
Boiled shrimp, boiled in water, it will be wasted! Learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, not fishy and not firewood

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Reading guide: Boiled shrimp, boiled in water, it will be wasted! Learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, not fishy and not firewood. Shrimp meat is a food that I often recommend everyone to eat, because more than 90% of the protein in shrimp meat can be absorbed by the body, children eat more shrimp meat can promote the development of the brain and bones, middle-aged and elderly people eat more shrimp meat, can enhance immunity, prevent osteoporosis. Although many people love to eat shrimp meat, the boiled shrimp made at home either has a strong fishy smell or eats special firewood. People who often make shrimp that are not delicious not only do not like it in their families, but they also have no confidence in doing it.

Boiled shrimp, boiled in water, it will be wasted! Learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, not fishy and not firewood

In fact, if you want to make boiled shrimp delicious, there are many skills, but when many people make boiled shrimp, they buy the shrimp home and deal with it, and then put it directly into the water to boil, in fact, the shrimp boiled directly with water, not only the umami will be lost, but also it is very easy to cook the shrimp with firewood, so to make boiled shrimp, directly boiled with water will be wasted! And the method I want to share today is a trick I learned from coastal fishermen, without a drop of water, you can make boiled shrimp without being fishy or woody, and it is very delicious.

Boiled shrimp, boiled in water, it will be wasted! Learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, not fishy and not firewood

[Ingredients preparation]: 500 grams of prawns, 100 grams of chives, 80 grams of ginger, 50ml of beer, coriander, millet pepper, aged vinegar, and an appropriate amount of boiling sauce.


Step 1: When buying prawns, be sure to buy fresh, buy home prawns, first put the shrimp and a little salt into the water, soak the shrimp for three or four minutes, you can better remove the dirt on the surface of the prawns, and then remove the shrimp's whiskers. Live shrimp do not need to remove the shrimp line, which can make the shrimp meat more tender, dead shrimp or frozen shrimp are needed, because its shrimp line has deteriorated, if not removed, there will be a strong fishy smell.

Boiled shrimp, boiled in water, it will be wasted! Learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, not fishy and not firewood

Step 2: Rinse all the chives and ginger, then cut the chives into 4-5 cm segments, then cut the ginger into thin slices, and then change the slices into thin strips.

Boiled shrimp, boiled in water, it will be wasted! Learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, not fishy and not firewood

Step 3: Prepare a clean pot, put all the chives and shredded ginger into the bottom of the pot, and then place the prawns evenly in the pot, the shrimp do not overlap, stack together, it will cause the shrimp to have a fishy smell, and then pour 50 grams of beer into the pot.

Boiled shrimp, boiled in water, it will be wasted! Learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, not fishy and not firewood

Step 4: Cover the pot, turn on the high heat, wait for the pot to gas, continue to simmer for 1 minute to turn off the heat, and after the shrimp is cooked, immediately take it out and put it on the plate, do not simmer, otherwise the shrimp will lose more water, causing the shrimp to eat old and firewood!

Boiled shrimp, boiled in water, it will be wasted! Learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, not fishy and not firewood

Step 5: Put the boiled shrimp neatly on the plate, then sprinkle a handful of coriander in the bowl, then mix the millet pepper, aged vinegar and boiled juice together, and wait for the shrimp to peel and eat, dip in the sauce to eat, fresh and flavorful.

Boiled shrimp, boiled in water, it will be wasted! Learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, not fishy and not firewood

[Lao Hu has something to say]:

1. When making boiled shrimp, be sure to spread the shrimp in a pot with shredded ginger and green onions, these two seasonings can not only better remove the fishy smell in the shrimp, but also make the shrimp meat taste particularly fragrant. Adding beer can increase the umami flavor of the shrimp meat, don't add too much beer, otherwise it will cause the shrimp meat to taste bitter and astringent.

2. Boiled shrimp, do not need to soak in cold water, after soaking in water will lead to the loss of the umami of shrimp meat, the best way is to blow the boiled shrimp with an electric fan to cool it down quickly, the temperature of the shrimp is reduced, and the moisture in the shrimp meat will be lost relatively little, so that the shrimp meat can eat a special Q bomb.

3. Boiled shrimp can not be put for a long time, because shrimp meat is a high-protein food, put it for too long, shrimp meat will cause, if you have a poor stomach, eat this shrimp, especially easy to diarrhea.

Boiled shrimp, boiled in water, it will be wasted! Learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, not fishy and not firewood

Boiled shrimp, boiled directly in water and wasted! Be sure to use "chives, ginger shreds" to stew prawns, learn the trick of fishermen, without a drop of water, the shrimp meat is not fishy or firewood, especially delicious! If today's article is helpful to you, please follow and like, this is my greatest support. In the follow-up, Chef Hu will explain more cooking tips and health maintenance skills to everyone, and finally thank you for watching.