
When a man comes home and starts doing the following, it means that he has changed his mind

author:Smell the sound of autumn
When a man comes home and starts doing the following, it means that he has changed his mind

Author: Wen Qiusheng

Original article, plagiarism must be investigated

01. Introduction

When marriage becomes a broken tape recorder, it can no longer record the singing of the soul.

As the two got along, the atmosphere became more and more silent, and bursts of quarrels erupted.

As a wife, you will also feel that he is no longer tolerant and tolerant of you, no longer takes care of the family, and is no longer willing to patiently communicate with you and run the family together.

Whether a man loves or not, from the moment he returns home, the answer is already highlighted.

When a man comes home and starts doing the following, it means that he has changed his mind.

When a man comes home and starts doing the following, it means that he has changed his mind

02. Speak coldly to you, and accuse you if you don't agree

I've seen a video that says:

When the man comes home from work, changes his clothes, sits at the dining table, frowns, and begins to be critical of his wife in every way.

After a while, he said that the garbage at home was not cleaned up in time, and there was a strange smell at home. After a while, she said that the food she cooked was not to her liking, that she had nothing to do at home all day, and that she did not know how to study new dishes.

The woman has to take care of two children a day, as well as a paralyzed mother-in-law, and she has endured a lot.

She silently ate the food she had cooked, tears falling into her rice bowl one by one.

At that moment, she realized that the man did not love her at all.

If there is no love in a man's heart, he will become indifferent to his wife.

When he returned home, he couldn't see his wife's efforts and was only dissatisfied with her. With her, he is used to being critical and dissatisfied with her.

Always speak coldly to your wife, and you will quarrel with you if you don't agree. He will not provide you with emotional value, on the contrary, all your unhappiness and grievances are caused by him.

When a man changes his mind and doesn't love him, he won't take into account your mood, ignore your efforts, and only see the side you don't do well.

When a man comes home and starts doing the following, it means that he has changed his mind

03, when I get home, I go into the study, and I have no intersection with you

Lan Tianyu in "If the Years Can Go Back" is a university teacher.

His life is relatively dull, he has no other hobbies, likes to read books and newspapers quietly alone, and lacks care and care for his wife.

After getting married, he didn't realize that he hadn't seriously managed the relationship between him and his wife for a long time.

He also didn't have the heart to cooperate with his wife to do what she liked to do.

Every day when he comes home, he only does what he likes, and there is no communication with his wife, and there is no intersection. Gradually, his wife did not feel his love and was completely disappointed in the marriage.

Whether a man has you in his heart or not, whether he loves you or not, in fact, it can be seen from his company with you.

The man who loves you, no matter how busy he is and how big the project he is responsible for. He will think that being with you is more important than anything else.

She is willing to spend time with you to watch concerts, accompany you to candlelight dinners, accompany you to walk in the sunset, and hang out with you and go crazy together.

Kuang Fu wrote in "Can't Answer": "In this quadrant of joy, anger and sorrow, if you get along every day, it will be very troublesome for two people to always be in the same area. ”

Only a man who doesn't love you will build a barrier so that you can't get close to him.

For example, when he got home, he went into the study; often go out in the middle of the night and do not come home; Traveling for many days in a row, not making a phone call to his wife, etc.

If there is less and less intersection between two people, then there will be less and less love.

When a man comes home and starts doing the following, it means that he has changed his mind

04. After returning home, I was in a hurry to go out and began to stay all night

Men don't want to go home, mostly for two reasons.

The first is that he has been wronged at work, or feels a lot of pressure, and he is unwilling to bring these negative emotions home, and wants to digest them outside before going home.

There is also a beloved, who dresses up more neatly and exquisitely every day to go on a date. He had a place to go, someone was so worried that he forgot his way home.

Either way, it can have a very bad impact on the marriage.

If you don't go home, your wife will be suspicious and separated from her husband. If a man really has love outside of marriage, it will be devastating to the marriage.

After a man changes his mind, he will have less and less time to go home, and you will find that he does not want to go home and does not want to face you.

He would start staying home at night and not going into the house for days. If you ask why, he will get angry and think that you are overdoing it.

The man who loves you, he doesn't need you to urge, he doesn't need you to restrain him, he will go home as soon as he gets off work. Because, with you, there is warmth at home.

When a man comes home and starts doing the following, it means that he has changed his mind

05, Wen Qiusheng's message

Shakespeare said: "An unsatisfactory marriage is like a hell, a lifetime of fighting and not being able to live in peace, on the contrary, choosing a satisfactory spouse will lead to a hundred years of harmony and endless happiness." ”

Men don't love you, women can feel it.

If a man is tired of you, he will not want to live with you, disagree with your views, do not want to eat and live with you, and just want to draw a line with you.

If the man treats you like this, the marriage is in jeopardy, and the woman should be vigilant. Plan for yourself.


About the author: Wen Qiusheng, make a living from words. Autumn wind and rain, a glass of sake, three or two stories, on the lonely road with you as a companion.