
The daughter-in-law first cut off the son with the mother's surname, I didn't say a word, and announced three decisions 3 days later, and the son was anxious



Originally, I didn't pay much attention to birthdays, after all, when people reach this age, they also know their destiny. But my wife was unusual, insisted on giving me a lively birthday, and repeatedly asked her son and daughter to come back to celebrate my birthday.

At the insistence of my wife, my birthday was really festive and lively. The son's family of three and the daughter's family of three all came back neatly.

Looking at my son and daughter sitting below, I felt a lot of emotion in my heart. Since childhood, we have always been partial to our son, but whenever our son is in need, we will persuade our daughter to be humble.

Over time, the daughter has developed the habit of letting her brother do everything. Perhaps spoiled by the whole family, the son took other people's humility for granted.

The daughter-in-law first cut off the son with the mother's surname, I didn't say a word, and announced three decisions 3 days later, and the son was anxious


I didn't want to announce my decision on such a festive day, but when I thought of the household registration book I had accidentally seen, I was ruthless in my heart and decided that the long pain was better than the short one.

I told my son and daughter that today is my birthday, and I would like to take this opportunity to announce two important decisions to you. Because there are several families involved, I have brought you together.

After a pause, I continued: "The first decision is that I will bear half of my grandson's education expenses from elementary school to university. Children are the future of the motherland and the future of the family. Although he is only a grandson, he is also the hope and future of our two families. ”

Hearing this, the son and daughter-in-law were a little anxious, but they didn't stand up against it, after all, the parents' pension over the years mainly relied on their sister and brother-in-law, so they could only endure it. I ignored their expressions and moved on to announcing the second decision.

The daughter-in-law first cut off the son with the mother's surname, I didn't say a word, and announced three decisions 3 days later, and the son was anxious


I continued to announce the second decision: "In view of the fact that the eldest daughter has been taking care of us for a long time and the younger son has settled in other places, we have decided to transfer the property worth 2 million yuan to our daughter, and we will also follow our daughter to retire in the future." ”

As soon as they heard this decision, the son and daughter-in-law could no longer sit still. The house under our name has a market value of 2 million, and we can get a lot of money for selling it, and we can sell the house or do business without being tied.

The son first said, Mom and Dad, you are not old yet, why did you start arranging property? Moreover, since ancient times, parents have passed on male but not female, and you don't leave it to your son, but you want to leave it to your daughter, isn't it a little inappropriate?

The daughter-in-law also echoed, that's right, the family property has been given to the son and not to the daughter since ancient times, after all, the daughter who married out of the water spilled, why did the eldest sister come back to compete with her own brother for the family property?

The daughter-in-law first cut off the son with the mother's surname, I didn't say a word, and announced three decisions 3 days later, and the son was anxious


I glanced at them silently, and then announced my third decision, the third decision is that we will keep the 500,000 we have saved over the years, and when we are a hundred years later, we will also leave all of them to our daughters, sons-in-law and grandsons.

Hearing this, the son and daughter-in-law jumped up completely, and accused in unison: "Mom, Dad, are you mistaken? How can there be a family property for a daughter and not for a son? Where did you put us? ”

I couldn't help but sneer and said, yes, we didn't take you into account when we divided the property and money, so when you first cut off and then changed your grandson's surname, why did you put us in your eyes?

I am very angry: For your marriage, we have spent millions of dollars before and after, and everyone is married to have children, but it is better for you to have a wife, one wife is strict, let the wife ask for it, and the other wants and wants, and should be and stand.

The daughter-in-law first cut off the son with the mother's surname, I didn't say a word, and announced three decisions 3 days later, and the son was anxious


After hearing me mention that my grandson's surname was changed, which led to them not even getting any real estate money, my son was not convinced, parents, what age is this, the child is the two of us, and we as parents have the right to decide the child's surname. Even if the child takes his mother's surname, he is still my own son, and he has your blood in his veins.

My wife and I both scoffed at this, since they have the right to decide the surname of their children as parents, and we are not qualified to interfere as grandparents, so our property and real estate, as sons and daughters-in-law, are naturally not qualified to interfere.

The son was not convinced, and the daughter-in-law was even more angry and wanted to jump to her feet, saying that even if my son has my surname, your property can only be left to him alone, how can it be left to a person with a foreign surname?

As soon as the daughter-in-law said this, she also offended her daughter and son-in-law. After all, my son usually has been away from home for many years, and he shushes his parents-in-law for warmth, but he rarely cares about us. We have a headache and brain fever, and our daughter and son-in-law are basically waiting for us before and after.

The daughter-in-law first cut off the son with the mother's surname, I didn't say a word, and announced three decisions 3 days later, and the son was anxious


During the New Year's holidays, my son only made a phone call back, and then explained the past perfunctorily. And the daughter and son-in-law will come back with the children to spend time with us. It's clear at a glance who is close to each other.

The son refused, insisting that we revise it again, saying that you can't exclude all three of our family, one is your own son, and the other is your own grandson.

I looked at him with a sneer and said, is my son still my own son? Is my grandson still my own grandson? The grandson's surname has been changed, and it is too early to say whose own grandson.

I insisted on not changing, and I insisted on not compromising anymore, my son was silent, but my daughter-in-law began to scold, accusing my son of being incapable and unable to keep even his parents' property.

The daughter-in-law first cut off the son with the mother's surname, I didn't say a word, and announced three decisions 3 days later, and the son was anxious


Looking at my innocent little grandson, I was also very entangled and hesitant in my heart. But every time I think of my daughter-in-law cutting off her grandson's surname first, I feel as disgusting as eating a fly, and I can't swallow it or spit it out.

A good birthday banquet ended in such a funny scene, and three days later, the son came back with the newly changed household registration book, saying that they had changed their grandson's surname back, so should the inheritance also be redistributed?

I looked at the new household registration book in front of me and felt ridiculous and pathetic. In the eyes of his son and daughter-in-law, the right to his grandson's surname has become a bargaining chip for them to negotiate with me. But grandchildren are the bloodline of our family, if they can change it once, won't they change it a second time?

I was noncommittal on this, and I did not agree to change the will, nor did I bite the bullet and not change the will. The son and daughter-in-law suddenly became anxious again, and vigorously promised that they would never change it again in the future, and let me give them another chance.

But my three decisions have been announced in front of the whole family, do I have to give my son and daughter-in-law another chance?