
In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 congresses section 2: the expansion of the conflict

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

Chapter III, Section 3, (2): Expansion of the conflict

(Abstract: There was a conflict between the two sides because of watching acrobatics, one side was the leader of the county party committee, and the other side was the county power supply bureau.) The conflict between the two sides has intensified. As a result, one side called the PLA county squadron, and one side suddenly lost power ....... )

  At the entrance of the Park Theater, there was a fight between the Power Supply Bureau and Secretary Cai of the county party committee and the comrades of the county party committee. Starting with the poor middle peasant delegates sitting in the back row, the people in the hall stood up one after another, and they got up from their seats to rush to the door. The first of them to stand up folded his sleeves and arms, and said to the young people outside the door, "Do you want to shiver? ……! More than 1,000 people were in the room. Looking at the scene, the young men and women who were dressed and dressed at the door were very fashionable. It's like dozens of colorful caterpillars, overwhelmed by a swarm of blue ants in an instant!

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 congresses section 2: the expansion of the conflict

The tranquility of the temple, the yearning of the people.

  At the critical moment, Xie Wenyao stood at the door and raised a hand, and spoke loudly to the poor middle peasant deputies who were about to rush out: "Comrades of the poor middle peasant deputies! Don't move, everybody! All sit in their places! ”

  "Which one is that!" Someone whispered.

  Xie Hearing introduced himself loudly and said: "I am Xie Wenyao, head of the Liujiang Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China and the head of the working group in Mao County!" ”

  "Team Leader Xie ......."

"Secretary Xie......."

"Secretary Xie......."

The people in the hall whispered and the voices were buzzing, and the delegates all sat down in their seats.

  Cai Zhenchuan stood in the middle on the steps outside the venue, and the old army coat that was draped on his body just now was on the ground. Someone helped Secretary Cai put his military coat back on his body, and Cai was surrounded by some cadres of the county party committee and soldiers of the county armed forces department, including Xiao Zou. On both sides of the stairs and below, dozens of fashion youths still confronted each other. The woman behind the young people who complained that Cai Zhenchuan touched her chest was crying to death. Several of them were trying to persuade her, two or three young men, even; Pick up bricks and stones on the ground and call them at the people on the steps!

  Minister Sun of the county armed forces department spoke very strongly, and now he stepped forward to stand at the front. Sun pointed to the bricks and stones, and several young men of all colors said loudly: "Damn X! Do you dare to call Lao Tzu? Japanese swords, sabers; Chiang Kai-shek's machine guns and rifles; American planes, artillery; Lao Tzu has seen it all, and he has never been afraid. Afraid of your few green hook doll bricks and stones? If you dare to throw it over, Lao Tzu will dare to suppress you! ”

  Minister Sun turned his head and said to a soldier beside him, "Run!" Tune the county squadron. ”

  "Two classes!" Cai Zhenchuan added. He has already been extremely angry that according to the authority of the county, he can only use two squadrons of the PLA county squadron. One of the two soldiers ran towards the outside of the scenic park, and the other turned around and went into the theater to look for a phone.

  "Which one are you scared of?" Someone among the young people said, "Lao Tzu grew up drinking and eating!" It's not that the words are scared. But his tone was noticeably softer. But behind them, the woman who was looking for death and life rolled on the ground again; The group was encouraged not to leave, and they were still holding each other around the steps.

  At this time, two men and women in their 40s, who were also well dressed, walked up the steps. The man said to Cai Zhenchuan: "Is it Secretary Cai of the county party committee?" Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! I am Director Lu of the County Power Supply Bureau. The training team of the provincial power supply bureau is trained and studied here in Mao County, and I am the part-time captain Lu Jiashan. Then he pointed to the woman next to him and said, "She is the captain of the training team Zhu from the provincial capital, and we also came to see acrobatics." ”

  "Today is a special performance of the Congress of Poor and Middle Peasants." Cai Zhenchuan said, "What kind of acrobatics do you watch? ”

  "The theater said it would give us extra seats." Lu Jiashan said, "You see that the extra seats in the roadway are all set up. ”

  Cai Zhenchuan turned his head to take a look, and there was indeed a row of backless bamboo chairs in the alley of the theater. The more than 10 fashion youths who went in first were already sitting on it with their bodies tilted over. Cai was furious and said, "What kind of mess? I withdraw from the post of secretary of the theater! Poor middle peasant congress, he dares to give me an extra seat?! ”

  At this time, Minister Sun carried a microphone made of semiconductors, walked straight to the stage, and said to the bottom with the microphone: "Comrades of the poor middle peasants and all comrades at the scene! The great leader Chairman Mao taught us: 'The army advances, and the production grows by an inch. Strengthen discipline, and the revolution will be invincible. Today's performance is a special session for representatives of poor middle peasants, please follow Chairman Mao's teachings to all go out! ……。 ”

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 congresses section 2: the expansion of the conflict

A place where the people of the temple place their spirits

  There was an immediate roar in the theater, and more than 1,000 people dressed as peasants were drinking on the bamboo chairs and seats in the street, and more than 10 fashionable young men and women. The audience was full of "Let's go!" ……。 "Let's go! ……。 The buzz. The people of color couldn't sit still, and they were embarrassed, and they got up and walked out of the theater door. A few children slid down the wall, shouting "Uncle!" elfishly. "Grandpa! ", hid in several rows of seats and did not come out.

  Seeing this situation, the fashion crowd became even more angry when the steps outside the gate went up and down. "Captain Lu!" The female captain of the training team, Zhu, squeezed over and pointed at Cai Zhenchuan and said, "That old mongrel is a hooligan, he touched the female doll's chest!" ”

  "Say something!" The people around Cai Zhenchuan roared together, suppressing the screams of Captain Zhu.

  "Okay!" Lu Jiashan sneered and said, "Secretary of the county party committee, do whatever you want?" ”

  "Fight! Fight for them! The crying young woman in the back, the young men around her, were shouting loudly, and they were already rushing towards the steps.

  "I'll see which of you dare!" A poor middle peasant man flashed out from Xie Wenyao's side. He stood in front and blocked Cai Zhenchuan with his body, and said to the crowd of people under the steps, "If you dare to touch Secretary Cai's hair, Lao Tzu will turn you all over!" As he spoke, he kicked the stones on the steps, and the long eaves that had already been loosened somehow rolled down. almost rolled to the foot of Lujia Mountain, he was so frightened that he quickly dodged away. Everyone has seen this peasant man, he must be a person who knows martial arts! Xiao Zou suddenly recognized that this poor middle peasant man who knew martial arts was the one who borrowed his rubber shoes that year and didn't pay them back! Now he wears a new pair of shoes on his feet, which are the cheapest of the galoshes, more than 3 yuan a pair of black garden treasure shoes.

  The young people under the steps were a little frustrated in their hearts, and what was even more terrifying was a team of empty-handed PLA soldiers in the distance, led by two soldiers with pistols in their waists, trotting all the way.

  Seeing all this, Lu Jiashan gritted his teeth and said to Cai Zhenchuan: "Secretary of the county party committee? Okay! Then he turned to the young men at the bottom of the stairs and said, "Go! Back to the power supply bureau! The young men and women of all colors, dragging and persuading the crying young women, dozens of them left.

  The two leading soldiers here led them with their legs spread and stood neatly with their hands behind their backs facing down the steps. One of the soldiers leading the team crossed his hands on his hips, facing Secretary Cai on the steps, and also facing the crowd of people of color who were trotting away. The soldier who led the team said: "That's right, don't run, wow?" There are a lot of Lao Tzu bundles! Soldiers must maintain social order! Behind him, beyond the pistol and sleeve at his waist, there was a roll of hemp rope that was just the right thickness to tie people.

  Cai Zhenchuan saw the theater, and Hu Zhongshan, director of the Revolutionary Committee and secretary of the party branch, who was also in his 50s, was also standing beside him. Cai asked him, "What's going on?!" ”

  "They're going to see acrobatics." Hu Zhongshan is also called Lao Hu, and he said, "I'll just add a few seats to it." ”

  "Okay!" Cai Zhenchuan said, "The county's poor and middle peasant representative association, you dare to give me a seat?" After suspending first, I will go to the organization department tomorrow and someone will talk to you. ”

  "Secretary Cai!" Lao Hu suddenly cried and said with a sad face, "They are the youth training team of the provincial power supply bureau, and someone from the county power supply branch is greeting." ”

  "Do you listen to the county party committee, or do you listen to the power supply bureau?" Cai Zhenchuan ignored Hu Zhongshan after speaking, walked into the theater by himself, and a large group of people at the door also followed. Xiao Zou and a few of them were guarding the door, and more than 10 commanders and fighters of the People's Liberation Army County Squadron were still standing in two rows up and down the steps. After a while, Minister Sun came out to call for evacuation, and they walked in a line towards the gate of the scenic park.

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 congresses section 2: the expansion of the conflict

Now the impact of the theater picture

  The acrobatic show in the theater begins, and a group of actors and actresses sing and dance on stage to the accompaniment of beautiful instrumental music. The actors on the stage changed from time to time, one magic gadget after another, making the delegates laugh happily. Suddenly, the bright lights on and off the stage went out, and everyone was "Ah! Yes! Yes! ......" screamed up, and the performance was interrupted.

  Lao Zhang of the theater turned on the emergency lights to illuminate the venue, and this time it was Cai Zhenchuan who spoke: "Poor and middle peasant comrades! Don't move, everyone! They all sit in their place! I believe that the county party committee can handle this matter well, and today's performance will be a complete success! ”

  Xie Wenyao said to the old Hu who came up to the cinema: "What about the emergency motor? ”

  "Generating electricity." Lao Hu said, "You can only light up and show movies, and you can't perform acrobatics, and the wattage is not enough." “

  "Movies? What's there? Existing? Xie Wenyao said.

  "Only "Ode to the Dragon River"." Lao Hu said, "County-level cinemas can't store films in the first place." ”

  "Get ready immediately, and if it doesn't work, put "Ode to the Dragon River"." Xie Wenyao arranged.

  "Okay!" Lao Hu asked the projectionist to prepare.

  "These electric tigers!" Xie Wenyao scolded in his heart.

Several main leaders of the county party committee discussed at the scene, thinking that they must perform acrobatics before they can show movies! Otherwise, the leaders of the entire county party committee will lose their prestige in front of the poor middle peasants and peasants in the county. But now, the urgent question is how to subdue the electric tigers and tell them to send electricity immediately? Minister Su of the Propaganda Department of the county party committee volunteered, saying that he and Director Lu were familiar with each other and went to collude first! Cai Zhenchuan agreed, and Minister Su went out of the theater and went by bicycle.

The leaders at the scene were divided into three ways: Cai Zhenchuan and Gao Zhixiang controlled the situation at the venue, and more than 1,000 people in the venue could not leave, let alone mess. Zhong Zhengqing took Liu Rongchang, Minister of Industry and Communications, to the Power Supply Bureau by Beijing Jeep and asked them to send electricity. Xie Wenyao contacted the Liujiang Prefectural Party Committee and the Provincial Power Supply Bureau by phone, and reported the situation to his superiors in a timely manner to avoid further expansion of the situation. However, the Mao County Power Supply Branch is directly managed by the Provincial City Power Supply Bureau, and their superior is the Provincial City Party Committee. It has nothing to do with the Mao County and Liujiang Prefectural Party Committees, and has no vertical leadership relationship. Only when the prefectural party committee comes forward and the provincial and urban party committees can it be effective. But what about time? It's not just 10 minutes to find someone and talk to a good deal, and that's the way things have to go.

  First of all, Xie Wenyao came to the manager's room of the cinema and used the desk phone to call the duty phone of the local party committee office. After reporting the situation to the attendant, the other party promised to report to the leaders of the prefectural committee immediately. He also called the phone number of the duty room of the provincial power supply bureau, and the other party asked him to call the dispatch room; Waiting for the other party to answer in the dispatching room, there was no power outage report in Chengguan; Therefore, it is temporarily impossible to place a dispatch order, so that more than 10 minutes have passed after a few calls.

  Here, Zhong Zhengqing and others went out of the scenic park theater, and Director Yang of the Public Security Bureau happened to be there at the door. Zhong first whispered to him for a while, and then took Master Gong's Beijing jeep out of the scenic park gate, and crossed the blind street to the Mao County Power Supply Bureau. The brightly lit entrance of the power supply substation. Su Su, the director of the county propaganda department who was pushing a bicycle, stood there with a blue face. It can be seen that Director Lu of the Power Supply Branch didn't pay attention to him at all! Zhong Zhengqing and the others got out of the car, and Su led them to the conference room of the power supply sub-bureau. Lu Jiashan and a few people were sitting on a three-person rattan chair, talking and laughing with Erlang's legs crossed. There was a cup of steaming third-grade jasmine on the coffee table in front of each other. This year, the second-level and above flower tea must be exclusively supplied, and the best one on the market is the third-level flower tea. On the coffee table in front of Director Lu, there was also a crank phone. Some of them said: "The tiger is not powerful, and others still think that Lao Tzu is a sick cat." ”

  Lu Jiashan saw several county leaders and did not invite them to sit down, and put his legs on the coffee table and said, "Secretary Zhong, Minister Liu, and Minister Su have nothing to do?" What's going on? ”

  "What are you doing? What's going on? Liu Rongchang replied first. Because he is in charge of industry and power supply sub-bureaus, but the other party is directly under the provincial capital, he can only symbolically lead indirectly. "Send electricity to the scenic park theater immediately, what are you doing Mingtang?"

  "Electricity?" Lu Jiashan pretended to be one, and said as if he didn't know anything, "What kind of electricity to send?" ”

  "What are you pretending to be confused?" Zhong Zhengqing said, "The scenic park theater has a power outage!" ”

"There's a power outage? I asked. Lu Jiashan said and pretended to grab the phone on the coffee table and shake the handle. Then ask, "Switchboard?" To dispatch the room. Feed! Dispatch room? Is there a power outage in the county seat? There was a power outage. Peak power outages? Emergency power outage? Oh, got it. ”

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 3 congresses section 2: the expansion of the conflict

Picture of the current theater seats

  Lu Jiashan put down the phone and still cocked Erlang's legs, and said to Zhong Zhengqing, Liu Rongchang, and Minister Su: "There is no way to conduct a major test in a military unit in the provincial capital; To ensure the electricity over there, stop it for a few hours. ”

  "What are you pretending to be crazy?" Zhong Zhengqing said, "Obviously, you deliberately cut off the power. ”

  "I don't have the guts." Lu Jiashan said unhurriedly, "The three directors of our power supply sub-bureau, the two first-in-command and second-in-command are not there; I am the third-in-command, and I happen to be on duty today, and I am Lu Jiashan, the director of the duty bureau. In the dispatching room of the provincial power supply bureau, there is a recorded phone, which is an order! You should report to the provincial power supply bureau. I'm having a meeting, and we have something to ask you to come out. At this time, several young men and women around Lu Jiashan stood up and asked Zhong Zhengqing and the others to go out.

Zhong Zhengqing was furious and said, "Okay, you Lujiashan!" If you dare not send electricity today, I will dare to arrest you and lock you up! (Confucian Temple Residence)


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