
The girl said she was going to take a bath, and the fool said go quickly!

author:Fishing evening breeze

In modern society, many boys often feel at a loss when facing the girl they like. Especially when a girl says she wants to take a shower, many guys get stuck in an endless wait. In fact, learning how to chat can make girls want to talk to you non-stop in the shower. Today I will share some tips on how to get girls to take a keen interest in you.

The girl said she was going to take a bath, and the fool said go quickly!

1. The beginning of the story

I was approached by a brother who lived in the same neighborhood as the girl he liked, and because they both had dogs, they often walked their dogs together. There was more contact, and they added contact information. We had a good chat when we met, but as soon as we got to the online chat, he didn't know what to say. Every time, he took the initiative to find a topic, but while chatting, the girl said that she was going to take a bath, and he waited for a night and felt very tired.

2. Find the core problem of the chat

Why does the girl disappear after chatting with you? Quite simply, because she has no interest in chatting with you. The solution is also very simple, which is to take the girl on an emotional roller coaster during the chat, so that she will naturally be willing to chat with you non-stop.

The girl said she was going to take a bath, and the fool said go quickly!

3. Specific chat skills

  1. Respond to a girl's "bath" topic: When a girl says, "I'm going to take a shower," many guys say, "Go, wait for you," and this polite reply often ends the conversation. The correct way to respond should be:
  2. Girl: "I'm going to take a shower." ”
  3. You: "What do you think?" ”
  4. It doesn't look like you're unattractive, and it doesn't make girls think you're a hooligan.
  5. Bring out a sense of humor: Girls may reply, "Of course it's avoidance." At this point, you can respond humorously:
  6. "Okay, then let's avoid it, it's okay, my picture is just the first step in the shower."
  7. This sentence will arouse the girl's curiosity and response.
  8. Create mood swings: When a girl replies "What are you thinking in your head, it's so obscene", you can respond:
  9. "What are you thinking about before you enter the bathroom, putting down your phone and smirking at the screen?"
  10. Such an answer is both humorous and intriguing for girls.
  11. Further guide the topic: When the girl says, "Then I'll put down my phone and go take a shower", you can test her emotions:
  12. "It is said that people who are worried about it take a bath for three minutes, and those who don't think about it take a bath for three hours, how long are you going to wash?"
  13. This gradually leads the topic to the emotional direction.
  14. Deepen emotional communication: If the girl replies "I have about half an hour", you can respond:
  15. "Then you have a lot of people in mind."
  16. When the girl retorts, you can continue to guide:
  17. "So you mean, I'm the only one?"
  18. This kind of conversation will make the girl gradually develop a liking for you.

Fourth, the ultimate emotional sublimation

When a girl already has a crush on you, you can further show her sincerity:

  • "Meet the right person at the right time, and do happy things in a limited time. Why don't you try to be bold enough to approach me once? ”

Such an affectionate confession will make the girl feel your sincerity and be willing to further develop the relationship.

The girl said she was going to take a bath, and the fool said go quickly!

5. Summary

Through some chat skills, the relationship between the brother and the girl gradually warmed up, and finally officially announced their relationship in the circle of friends. In fact, girls' opportunities are often hidden between the lines, as long as you are patient to find and provide value in time, girls will naturally be attracted to you.

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