
The husband and wife went to the bank to transfer money and were asked to call the police, and afterwards the bank teller was rewarded for his bravery

author:View Weihai


Recently, Ms. Shen from Jiangsu was added as a WeChat friend by someone who claimed to be her "son", and the other party said that she would pay 50,000 yuan for the tutoring class at Harvard University.

The husband and wife went to the bank to transfer money and were asked to call the police, and afterwards the bank teller was rewarded for his bravery

The husband and wife who loved their son hurriedly came to the bank to transfer money, and the staff Gu Yuhua keenly sensed that something was wrong and immediately reported to the supervisor to call the police.

The husband and wife went to the bank to transfer money and were asked to call the police, and afterwards the bank teller was rewarded for his bravery

Gu Yuhua repeatedly asked Ms. Shen to talk to her son, but the other party refused to take photos and videos for various reasons. In the end, the couple found out that they had been deceived after a video call with their real son.

The husband and wife went to the bank to transfer money and were asked to call the police, and afterwards the bank teller was rewarded for his bravery

After the incident, the police awarded Gu Yuhua a bonus and a pennant for righteousness and bravery.

Source: Litchi News

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