
The countdown to the Paris Olympics has begun, and the United States has asked WADA to provide documents for Chinese athletes and be investigated

author:Wonderful white clouds

Text: Wonderful white clouds

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Countdown: The Olympic Games are a sporting event with global influence, and whenever an Olympic Games approaches, athletes from all over the world are ready to compete for gold medals.

For the country hosting the Olympic Games, the holding of the Olympic Games can not only enhance the country's popularity, but also promote the country's economic development and enhance the country's soft power, which is a happy thing.

At present, the countdown to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games has begun, and the official opening of the Olympic Games is less than a month away. During this period, all preparations will enter an intense sprint stage, and various guarantee work will be done in order to meet the smooth holding of the Olympic Games.

The countdown to the Paris Olympics has begun, and the United States has asked WADA to provide documents for Chinese athletes and be investigated

1. The Paris Olympic Games are about to open, and all preparations are in order

The Paris Olympics is the second Olympic event to attract worldwide attention after the Tokyo Olympics, and it is also the first time in 100 years that Paris has hosted the Olympic Games after 1924.

At present, the French government attaches great importance to the preparations for the Olympic Games and has invested a lot of manpower and material resources to ensure that the construction of various venues and related facilities for the Olympic Games can be completed on schedule and ensure the successful holding of the Olympic Games.

The countdown to the Paris Olympics has begun, and the United States has asked WADA to provide documents for Chinese athletes and be investigated

At the same time, security measures in France are being adjusted and strengthened to ensure that the events during the Games can be carried out in a safe and orderly manner.

In addition, France has also made full plans and arrangements for transportation, catering, accommodation and other aspects during the Olympic Games, and at the same time, it has also strengthened the improvement of domestic tourism service levels to provide better services for tourists from all over the world, so that they can enjoy the Olympic Games at the same time, but also be able to visit the major tourist attractions in France in depth, feel the romantic trip to Paris, and inject new vitality into the French tourism industry.

The countdown to the Paris Olympics has begun, and the United States has asked WADA to provide documents for Chinese athletes and be investigated

2. The United States asked WADA to investigate Chinese athletes with the intention of discrediting Chinese sports

The Olympic Games is a sports event where athletes from all over the world will show their sports style, work hard, compete for gold medals, and bring wonderful competitions to spectators from all over the world.

Whenever such a global sports event is encountered, the United States and other Western countries always want to make a name for themselves, take the opportunity to smear other countries, and hype up the so-called "sports politics" issue.

Recently, just as the Paris Olympics were about to begin, the U.S. Congress suddenly sent an open letter to WADA, the world's anti-doping agency, asking WADA to release the investigation documents and launch a full investigation into the alleged doping violations of Chinese athletes involved in the incident that occurred three years ago when they were found to have violated the doping test before participating in the competition.

The countdown to the Paris Olympics has begun, and the United States has asked WADA to provide documents for Chinese athletes and be investigated

As early as the Tokyo Olympics, the United States used the media to make groundless accusations against the doping problem of the Chinese swimming team, in an attempt to sabotage the Chinese team's competition and create trouble for the Chinese team.

Not only that, but at the end of the Tokyo Olympics, the United States also openly compared the photos of the Chinese swimming team with the Russian delegation, and consciously hyped it up on social media, trying to give the world audience the impression that the Chinese and Russian team members were suspected of illegal doping.

The United States is doing this for political purposes, and they clearly know that the doping issue has a very great influence in the global public opinion hot spots, and as long as they throw out the topic of "China's suspected illegal doping", it will be able to attract great attention from the global media and audiences, create an unfavorable public opinion atmosphere for China, and have a certain impact on the participation and competition of the Chinese sports delegation.

The countdown to the Paris Olympics has begun, and the United States has asked WADA to provide documents for Chinese athletes and be investigated

Although the United States has repeatedly asked WADA to make public the China-related investigation documents, the staff of the Chinese sports delegation have made it clear that the doping problem involved was resolved as early as that year, and the athletes involved were also victims, and they did not have any violations, and the relevant investigation documents do not need to be made public.

Because this is a thing of the past, and the Chinese delegation has always attached great importance to and strictly demanded the issue of doping, always adhering to a "zero tolerance" attitude, and also hoping that other countries will not use the doping issue as a political tool.

The countdown to the Paris Olympics has begun, and the United States has asked WADA to provide documents for Chinese athletes and be investigated

Not only that, but the United States' approach has also created very strong pressure on the WADA organization, so that they have to carefully consider the issue of making public China-related investigation documents to avoid being used by political forces, and the former chairman of the WADA organization, Reed, also said publicly.

This approach of the United States has challenged the independence and impartiality of WADA, which should be neutral and impartial, and should not be interfered with by external political forces.

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