
It is claimed that it has never lost machine guns in North China, and the 95th Independent Division is in Tashan, why did it lose hundreds of them?

author:Xiong Xiong talks about martial arts

In the Liaoshen Campaign in 1948, the Tashan Resistance Battle was a very important battle.

Because the local area of Tashan was not very suitable for building fortifications at that time, the position of the Kuomintang army was even higher; Moreover, theoretically, the other side can also carry out the so-called coordinated attack of land, sea and air, especially the concentration of paper troops is also quite a lot, so Higashino was very concerned about this aspect of the battle at that time.

However, the final results showed that although the Eastern Advance Corps actually committed five or six divisions to launch a group offensive against the two divisions of the 4th Column of the Eastern Field, it was unable to advance a single step in the direction of Tower Hill.

Please note that compared with the actual combat strength of the Eastern Advance Corps at that time and the Dongye Army, it was actually difficult for it to successfully rescue Jinzhou.

It is claimed that it has never lost machine guns in North China, and the 95th Independent Division is in Tashan, why did it lose hundreds of them?

Because there were 3 divisions of the 4th Column in the Higashino, there was also the 11th Column to the west, and behind the 4th Column there was the main force of the 1st Column, which was the general reserve, and the strength of one of the divisions was specially prepared for the Tashan direction.

However, in the actual course of the battle, not to mention that the general reserve was useless, even the 4th Column's own reserve, the 11th Division, was basically useless.

Because the fighting on the side of the 11th Column was not fierce at that time, it was mainly five or six divisions of the Eastern Advance Corps that were fighting against the 10th and 12th Divisions of the 4th Column.

As a result, it was just that he failed to break through the Tashan position, after all, he couldn't beat it! The key is that it failed to advance even a meter, and it only temporarily occupied a few positions on the front line during the peak period, and then was counterattacked by the Dongye troops, which is a very interesting comparison of combat power.

In particular, the independent 95th Division, which rushed the most fiercely in the Eastern Advance Corps, and the attacking force of the last 3 regiments, only 3 battalions remained, and it can be said that there were heavy losses.

It is claimed that it has never lost machine guns in North China, and the 95th Independent Division is in Tashan, why did it lose hundreds of them?

This unit was the only descendant of Luo Qi, the overseer of the Eastern Advance Corps at that time, and when fighting in the North China direction, he claimed not to have lost a single machine gun.

However, the 95th Independent Division was stationed near Tianjin, and there was no main force of our army in that area, so it felt invincible when it fought with the local guerrillas.

As a result, on the side of Tashan, despite the supervision of the old commander, although the division was guaranteed to be fully manned, although the division had a large number of veterans, although it dared to fight close-quarters combat.

However, the independent 95th Division also caused a lot of pressure on the Dongye troops on the day when it rushed the hardest, and after the battle that day, the 95th Division really felt the strength of the Dongye troops, but in fact, the backbone was discounted.

In the subsequent battle, the Eastern Advance Corps was no longer able to pose much threat to the Tashan position; Even on the last day of the offensive, it launched a night battle, but because it was really bad, some troops were counter-surrounded, so that a large number of prisoners were captured by the blocking forces.

It is claimed that it has never lost machine guns in North China, and the 95th Independent Division is in Tashan, why did it lose hundreds of them?

You must know that under normal circumstances, it is impossible to capture too many prisoners and capture too many weapons and equipment.

However, the Battle of Tower Hill was an exception.

The battle captured 570 prisoners below the deputy commander, and a large amount of weapons and equipment were also captured.

In particular, the 95th Independent Division, which claimed to have not lost a single machine gun in North China, lost more than 100 machine guns in just a few days of offensive operations.

According to Roach's post-war telegram requesting replenishment, the 95th Independent Division needed to replenish 30 heavy machine guns and 100 light machine guns to make up for the shortfall.

According to the establishment of the Kuomintang army at that time, 30 heavy machine guns were equivalent to the equipment of 5 infantry battalions; 100 light machine guns, which is equivalent to the amount of equipment of a multi-infantry regiment.

It is claimed that it has never lost machine guns in North China, and the 95th Independent Division is in Tashan, why did it lose hundreds of them?

You may ask, didn't the 95th Independent Division suffer almost two regiments of casualties? How can the loss of the machine gun be no more than one regiment?

This was mainly due to the relatively strong firepower of the 4th Column in Dongye at that time, and its field artillery and mountain artillery units attacked the second line of the 95th Independent Division and even the rear troops.

After inflicting casualties on these troops, because the position itself is still on the side of the independent 95th Division, we can't clean up the battlefield here, and the guns of the subsequent casualties can be recovered if they have not been damaged.

Because of this factor, there will be a situation where about 2 regiments of troops were actually killed or wounded, but the number of machine guns lost was more than one regiment.

It is claimed that it has never lost machine guns in North China, and the 95th Independent Division is in Tashan, why did it lose hundreds of them?

However, compared with the situation that the 95th Independent Division had not lost a single machine gun in North China before, the loss of hundreds of machine guns in Tashan in the past few days and the loss of the strength of two regiments was indeed a major blow to the department.