
CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

author:People who have a splendid life say entertainment

Li Zimeng's story began when she was in middle school. At that time, like many young girls with dreams, she was passionate about fashion design. The back of the textbook is always covered with her meticulous sketches of clothing designs, and every stroke is poured into her pursuit of beauty.

Her classmates often gathered around her to admire her beautiful hand-painted dresses and her unique insights into color and line. With this love for fashion, Li Zimeng was admitted to the fashion design major of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts as she wished.

In college, she was like a fish in water and made many like-minded friends. Together, they work tirelessly to paint their fashion ideas in and out of the classroom.

Li Zimeng's talent is fully displayed here, and her hand-painted works have won many awards, as if she is getting closer and closer to her dream of being a designer. However, fate always likes to joke.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

In her final year of college, an unexpected opportunity changed the trajectory of Li Zimeng's life. The school notified a group of students to go to CCTV for internships, and as a leader in the design department, Li Zimeng was selected as one of the interns recommended by the school.

When she first arrived at CCTV, Li Zimeng had close contact with the work of news gathering and editing for the first time. She was fascinated by the hosts' superb broadcasting skills, well-groomed appearance, and dedication to their work.

The sense of mission of standing in front of the camera to spread information ignited a new spark in her heart. In the last month of the internship, Li Zimeng was already full of yearning and eagerness for the profession of host.

She began to secretly ask her seniors for the tricks of broadcasting and hosting, and secretly practiced hard. When she received the official offer from CCTV, she was ecstatic, and the sense of accomplishment of achieving her dream through her own efforts made it difficult for her to hold herself.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

In this way, Li Zimeng resolutely changed the runway of life and started her road as a host. This decision allowed her to stand on a bigger stage, and also gave her life an unexpected and wonderful turn.

From then on, she will write her legendary story on the big stage of CCTV with a new identity. With her outstanding performance during the internship, Li Zimeng was hired by CCTV soon after graduation and became the first host of the "International Times" column.

Faced with this opportunity, Li Zimeng was both excited and apprehensive. She knows that as a newcomer, it is not enough to rely on the little bit she learned in school, and she must start again on the new stage of CCTV.

The hard work paid off, and Li Zimeng's unique hosting style quickly won the love of the audience. When she reports, she often leans slightly sideways, and her voice is gentle like a spring breeze, making the audience feel as if they are listening to an old friend talk about international events.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

With this affinity, The International Times has achieved high ratings. Li Zimeng later recalled that she was extremely excited and proud to be able to host such an important news column after graduation.

She secretly determined that she must carry forward the open-minded and studious energy she cultivated during her internship and continue to strive for excellence on the road of broadcasting and hosting. However, Li Zimeng did not stop because of the first success.

When the early morning news program "Morning News of the World" beckoned to her, she accepted the challenge without hesitation. Since then, her life has been set to a 4 a.m. alarm.

At 4 o'clock in the morning every day, Li Zimeng had to leave the warm quilt and rush to the TV station with 120,000 spirits. In order to broadcast on time, she must make all preparations in advance, such as starting makeup and preparing scripts an hour or two in advance, and then communicate with the director to confirm the broadcast process.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

Sometimes the weather is not beautiful, and it is stormy outside, but she still can't be late for a minute. Because for anchors, punctuality is the most basic professional ethics. Every time she was ready, she took a deep breath and secretly told herself that it was just a new beginning.

As long as you stay focused, you'll be able to navigate this new job. It is precisely with this persistent attitude towards work and the experience accumulated in "International Times" that Li Zimeng quickly became competent for the hosting of "Morning News of the World", and the broadcast quality won unanimous praise.

This hard but fulfilling time made Li Zimeng more determined in her career choice. She fell in love with her job of delivering information and connecting the world.

Li Zimeng's career has ushered in an important turning point. After layers of assessment, she partnered with senior host Kang Hui and became the youngest host of "News Network" at that time.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

This opportunity is both an honor and a huge challenge for Li Zimeng. As CCTV's flagship news program, "News Network" has stricter requirements for the host. In order to show a formal and professional image, Li Zimeng made an important decision: to wear a short wig.

This decision was not taken lightly. She had repeatedly pondered whether it would be feasible to use her long hair. But after in-depth discussions with her peers and seniors, she gradually grasped the unique charm of short hair.

The short hair gives people a neat and capable image, and it is easy to give the impression that the host must be very focused and professional. In contrast, long hair tends to give a laid-back, casual feel and may be distracting to viewers.

As a news anchor, your priority is to capture and hold your audience's attention, not let their minds wander. Therefore, short hair has become Li Zimeng's best choice. When Li Zimeng appeared in "News Network" for the first time with a new image, the whole person took on a new look.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

She has a fashionable and neat short hair, dresses in decent professional attire, and delicate light makeup on her face, and looks dignified and atmospheric, which is similar to her previous vigor.

Before the live broadcast began, Li Zimeng stood backstage and took a deep breath, tightened his tie, and forced himself into a serious state of work. The moment the camera focused on her, she instantly entered the role and made a smooth opening statement with a magnetic voice, with a sonorous and powerful tone.

Compared with hosting some light-hearted current affairs programs, in front of the "News Network", Li Zimeng felt unprecedented pressure and responsibility. Every piece of news is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and every word may affect thousands of households.

This sense of mission makes her more strict with herself, striving for accuracy in every broadcast. Since then, Li Zimeng has started her career as the host of "News Network". This seemingly simple hairstyle change not only changed her appearance, but also symbolized an important turning point in her career.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

Short hair has become her trademark, and it has also become a career choice that she has insisted on for 20 years. In this process, Li Zimeng continued to grow and gradually became the calm, professional and reliable news broadcaster in the eyes of the audience.

She uses her own efforts and persistence to interpret what a real professional host is. In the strict environment of CCTV, Li Zimeng's every day is a challenge.

There is a frightening rule here: the host will be deducted 200 yuan for even one wrong word. This seemingly harsh punishment system is actually to ensure the accuracy and authority of every piece of news.

In the face of such high standards, Li Zimeng often feels a lot of pressure. According to the previously exposed attendance records, her work intensity can be described as quite amazing. Even during the 7-day National Day holiday, she only rested for 3 days.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

With her attendance intensity, the number of times she has been deducted can be imagined. Recalling those hard days, Li Zimeng also had palpitations. She was once punished for several days in a row, and once fell into a low point in her life.

But just when she was about to give up, she suddenly realized that in fact, this punishment system has its own reasons. Just like a sword in sharpening, only by accepting this rigorous tempering can you finally become a good announcer.

So, Li Zimeng regained his fighting spirit, threw himself into his work, and humbly learned from those seniors who were never fined. She began to be more strict with herself, striving for perfection in every word and every sound.

Even though she occasionally gets deducted for minor mistakes, she has learned to be comfortable with it and see every mistake as an opportunity to improve. This strict and self-disciplined work attitude has won Li Zimeng respect among her colleagues and has also made her business level continue to improve.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

She gradually understood that it was this kind of almost demanding requirements that created the professional level of CCTV hosts. In this process, Li Zimeng not only exercised her professional ability, but also cultivated her tenacious character.

She learned to stay calm in a high-pressure environment and how to constantly push herself through the strict requirements. This experience allowed Li Zimeng to truly understand what professionalism is and what dedication is.

She used her actions to interpret the professionalism of CCTV hosts, and also laid a solid foundation for her career. In a variety show, Li Zimeng finally took off the short wig she had worn for 20 years and showed her original long hair image.

At this moment, everyone at the scene was stunned. With black and thick hair and red clothes, she is really a beauty with "red makeup and thick makeup, like a flower in the world". At this moment, the audience was shocked to realize that the dignified and steady news anchor on weekdays was so beautiful and moving in private.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

However, what is even more surprising is Li Zimeng's true character off-camera. In the show, she showed a completely different side than when she hosted the news - lively, innocent, and even a little confused.

This contrast makes the audience feel more cordial, and it also makes Li Zimeng's popularity rise sharply. In the show, senior host Ni Ping also ridiculed Li Zimeng as a "poor ghost who takes out a loan to work", because in CCTV, the host will be deducted 200 yuan even if he says a wrong word.

Behind this joke, it is actually an affirmation and appreciation of Li Zimeng's work attitude. At the scene of the variety show recording, everyone could see that although Li Zimeng was a "confused girl" in private, once she faced the camera or performed on stage, she would instantly enter a highly concentrated and focused work state, giving people a feeling of full magic and like the walking dead.

The speed of the change and the dedication of the attitude are truly breathtaking. The experience of this variety show has made Li Zimeng gain more love from the audience. People appreciate her professionalism and prefer her real, endearing side.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

This also made Li Zimeng understand that being true to himself can also win respect and love. Li Zimeng's story shows that in addition to serious news broadcasting work, the host also has a vivid personal life and real character.

Her experience tells us that professionalism and authenticity are not contradictory, and seriousness and liveliness can coexist. This appearance not only allowed the audience to see another side of Li Zimeng, but also made her more confident to show her true self.

She proved with practical actions that an excellent host can not only remain professional at work, but also maintain her true self in life, and this balance is the real charm.

Li Zimeng's story, from a girl who is passionate about fashion design, to becoming the youngest host of CCTV's "News Network", and then to showing her true self in variety shows, is a process of continuous growth and breakthrough.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

In this process, Li Zimeng has experienced countless challenges and setbacks. From being deducted from her salary to being ridiculed as a "poor ghost who takes out a loan to work", she did not give up, but chose to persist and work hard.

She proves with her actions that professionalism and truth are not contradictory, and seriousness and liveliness can coexist. Li Zimeng's experience shows what is true professionalism and what is true dedication.

She has spent 20 years insisting on wearing short wigs, just to present the most professional image to the audience. She wakes up at 4 a.m. every day to bring the latest and most accurate news to a national audience.

Even during the National Day holiday, she only took 3 days off, and the rest of the time was at work. At the same time, she also has the courage to show her true self and is not afraid of the eyes of the world.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

When she took off her wig and showed her real long hair, she not only won the amazement of the audience, but also won everyone's respect and love. Li Zimeng's story explains what perseverance is, what courage is, and what professionalism is.

She used her own experience to tell us that no matter how much pressure and challenges we face, as long as we stick to our dreams and maintain our love for work, we will be able to shine at our best.

In the strict environment of CCTV, Li Zimeng not only exercised her professional ability, but also cultivated her tenacious character. She learned to stay calm in a high-pressure environment and how to constantly push herself through the strict requirements.

Today, Li Zimeng has become an outstanding representative of Chinese women, and her story has inspired countless people to bravely pursue their dreams and constantly break through themselves in their work. She proved with practical actions that an excellent host can not only remain professional at work, but also maintain her true self in life, and this balance is the real charm.

CCTV host Li Zimeng has been working in a wig for 20 years, and she is so beautiful after taking off the wig?

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