
"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", drink more three-bean drink on hot days, clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen, and improve immunity

author:Ruoyu's mother is in the kitchen
"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", drink more three-bean drink on hot days, clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen, and improve immunity

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", drink more three-bean drink on hot days, clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen, and improve immunity!

There is still more than half a month to go into ambush, and the hottest period of the year is difficult to think about. However, although the weather is hot, it is recommended that you do not always hold watermelon, eat ice cream, and drink ice drinks, as foods high in sugar often do not play a real role in relieving the heat. Especially in summer, sweating a lot, potassium loss, easy to be sleepy, lack of energy, eating too cold food is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach.

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", drink more three-bean drink on hot days, clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen, and improve immunity

Today I will share a three-bean drink that is more relieving of heat and more nutritious than sour plum soup and mung bean soup, clearing heat and detoxifying, dispelling dampness and strengthening the spleen, and can also promote metabolism and improve immunity.

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", drink more three-bean drink on hot days, clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen, and improve immunity

The ingredients used in the three beans are mung beans, red beans and black beans. You can't go wrong with mung beans, buy the kind of small mung beans that have smaller particles and are easier to ripen. When buying red adzuki beans, you should pay attention to the fact that red adzuki beans are completely different varieties from red adzuki beans, red adzuki beans are relatively large and full oval, while red adzuki beans are small, thin and long. Red adzuki beans have a better medicinal effect, and the effect of natural dampness is also better.

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", drink more three-bean drink on hot days, clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen, and improve immunity

In addition, there are two kinds of black beans, one is green black beans, and the other is yellow black beans, as the name suggests, inside the black and black appearance, one is blue-green, and the other is light yellow. Qingren mung beans are better in terms of nutrition, and the beany smell is lighter. Therefore, everyone should pay attention to identification when buying.

The following is to share with you the method of three bean drinks, which is very simple.

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", drink more three-bean drink on hot days, clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen, and improve immunity

【Three Beans】

Main ingredients: 40 grams of mung beans, 40 grams of red beans, 40 grams of black beans

【How to do it】

1. The three kinds of beans do not need to be soaked in advance, they can be washed directly, and they can be boiled in the pot, and the amount of water is not fixed, so it is recommended to add more.

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", drink more three-bean drink on hot days, clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen, and improve immunity

2. Bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 40 minutes, at this time the beans are not very bad, if you don't eat the beans, you can turn off the heat.

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", drink more three-bean drink on hot days, clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen, and improve immunity

3. If you don't want to waste the beans, you can continue to simmer for a while. In our house, we usually cook for 40 minutes, drink water first, then add water and continue to simmer, and then eat beans.

"Potassium supplementation in summer, there is no shortage of body", drink more three-bean drink on hot days, clear away heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen, and improve immunity

The boiled three-bean drink does not have any strange taste, I drink it directly without adding sugar, and if you want to drink sweet, you can add rock sugar. Such a simple three-bean drink is nutritious and relieves the heat, hurry up and make it for your family!


1. The beans should be selected correctly, no need to soak in advance, add water to boil directly, and pay more attention to the cooking process, don't drain the water.

2. Drink the boiled three beans on the same day, try not to drink it overnight.

3. You can also add tangerine peel, black plum and other ingredients according to personal preferences to make the taste richer.