying a complex past and heavy secrets, are constantly making choices driven by desire.

3. The Censorship Controversy, the Contest between Art and Censorship

The film experienced a controversy over deletion before its release, which caused widespread discussion among the audience. Some people think that some shots and violent scenes are too direct and affect the viewing experience; While others believe that it is the director's persistence and pursuit of artistic expression. Behind this controversy is the delicate relationship between art and censorship.

Art or Crossing the Line? The clip of Zhang Songwen and Song Jia touching their chests was rebroadcast by RTHK and sparked a big discussion

Fourth, fate twists and turns, human nature is complex and changeable

In this film, we see the complexity and variability of human nature. Each character is lost in a labyrinth of desires and interests, and their choices and decisions are driven by their own desires. And the impermanence of fate is even more embarrassing, and each character has experienced ups and downs from highs to lows.

Art or Crossing the Line? The clip of Zhang Songwen and Song Jia touching their chests was rebroadcast by RTHK and sparked a big discussion

Fifth, the mark of the times, the struggle and helplessness of the little people

The story is set in China in the 90s of the last century, which was a time of change and turmoil. The little people in the movie are witnesses and witnesses of that era, and their fate trajectories reflect the characteristics of that era. The director used the lens to capture the restlessness and uneasiness of that era, as well as the struggle and helplessness of the little people.

Sixth, Lou Ye's style, real and rough image display

Art or Crossing the Line? The clip of Zhang Songwen and Song Jia touching their chests was rebroadcast by RTHK and sparked a big discussion

Director Lou Ye continues his usual image style in this film - handheld photography, natural light, long lens and other techniques to create a real and rough image world. This style not only enhances the visual effects of the film, but also better conveys the emotions and thoughts of the characters.

Seventh, the open-ended ending, leaving us with infinite imagination

The end of the movie does not give a clear answer. Although Yang Jiadong found the truth, he lost his loved one. He stood on the edge of a tall building, looking into the distance. This kind of open-ended ending makes us think deeply about human nature, fate, justice and other topics, and at the same time, it also makes us full of anticipation and imagination for the ending of the movie.

8. Summary: Explore the truth and look forward to seeing the day

"A Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind" is not only a visual feast, but also a profound discussion about human nature, destiny and the times. It allows us to see the complexity and changeability of human nature and the impermanence of fate, and also makes us think about the value of the times, society and ourselves. Let's walk into this fog together, explore the truth, and look forward to the day when the clouds will be cleared!

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