
Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!

author:Tranquil voice

Today's topic, lower the flag at half-mast to pay tribute to Hu Youping! Anyone who can sacrifice himself in the moment of great righteousness and danger can be called a hero

Event recap

At about 16 o'clock on June 24, 2024, at the bus stop of Xindi Center, Tayuan Road, High-tech Zone, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, a man suddenly injured people with a knife, causing 3 injuries, of which 1 is a Chinese national, that is, Hu Youping, and the other 2 are Japanese.

Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!

The man attacked a Japanese mother and son, and then tried to attack the students on a Japanese school bus passing by.

After Hu Youping found out that someone had committed the murder, he immediately stepped forward to stop it, and was stabbed several times by the suspect.

The suspect was quickly subdued by the surrounding citizens, passing drivers and patrol police.

Hu Youping was seriously injured because he was in front of him, and was rushed to the hospital by the masses, where the doctors were helpless because of the serious injuries in the hospital, and he lost his precious life on the 26th.

Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!

Of the two Japanese injured, one is currently in hospital and is not life-threatening. The other person was lucky, with minor injuries and was discharged from the hospital on the same day.

According to the statement of the Japanese adult injured person involved in the incident, in the process of stopping the suspect, Hu Youping first grabbed him, and then hugged him from behind, providing a chance for the son of the Japanese injured person involved to escape.

Witnesses said that if Hu Youping had not been stopped at that time, more people would have been injured.

Suzhou City has recognized Hu Youping's righteous and courageous behavior, and is posthumously awarding him the title of "Model of Righteousness and Courage" in Suzhou City in accordance with the procedures.

The Japanese Embassy in China lowered its flag at half-mast to salute Hu Youping.

Civilian heroes in distress

In this busy and noisy world, there are always some people who are unknown but stand up at critical moments and interpret what real heroes are with their actions.

In times of crisis, stand up, no matter what nationality or race the other side is, in the big family of the earth, mankind should yearn for a better peace. All actions that harm the interests of humanity should be spurned!

Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!

With great righteousness in mind, sacrifice oneself for righteousness

At a critical juncture, highlighting the quality of people, the author believes that those who can stand up for their own life and death in the face of national righteousness are called heroes.

Ms. Hu Youping did not consider her own safety, nor did she consider the question of history. She puts other people's lives first. She is a great woman who has great righteousness in her heart and sacrifices her life for righteousness. Heroes don't ask where they come from, and the ordinary creates greatness.

Japanese media coverage

A number of Japanese media began to report repeatedly,

Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!

It also caused a lot of panic, and even sent Japanese reporters to the scene overnight, the Japanese settlement on Huaihai Road.

Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!

A Japanese person who was present at the time said that the murderer stabbed a 3-year-old child many times, but fortunately, the child was not in danger of life. There was a woman who was a school bus guide who protected the child, and I really hoped that this brave lady would not be in any danger. A lot of people in the neighborhood were involved in the arrest of the attackers. Thanks to those Chinese people who have extended the hand of justice, although I know that the bad guys are only a minority, but after this incident, for the sake of personal safety, I decided to return to China early.

Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!

Netizen comments

Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!
Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!
Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!
Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!
Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!
Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!

"Righteousness is equal to love" is the essence of human kindness, and if the Chinese people take this as an example, the society will be better and the children will be more at ease.

Your own safety

Flag at half-mast salute! Anyone who has great righteousness in his heart can sacrifice himself in the moment of danger, and he can be called a hero!

At the same time, some netizens are also reminding that sacrificing oneself for others is certainly worthy of respect, and one's own safety is also very important!