
The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!

author:Look at Suzhou


For the first time, the five-star red flag fluttered at the Olympic Games

At that moment, the Chinese youth used the five-star red flag

Announce it to the world

Self-reliant, tenacious and unyielding China

It's back

The world was blown away

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!

back then

Due to the limitations of the technical level

We can only see black and white images


"2024 China· AI Festival》

Through AI technology

Let this precious history be brought to life in color

Bright five-star red flag

Countless people were moved


In this video that has been restored by AI

The one who held the national flag and was in high spirits

The standard-bearer's name is Zhang Changlu

is a basketball player

He is now 98 years old

As the first Olympic flag bearer of New China

His figure and the five-star red flag were recorded in history

From 1952 to 2024

Exactly 72 years have passed

Restore via AI

This cross-century old man Zhang Changlu

It seems to "meet" with my 26-year-old self again

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!


The 15th Olympic Games were held in Helsinki, Finland

For a variety of reasons

When the All-China Sports Federation receives the invitation message

The opening of the Olympic Games is only a dozen hours away

To go or not to go?

Premier Zhou Enlai decisively made an instruction: "I want to go!" ”

"It's not about getting a medal or not

Let's go and plant the five-star red flag in the Olympic Games

It's victory."

July 29, 1952, Chinese Sports Delegation

Overcoming many difficulties and challenges

Eventually, the five-star red flag

Inserted into the Olympic arena

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!

Zhang Changlu recalled

At that time, many foreigners had never seen the five-star red flag

Prepared by the organizers of the Olympic Games

The Chinese flag color and five-pointed star are wrong

Until the Chinese delegation arrives with the national flag

The real five-star red flag was raised in the Olympic Village

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!
The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!

Closing ceremony

Zhang Changlu held high the five-star red flag

Walk at the front of the line

That's New China Sports

Appeared on the Olympic stage for the first time

The five-star red flag is flying high

It's not just a sporting victory

It is also the embodiment of national honor and self-confidence

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!

Zhang Changlu said

"Our flagpole is always on the right track

This is a symbol of the spirit of our Chinese

As an athlete

Able to represent the country with a five-star red flag

It's something to be proud of for the rest of my life."

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!

"2024 China· AI Festival" also interviewed

Russian translation at that time -

93-year-old Conway

She recalled

For the first time, I saw the five-star red flag fluttering high in the sky

The mood is indescribable

It was an exciting and unforgettable event

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!


"2024 China· AI Festival" program group

It is also for the old man Zhang Changlu

Bring a special gift

A photo that has been restored with AI

There is 1952 on it

A companion who went to the Olympics with Zhang Changlu

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!

Old man Zhang Changlu said

"This photo

Everyone is well photographed

Now there are some people who are no longer there."

Looking at the original black and white mottled photos

It became a clear color photograph today

The old man seemed to see him again

An old friend of his own

Inwardly Kyukyu Impossible Calm

"This is Zhou Baoen and Wu Chuanyu

Tian Fuhai, Cheng Shichun, Wang Yuanqi

Li Hanting, Bai Bai Shen ......"

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!

It was a youthful face

It is full of infinite vitality and strength

They bear witness to history

History was also made

98-year-old Zhang Changlu

Put on a suit from yesteryear

It reproduces the heroic appearance of his youth

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!

Holding a five-star red flag

He sang "Singing the Motherland" again

The first Olympic flag bearer of New China is him!

From 1952 to 2024

Exactly 72 years have passed

Nowadays, Chinese athletes

It has already broken through one first after another

Standing proudly on the Olympic stage

The five-star red flag has been witnessed

Chinese athletes

Medal after medal moments

July 26, 2024

33rd Summer Olympic Games

It will be opened in Paris

Let us look forward to the Chinese delegation reaching new heights

The five-star red flag fluttered in the wind again on the field

Bless the Chinese Olympic athletes

Create another great achievement and return with honor!

Source: CCTV News

Edit: Mochi

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