
Different delicacies are cooked with eggs and tofu, showcasing the diversity of Chinese cooking

Different delicacies are cooked with eggs and tofu, showcasing the diversity of Chinese cooking

Eggs and tofu are two ingredients that play an important role in the vast world of Chinese cuisine. Not only are they regulars at the table, but they are also treasures in the treasure trove of nutrition.

Eggs, known as "total nutrition food", their nutritional value is self-evident. It is rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals, especially lecithin, which is beneficial to the human brain and nervous system. The reason why people prefer eggs is not only because of their high nutritional value, but also because they are cooked in a variety of ways, whether they are boiled, fried, steamed, or fried, they can show different flavors.

Tofu is an outstanding representative of a plant-based protein. It is tender and delicate, smooth in taste, and contains not only high-quality soy protein, but also a variety of trace elements. Because of its low fat and high protein characteristics, tofu has become the first choice for vegetarians and healthy diet enthusiasts. Its versatility also makes it play an important role in cooking.

When eggs and tofu meet, the nutritional value of the two is superimposed, and at the same time, countless delicious sparks collide. For example, simple scrambled tofu with eggs, golden eggs and white tofu are intertwined, with good color and flavor; Another example is egg tofu soup, where the smooth and tender tofu and the delicate egg custard are blended together, which melts in the mouth and makes people have an endless aftertaste. These simple and delicious dishes not only satisfy the enjoyment of taste buds, but also allow people to enjoy food while gaining health and nutrition.

Scrambled tofu with eggs (scrambled)

Different delicacies are cooked with eggs and tofu, showcasing the diversity of Chinese cooking

Ingredients & Distribution:

Bone ginseng, minced meat, eggs, tofu, chopped green onions


  1. Bone ginseng: chop the bones and various parts of the pig into puree, put in chili, local wine, pepper, ginger, garlic, refined salt and other ingredients and stir and knead well, put it into a ceramic jar for pickling, the mouth of the can must be sealed, do not leak, otherwise the bone ginseng will deteriorate, the color will turn yellow, and it will be inedible. Normal bone ginseng should be red, and the color and fragrance should be pure. The ceramic jar can be eaten when stored in a dry and cool place for about half a year.
  2. Finely chop the lean meat, stir-fry in hot oil until fragrant, stir-fry until slightly yellow, and set aside; Clean the old tofu, then put it in a pot of boiling water, add an appropriate amount of salt and blanch water, pour out the water control and crush it for later use.
  3. Melt the bone ginseng with hot oil, pour in the egg mixture, wait until the egg liquid is covered with sauce, pour in the fried minced meat, crushed old tofu and stir-fry evenly, sprinkle in an appropriate amount of chopped green onion to garnish.

Egg tofu soup (steamed)

Different delicacies are cooked with eggs and tofu, showcasing the diversity of Chinese cooking

Ingredients & Distribution:

Tender tofu, eggs, minced ginger and garlic, chopped green onion, salt, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce, water starch, bean paste


  1. Crush the tender tofu by hand, put it in a bowl, knock in the egg and grasp it well, add salt to adjust the base flavor and continue to grasp and mix evenly, tidy it up with a spoon, and steam it on high heat for 10 minutes after the steamer is steamed.
  2. Heat the oil, add the minced meat and stir-fry until it changes color and oil, add the ginger and garlic and bean paste to fry the red oil, add light soy sauce, oyster sauce and soy sauce to taste, pour in a small bowl of water and boil for one minute, pour in water starch to thicken, and thicken the soup.
  3. Take out the steamed egg and tofu soup, drizzle with the fried meat sauce, and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

If the above two dishes are too homely for you to reflect your taste, then the next combination of eggs and tofu can make your menu soar to a higher level in a short period of time:

Thai Egg Tofu (Fried)

Different delicacies are cooked with eggs and tofu, showcasing the diversity of Chinese cooking

Ingredients & Distribution:

Tender tofu, eggs, Thai pepper paste, abalone sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, chicken essence, water starch, green onion


  1. Knock the eggs into the wall breaker, add the tofu and beat it into a fine paste, skim off the foam on it, pour it into a plate and steam it. (If you have that patience, mix soy milk and eggs yourself, and then steam.) )
  2. Cut the steamed tofu into square pieces, fry in a pan with hot oil until golden brown on both sides, remove the oil and set aside.
  3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, take the Thai pepper sauce, abalone juice, soy sauce, salt, sugar, and chicken essence into the pot together, boil over low heat to make it fragrant, add a little water and an appropriate amount of water starch to boil thick.
  4. The fried egg tofu is neatly stacked on a plate, drizzled with the seasoned juice, and sprinkled with a layer of chives.

This dish looks good, doesn't it look good? Isn't it better than the last two dishes? In addition, I don't know if you are as careful as you, have you noticed that I marked the cooking method after the name of each dish. The three dishes are stir-fried, steamed and fried, and the same ingredients are cooked with different processes to create different dishes, which are presented to us with their own beauty. Everyday inconspicuous things, with the improvement of taste, their own value is fully reflected, and it becomes uncommon in the eyes of people.

In Chinese cooking, there are different ingredient processing methods such as stir-frying, frying, exploding, roasting, boiling, stewing, stewing, roasting, boiling, steaming, frying, boiling, marinating, mixing, etc., and three kinds of ingredients are used in the above three dishes. In the three dishes, we were able to find that the shape of our ingredients changed from one cooking process to another, from pulp and block to reshaping, each dish was unexpected.

If the above three dishes take you from the home kitchen to the small restaurant, then the next dish, which is also made with eggs and tofu as raw materials, can take you directly from the Flyy Eatery to the star hotel:

Crispy egg and tofu meatballs with sweet and spicy sauce (fried)

Different delicacies are cooked with eggs and tofu, showcasing the diversity of Chinese cooking

Ingredients & Distribution:

Tofu, shredded radish, breadcrumbs, eggs, light soy sauce, sesame oil, tapioca starch, white pepper, five-spice powder, salt, monosodium glutamate, sweet and spicy sauce


  1. After peeling the radish, rub it into shreds, add an appropriate amount of salt to kill the water, dry the water and chop it for later use.
  2. Wash the tofu and crush it with your hands for later use.
  3. Add light soy sauce, sesame oil, tapioca starch, white pepper, five-spice powder, salt and monosodium glutamate to taste and stir well.
  4. Then add the crushed tofu, breadcrumbs, and eggs, and squeeze them into balls by hand.
  5. Heat the oil, put the oil into the oil pan at a temperature of 60%, fry it over medium-low heat until the surface is golden, and the meatballs can be removed to control the oil when they float.
  6. Scoop in an appropriate amount of sweet and spicy sauce in a small bowl, arrange the fried egg and tofu balls, and garnish with the sprouts.

Crispy egg and tofu balls with sweet and spicy sauce, the name may not be too high, but it is full of appearance, coupled with the way the dishes are placed, the style is more than a little improved, right?!

Reading this, we have seen four dishes, two of which are fried. Why do I have two of my four dishes fried? Is it that the donkey skills are exhausted?

Come, come with me to raise your hands, put away the four fingers except the index finger, and then swing your index finger from side to side, this action tells you: NO, NO, NO, NO!

The reason why it is fried is because it can be formed better and is not easy to break and loose when cooked by various cooking methods in the later stage.

So, we have tasted the vegetarian fried egg and tofu balls, and we have also swayed from the family kitchen to the star hotel.

Life experience is there, let's go back to the cooking techniques, frying, steaming, stir-frying, let's have another burn, using eggs and tofu as the main ingredients, and then with fat three thin seven pork filling, you just see how plasticity these two ingredients are, how powerful Chinese cooking is:

Braised tiger's eye balls

Different delicacies are cooked with eggs and tofu, showcasing the diversity of Chinese cooking

Ingredients & Distribution:

Old tofu, minced meat, 7 eggs, green onion, ginger, star anise, bay leaves, 10 grams of chopped green onion, 1/2 tablespoon of minced ginger, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of sugar, 1 tablespoon of pepper, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, starch


  1. Knead the tofu and the meat filling (remember to chop as much as possible, to ensure the uniformity of ripeness) mix well, add 1 egg, 10 grams of chopped green onion, half a spoon of minced ginger, 2 grams of salt, 1 spoon of pepper, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, stir well, then add 3 spoons of starch, stir well.
  2. Bring water to a boil, add six eggs and boil them, and quickly cool the boiled eggs and peel them for later use.
  3. Wrap the tofu meat filling with eggs, form balls, put the meatballs into the oil pan and fry them until they are set, wait for the oil temperature to rise and fry until the surface is golden, and remove the oil.
  4. Prepare the bowl juice: 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of sugar, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, half a bowl of water, stir well and set aside.
  5. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add green onions, ginger, star anise, and bay leaves to stir until fragrant, pour in the bowl juice and boil, put in the fried meatballs and burn them until the juice is collected, and after the meatballs are served, the soup can be thickened and poured on.

When the braised tiger's eye balls are served, you will find that the crust has been carefully cooked to give it an attractive reddish-brown color with an attractive luster. When you bite into it, the skin is slightly tough, with a hint of burnt aroma, and the meat inside is tender and juicy.

The umami of the meat and the richness of the teriyaki sauce are perfectly combined, and it is like a harmonious symphony, with every note just right. The rich aroma of the meat and the aroma of the braised sauce are intertwined, and it seems to be able to penetrate time and space, reminding people of the taste of home. If you like to eat meatballs, this braised tiger's eye balls, then you must not miss it.

The roasted egg and tofu balls are also ready, ladies and gentlemen, are you dazzled? I don't know which dish to choose first, right? We're all adults, pick, leave such a heavy job to the juniors to worry about! Let's like and collect these recipes, and try them one by one when we are empty. After trying it, the egg and tofu are paired together, and the question of how to make it delicious does not exist, and which dish to pick can also be omitted. I should say that eggs and tofu are delicious when you mix them together, right? What to pick, good, don't pick!

By the way, from the family kitchen to the star hotel, we have tasted the dishes made with eggs and tofu as the main ingredients.

So, would you like to try a street food made with the same ingredients? Don't underestimate this roadside stall snack, let's use the same ingredients, make a ball, plus special seasoning and sales methods, to feed a family, and live a delicious life:

Hollow tofu balls (tofu fruit)

Different delicacies are cooked with eggs and tofu, showcasing the diversity of Chinese cooking

Ingredients & Distribution:

Sour soup old tofu, eggs, Sichuan pepper powder, shallots, baking soda, edible alkali, folded ear root, green onion, sour radish, paste chili, light soy sauce, chicken essence, salt


  1. Put the old tofu and eggs in a bowl and crush them with your hands until they are grain-free. (Some people don't add eggs, but add eggs to increase the coagulation between the ingredients and make it less likely to fall apart)
  2. Put one gram of edible alkali and two grams of baking soda into one pound of tofu, add an appropriate amount of peppercorn powder and salt, stir evenly and let stand for 20 minutes.
  3. Folded ear root, green onion, sour radish, paste chili, light soy sauce, chicken essence, salt together in a bowl and stir well for later use.
  4. After resting, add chopped shallots to the tofu, and then knead it with your hands to form a little glutinous and form balls.
  5. Heat the oil, fry the oil in the pot at a temperature of 8 to set, turn to medium-low heat and fry slowly until the surface is golden, and remove the oil.
  6. Allow to cool until it is not hot, break the meatballs, stuff them with the sauce prepared in step 3, and serve.

The tofu balls made in this way, the skin is golden and crispy, but the inside is tender and juicy, every bite makes people feel as if they are in a foreign place, this is the tofu fruit of Guizhou, a dish that integrates color, fragrance and nutrition, it is not only a frequent guest on the table of the people of Guizhou, but also a food legend in the hearts of countless diners.

In the streets and alleys of Guizhou, tofu fruit vendors can be seen everywhere, the golden color and attractive aroma can always attract passers-by to stop and taste, whether it is local residents or foreign tourists, are full of praise for this delicacy.

Okay, today's topic of how to make it delicious with eggs and tofu together, let's officially end here. Touch the sweat on my forehead, and then look closely, uh, it's actually more than 3,000 words, it seems that the headline number will have different benefits when it reaches 3,000 words, so don't see you next time, I'll see you if it's okay.

I am Hui Food, updating different cuisines every day, so that more people can understand food culture and explore different food worlds, and I also hope to provide more food inspiration and creativity for everyone. If you are also a food lover, there are new delicacies waiting for you to discover every day, welcome to like, follow, and favorite! Your support is my biggest motivation, and we'll see you next time!

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