
After insisting on fitness, I learned 7 cold knowledge

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

When it comes to exploring the mysteries of fitness, there are a few trivia trivia that can be eye-catching or even subvert conventional notions. Next, let's take a look at these fitness secrets to help you avoid blind spots and exercise more efficiently.

After insisting on fitness, I learned 7 cold knowledge

1. People who move are already better than those who don't move

No matter how hard you exercise, as soon as your body starts moving, it starts burning calories, boosting your heart and lungs, and improving blood circulation. Compared to sedentary people, you are better at moving than them.

Movement is like a drop of water, each step is small, but it adds up to a lot of changes. And when you start exercising and sweat drizzles down, it's the body telling you that the exercise has started to take effect.

After insisting on fitness, I learned 7 cold knowledge

2. Does sweating mean that it has a workout effect?

Sweat is a by-product of the exercise process, and it is also a direct reflection of the effect of exercise, it symbolizes that the body is burning fat, eliminating toxins, and also represents your perseverance and hard work.

However, please note that sweating is not the only measure of the effectiveness of exercise, and the amount of sweat will vary depending on each person's physique and exercise habits. However, no matter how much you sweat, as long as you keep exercising, you will definitely be able to feel the changes in your body and mind.

After insisting on fitness, I learned 7 cold knowledge

3. The 28th law of fitness: 80% of people who exercise can't stick to it

In case you don't know, many people have tried fitness but can't stick to it. Because about 80% of exercisers, after the initial period of enthusiasm, will give up fitness and can't persevere. It's not because they don't work hard enough, it's because they lack the determination and the right approach.

Only less than 20% of people persevere, such people can harvest transformation and meet a better self.

After insisting on fitness, I learned 7 cold knowledge

4. If you don't lose weight, it doesn't mean that weight loss has no effect

Sometimes, although there is no significant loss in weight, there may be significant changes in body fat percentage, muscle mass, and body contour.

This is because the process of losing weight is not only to lose weight, but also to lose body fat and increase muscle content, so as to achieve the purpose of shaping the body.

After insisting on fitness, I learned 7 cold knowledge

5. Gaining muscle and losing fat are two different things and should not be confused

Although both muscle gain and fat loss are one of the same direction as fitness, they are two completely different paths. Muscle gain requires resistance training and a high-protein diet to gain muscle mass, while fat loss requires reducing body fat through aerobic exercise and diet control.

Therefore, you must be clear about your fitness goals and choose the right fitness method in order to go further and further on the road of fitness.

After insisting on fitness, I learned 7 cold knowledge

6. Muscle and fat are two completely different substances

The essence of fitness is to gain muscle and lose fat, but the two cannot be converted into each other, muscles are the power source in the body, they are made of myofibrils, give us strength and speed, and are also energy-consuming tissues.

Fat, on the other hand, is the body's energy storage reservoir and is composed of triglycerides, but excess fat can become a health hazard and even make the body obese.

After insisting on fitness, I learned 7 cold knowledge

7. The quality of sleep and rest directly affects the fitness effect

A good night's sleep, like recharging our bodies, can help us regain our strength, repair our muscles, and make us more energetic to work out the next day.

On the contrary, if we don't get enough sleep and always stay up late, our body will be in a state of exhaustion, which will not only affect our sports performance, but also may affect memory, reduce reaction speed, and thus affect fitness results.

After insisting on fitness, I learned 7 cold knowledge

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