
Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

author:Open to the sky

The 1979 counterattack on Vietnam was an important military operation in modern Chinese history, which was set against the backdrop of provocations and aggression by the Vietnamese authorities, with the support of the Soviet Union, on China's border areas. This war is not only a self-defense action to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also a safeguard of regional peace and stability. In this war, the PLA's attack on the Guitun Fort became a classic battle because of its strategic significance and tactical execution.

Located in the Dong Dang area of northern Vietnam, the Ghost Tun Fort is a key node in the Vietnamese army's defense system. Built by French colonists in the 40s of the last century to defend against Japanese attacks, this fort is designed to be sturdy, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and has extremely strong defensive capabilities. The walls of the fort are up to 3 meters thick, which can withstand the bombardment of heavy artillery, and the internal structure is complex, with as many as three floors, including a command room, a kitchen, a storage room, a bedroom and an ammunition depot, etc., and can accommodate up to 2,000 soldiers. A number of vents were concealed at the top of the fort, and 300 shooting holes were densely packed around the perimeter, forming a network of crossfire, so that any enemy who tried to approach would be dealt a fatal blow. The Vietnamese army relied on the Ghost Tun Fort to form an impenetrable defensive line.

Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

In the 1979 counterattack against Vietnam, the strategic significance of the Guitun Fort was particularly significant. It is not only an important fortification of the Vietnamese army on the northern border, but also a symbol of its morale and confidence. As far as the PLA is concerned, the destruction of the Guitun Fort can not only break the defense system of the Vietnamese army, but also deal a heavy blow to the morale of the Vietnamese army, and at the same time greatly enhance the morale and will to fight of the PLA. Therefore, the capture of the Guitun Fort became a key part of the battle.

After the start of the campaign, the PLA faced enormous challenges. The fort was stronger than expected, and the regular artillery coverage did little to cover it. The Vietnamese army relied on the strong defense of the forts, which caused major obstacles and losses to our troops. However, the PLA did not back down because of this, but looked for a way to break through the battery through continuous attempts and adjustments of tactics.

After several setbacks in the offensive, the PLA adopted more flexible and ingenious tactics. On the one hand, through artillery fire, an effective firepower network was formed to suppress the counterattack of the Vietnamese army; On the other hand, taking advantage of the cover of night and terrain, capable assault teams were organized to launch a surprise attack from the hidden parts of the battery. During a critical attack, He Guoan, a soldier of the People's Liberation Army, discovered a vent on the top of the fort, which became the key to breaking the fort.

Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

He Guoan and the demolition engineers took advantage of the ventilation hole on the top of the fort to successfully ignite the ammunition depot in the fort by means of fire attack and oil filling. With a loud bang, the top cover of the fort was lifted, and the Vietnamese troops in the fort instantly lost their ability to resist. This successful attack not only annihilated the Vietnamese troops in the fort, but also opened the road to Dong Dang city for the PLA, laying the foundation for the subsequent battle.

The destruction of the Ghost Tun Fort was devastating to the morale of the Vietnamese army. The strong defensive line on which the Vietnamese army had relied was breached, and a huge gap appeared in its defense system on the northern border. For the PLA, this victory is not only a proof of tactics and courage, but also a huge boost to the morale of the whole army. The heroic performance of the PLA demonstrated the tenacious will and indomitable spirit of the Chinese soldiers, and accumulated valuable experience and confidence for the subsequent battles.

This battle was not only a military victory, but also had a profound impact on both sides, both psychologically and strategically. The destruction of the Guitun Fort marked an important strategic breakthrough made by the PLA in the counterattack against Vietnam and laid the foundation for the final victory. At the same time, this battle also demonstrated to the world the strength and determination of the Chinese armed forces, which is of immeasurable significance for safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as for regional and even world peace and stability.

Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the first confrontation between the PLA and the Vietnamese army was full of tension and fierceness. In this war, one of the main objectives of the PLA was to conduct encirclement operations against the 346th Division of the Vietnamese army. The 346th Division is the main force of the Vietnamese army and its ace division, which played an important role in the Vietnam War and enjoys a high reputation. However, in the battle with the PLA, the 346th Division encountered unprecedented challenges.

The PLA carefully planned its strategic deployment and successfully encircled the 346th Division through rapid maneuvering and flexible tactics. In the actual engagement, the PLA displayed superb tactical literacy and strong will to fight, and quickly broke through the Vietnamese army's defensive line. Although the 346th Division put up stubborn resistance, under the powerful offensive of the PLA, its defensive line gradually collapsed, and the troops were forced to retreat south.

Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

In the process of retreating from the 346th Division, the PLA encountered the Guitun Fort for the first time. This fort is located in the Dong Dang area of northern Vietnam and is an important fortification of the Vietnamese army on the northern border. The fortification and strategic location of the Ghost Tun Fort made it a key support point on the retreat route of the Vietnamese army. Relying on the strong defense of the forts, the Vietnamese army tried to stop the pursuit of the PLA and buy time to regroup and retreat.

When the PLA approached the Guitun Battery, it immediately felt its strong defensive capability. The walls of the fort are 3 meters thick to withstand heavy artillery bombardment, and the internal structure is complex, with as many as three floors, including a command room, a kitchen, a storage room, a bedroom and an ammunition depot. A number of vents were concealed at the top of the fort, and 300 shooting holes were densely packed around the perimeter, forming a network of crossfire, so that any enemy who tried to approach would be dealt a fatal blow.

In the face of the strong defense of the Guitun Fort, the PLA did not give up easily. Through reconnaissance and analysis, they discovered a number of weaknesses and flaws in the battery. The People's Liberation Army took advantage of the cover of night and terrain to organize capable assault teams to launch surprise attacks from the hidden parts of the batteries. During a critical attack, He Guoan, a soldier of the People's Liberation Army, discovered a vent on the top of the fort, which became the key to breaking the fort.

Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

The 346th Division suffered a major defeat in its initial encounter with the PLA and was forced to flee south. This defeat dealt a great blow to the morale of the Vietnamese army, and at the same time exposed some problems in the tactics and command of the Vietnamese army. Through this battle, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has further consolidated its dominant position on the battlefield and demonstrated its strong combat effectiveness and high will to fight.

In the ensuing battle, the PLA continued to exert its tactical superiority and inflicted a series of strikes on the Vietnamese army. Although the Vietnamese army put up stubborn resistance, under the powerful offensive of the People's Liberation Army, its defensive line gradually collapsed, and the troops were forced to continue to retreat south. The PLA has continuously accumulated experience and improved its tactical level in battle, thus laying a solid foundation for the eventual victory in the war.

In the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the PLA encountered unprecedented challenges in the process of conquering Cao Ping. The Vietnamese army relied on carefully constructed permanent fortifications, especially the bunker complex known as the "French House", which were far stronger than the PLA expected. Among them, the Guitun Fort, with its super-large fortress structure and complete internal facilities, has become an insurmountable obstacle in front of the PLA.

Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

Ghost Tun Fort, the largest French building in Vietnam, dates back to the first half of the 20th century and was built by French colonists for defense. This fort not only witnessed the Vietnamese struggle in history, but also became an important military installation in the Vietnam War. According to the information, the Guitun Fort was "built in full accordance with the standards of large-scale positional warfare in World War I, and could withstand direct hits from large-caliber shells." Its structure is exceptionally strong, made entirely of reinforced concrete, and is up to 1.5 meters thick at even the thinnest point, making it resistant to direct attacks from light and heavy weapons.

The design of the turret is extremely exquisite, with more than 300 firing points, which achieves full coverage of firepower, and there are almost no dead spots for firing. In addition, the Guitun Fort also has a strong ability to support life, the internal space is open, more than 70 meters long, more than 40 meters wide, and it has sufficient reserves of troops and various materials, including firewood, rice, oil and salt, and even water, and the storage capacity is very huge. Below the fort is a cave with running water, a canteen, a warehouse, toilets, and even a ballroom, with sealed doors that are anti-poison and waterproof, enough to accommodate more than a thousand people.

Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

Under the offensive of the People's Liberation Army, the Vietnamese army took advantage of the strong defense of the Ghost Tun Fort and put up a stubborn resistance. Although the People's Liberation Army was brave, it was repeatedly defeated in front of the fort. According to the description, the PLA "fought fiercely outside the fort for a day, and basically cleared the surrounding strongholds of the French battery, but there was still nothing to be done about the fort itself". The PLA tried a variety of attacks, including the use of 152-mm grenades and 85-mm armor-piercing shells, but none of these attacks seemed to be of any avail to the thick outer walls of the forts.

Faced with such strong fortifications, the PLA had to temporarily pause and discuss countermeasures. After careful consideration and careful planning, the PLA began to adopt more ingenious and flexible tactics. Taking advantage of the darkness and the cover of the terrain, they organized capable assault teams to launch surprise attacks from the hidden parts of the batteries. At the same time, the PLA also used artillery fire to suppress it to distract the Vietnamese army, and He Guoan and other demolition engineers bought valuable time.

He Guoan, a veteran who had participated in the construction of the Guitun Fort, provided the PLA with key information to breach the fort. He not only briefed the head of the unit about the internal structure of the battery, but also personally participated in the study of combat deployment. Under his guidance, the People's Liberation Army discovered the "skylight" on the top of the fort, which became the key to breaking through the Guitun fort. Through the skylight, the PLA threw explosives and incendiary materials into the inside of the battery, and finally succeeded in destroying the internal structure of the battery, so that the stubborn resistance of the Vietnamese army finally came to naught.

Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

The process of the People's Liberation Army's capture of the Guitun Fort was not only a victory in a military operation, but also a manifestation of wisdom and courage. In the face of a formidable enemy and a solid defense, the PLA did not choose to blindly fight hard, but finally achieved its combat goal through outwitting and precise tactical execution. This process has fully demonstrated the PLA's military wisdom and fighting spirit, and has once again proved that in war, tactics and tactics are often no less important than force itself.

In the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the PLA faced unprecedented challenges, especially the permanent fortifications such as the Guitun Fort encountered in the process of conquering Gaoping. These bunkers were stronger than expected, making it difficult for traditional methods of attack to achieve the desired results. In order to cope with this situation, the PLA has made tactical adjustments and innovations.

Drawing on the experience of the U.S. military in the Vietnam War, the PLA began to consider using heavy firepower to directly hit pillboxes. The core idea of this tactic is to use powerful firepower to suppress and destroy the enemy's strong defenses, creating conditions for an infantry offensive. In the actual battle, the PLA used heavy firepower such as 122-mm howitzers to cover the Guitun Battery, but despite this, the solidity of the battery still caused the PLA to suffer a lot of losses.

Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

In the face of the strong defense of the Guitun Fort, the PLA did not give up, but tried a variety of weapons and tactics. These included the use of weapons such as 82 recoilless guns, bazookas, and 85 mm cannons in an attempt to find an effective way to capture the battery. The 82 recoilless gun, with its lightness and flexibility, could be fired close to the pillbox, striving to cause structural damage to the pillbox. The bazooka, with its powerful penetrating and explosive power, attempts to penetrate the outer walls of the bunker directly. The 85-mm cannon, with its long range and high accuracy, made precise strikes at the firing holes and observation holes of the pillboxes, trying to weaken the firepower of the pillboxes.

However, the results of these attempts have been relatively limited. The thickness of the outer walls and the complexity of the internal structure of the Ghost Forts make it difficult for these weapons to exert their destructive power. In this situation, the PLA began to seek more innovative tactics. They began to try to use the cover of night and terrain to organize capable assault teams to launch surprise attacks from the hidden parts of the battery. At the same time, the PLA also used artillery fire to suppress it to distract the Vietnamese army, and He Guoan and other demolition engineers bought valuable time.

Our army used 12 tons of explosives and 2 tons of gasoline to successfully blast the large fortifications of the Vietnamese army, crushing thousands of Vietnamese soldiers

He Guoan, a veteran who had participated in the construction of the Guitun Fort, provided the PLA with key information to breach the fort. He not only briefed the head of the unit about the internal structure of the battery, but also personally participated in the study of combat deployment. Under his guidance, the People's Liberation Army discovered the "skylight" on the top of the fort, which became the key to breaking through the Guitun fort. Through the skylight, the PLA threw explosives and incendiary materials into the inside of the battery, and finally succeeded in destroying the internal structure of the battery, so that the stubborn resistance of the Vietnamese army finally came to naught.

In the process of conquering the Guitun Fort, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) demonstrated extremely high tactical wisdom and innovation ability. They not only borrowed the tactics of foreign armies, but also innovated and adjusted them in light of their own conditions. This kind of flexible tactical thinking and the spirit of courage to innovate is one of the important reasons why the PLA was able to finally conquer the Guitun Fort. Through this battle, the PLA further enriched its tactical system and accumulated valuable experience for possible future military operations. 22232425

Ho Quoc An, a former militiaman who played a key role in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, played a particularly prominent role in the battle to capture the Guitun Fort. He Guoan is not only familiar with the internal structure of the Guitun Fort, but also has a deep understanding of the surrounding terrain. He was involved in the construction of forts and had a unique insight into their weaknesses and defensive layouts.

When the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was faced with the dilemma of a strong defense of the Guitun Fort, He Guoan provided valuable first-hand information and suggestions. He noted that although the outer walls of the fort were unusually strong, the vents at the top of the batteries were probably its only weak point. These vents were designed for ventilation and smoke evacuation inside the fort, but they became a potential loophole in the fort's defenses during battle.

At Ho's suggestion, the PLA began planning a bold attack. They decided to use explosives and gasoline to blast and ignite the vents of the battery. The key to this tactic was that by creating explosions and fires at the vents, it was possible to cause damage to the inside of the battery, while at the same time depleting the oxygen inside the battery, leaving the Vietnamese troops in a state of suffocation and panic.

In order to implement this plan, the PLA selected a capable assault team, led by He Guoan, to secretly approach the battery under the cover of night and terrain. They carried enough explosives and gasoline to prepare for blasting and igniting the vents of the battery. During the approach to the battery, the artillery units of the PLA carried out heavy artillery cover to distract the Vietnamese army, and He Guoan and his commandos created an opportunity to approach the battery.

Under the command of Ho Guoan, the assault team successfully delivered explosives and gasoline into the vents of the battery. With a loud bang, there was a violent explosion inside the fort, followed by a raging fire. The fire quickly spread inside the fort, and the Vietnamese defenses were dealt a serious blow. Due to the rapid depletion of oxygen inside the battery, the Vietnamese soldiers began to suffer from suffocation and were unable to continue their effective resistance.

During this attack, Ho and his commandos showed great courage and wisdom. Not only did they succeed in finding the weakness of the fort, but they also skillfully exploited it, breaking the myth that the Ghost Forts were insurmountable. The success of this battle not only opened the door for the PLA to conquer the Gaoping area, but also accumulated valuable experience for subsequent battles.

Ho's role was crucial in this battle. His expertise and courageous actions provided the PLA with the key to conquering the Guitun Fort. His deeds became a legend in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, showing the wisdom and courage of Chinese soldiers and militia in the war. Through this battle, the PLA further proved its capabilities in tactical innovation and flexibility, laying a solid foundation for possible future military operations.