
《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!

author:Film and television observer

The music is renewed, the good songs are endless, and the stage of "Singer 2024" can always give you unexpected surprises! The eighth live competition, which will be broadcast at 8 o'clock tonight, ushered in the double upgrade of the fill-in singer and the singer who rushed to the list for the first time. Chanté Moore Chantimo, Na Ying, Sun Nan, Wang Sulong, Faouzia Fanxia, YELLOW Huang Xuan, Yuan Yawei Seven online singers have received a blockbuster to fill the guest Tan Weiwei, while the online seat surprise is increasing, the crisis is also approaching step by step, Kazakhstan singer Rukhiya Lucia from countries along the "Belt and Road" will launch a strong challenge to them, whether the online singer is overwhelming, or the singer who enters the online camp, the ultimate suspense will be revealed tonight.

《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!
《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!

Online singers fight tonight! Faouzia first sang a Chinese song

The eighth live broadcast of "Singer 2024" is about to kick off, and tonight will usher in a competition with diverse styles and strong strength, and online singers will use their own precipitation and innovation to present us with a new form of music. Chanté Moore will bring a song full of power and passion, "The Best", which I believe will ignite the enthusiasm of the audience and bring us the unique musical power of Chanté Moore. Na Ying chose "The Night of a Star" as the competition repertoire, bringing the audience the tranquility and warmth of "those times". Sun Nan's selection of songs every time is very exciting, and tonight's "Nan-style song selection" is also unexpected, preparing a song "Wordless Gratitude" (to all) for the audience, expressing his deep gratitude and emotion through singing. Wang Sulong will bring us a fresh and refined song "Hearing the Sound of Rain". With its light melody and delicate lyrics, this song makes people feel like they are in a rainy world. Wang Sulong's unique musical talent and fresh voice will add more charm to this song. The ever-changing Faouzia Fanxia will "open up" again tonight and will sing Chinese songs for the first time. She chose Deng Ziqi's "Devil from Heaven" as her Chinese song debut, what kind of charm will Yaya, known as the music elf, give this song? Let's wait and see. The unexpected YELLOW Huang Xuan carefully selected a classic English song "Close To You" and injected new life into this song with his unique musical style. Yuan Yawei will use a powerful and affectionate song "Twenty-Two" to tell us a story about youth, growth and perseverance. Yuan Yawei's voice is full of power, and she also uses this song to convey strength to us.

《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!
《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!
《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!

补位冲榜"双加码" 谭维维携哈萨克斯坦歌者Rukhia露西娅燃动舞台

The joining of Tan Weiwei and Rukhiya is not only an enhancement of the highlights of the "Singer 2024" program, but also an innovative attempt at the music competition program, which will show a diverse and inclusive music style and bring a more colorful music experience to the audience. Tonight, Tan Weiwei will use her fighting voice to tell the emotions and stories in "Orchid Flowers". Her singing is not only a tribute to the song itself, but also a persistent belief in music. Every note, every breath, embodies her love and pursuit of music.

《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!
《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!

As a well-known new voice generation in Kazakhstan, her voice is very recognizable, and the treble is even more deterrent to the sky, she expressed her hope that through the common language of music, singers can enhance their understanding and trust with each other, and promote the exchange and integration of different cultures. Thank you very much for giving her the opportunity to sing on the stage of "Singer".

《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!
《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!
《Singer 2024》今晚双加码 谭维维补位国际歌者Rukhiya露西娅冲榜!

On the stage of "Singer 2024" tonight, each singer will use their voice and talent to present us with a boutique stage with diverse styles and strong strength. Whether you're a fan of passionate rock, a fresh folk, or a love song for soulful songs, there's a song here to tug at your heartstrings. At 8 o'clock tonight, lock in Hunan Satellite TV, Mango TV, Migu Video, Migu Music, and "Singer 2024" will be broadcast live worldwide.

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