
Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"

author:Taiyuan Fire Protection
Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"

During the 23rd National "Safety Production Month", the grassroots fire and rescue brigades in Taiyuan City carried out various forms of fire protection publicity activities around the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Will Respond to Emergency - Smooth Life Channel", so as to further improve the quality of fire safety and the ability of society to prevent disasters.


During the safety production month, the propaganda personnel of the Yingze Brigade visited enterprises and schools, entered the community and entered the family, and popularized the importance of safe production to the masses by hanging banners, posting slogans, distributing publicity materials, and carrying out fire safety knowledge training.

Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"
Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"

During the period, a number of emergency evacuation drills were also organized, so that the masses could improve their emergency avoidance and self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities in a tense and orderly atmosphere by simulating real scenes.

Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"


On the day of the "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day", a special booth was set up to popularize safety knowledge such as evacuation skills to the masses.

Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"
Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"

Guided key units in the jurisdiction to carry out more than 15 escape and self-rescue drills, with more than 200 people participating. More than 500 safety tips were continuously scrolled on the electronic display screen; More than 90 safety production propaganda slogans were hung and posted in conspicuous positions on major traffic arteries and crowded places. Combined with the consumer management center, more than 275 fire protection publicity sessions were carried out in nine small places, and more than 1,000 posters were distributed, creating a good fire protection publicity atmosphere.

Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"


With the "five in" of fire protection propaganda as the starting point, organize fire safety responsible persons (managers), grid members, industry departments, township streets and other groups of people in various units in the jurisdiction to carry out fire safety training, explain in detail the common fire types, fire hazards, the use of common fire protection facilities and equipment, and how to evacuate and escape in the event of a fire, and organize fire safety evacuation drills.

Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"
Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"

Combined with the key work of the whole chain rectification of potential safety hazards of electric bicycles and the action of unblocking life channels, in view of the outstanding problems such as occupancy, blockage, closure of evacuation channels and safety exits in production and business premises, through the method of "inspection + publicity", popularize the common sense of fire and electricity, evacuation and escape methods, and the use of fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting facilities and equipment.

Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"
Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"

Organized the propaganda team to carry out 55 times of "five in" propaganda, distributed 700 copies of propaganda materials, distributed 1,500 propaganda posters, and trained more than 5,000 people.

Wan Berlin

During the safety production month, the brigade continued to promote the "five in" activities of fire promotion, and the propagandists explained the fire safety knowledge such as fire prevention, how to call the police, fire escape, evacuation and self-rescue, constantly enriched the form of publicity, and guided the trainees on how to use fire extinguishing equipment correctly.

Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"
Safety Production Month | Take multiple measures to make fire propaganda "come alive"

Carry out "face-to-face, zero-distance, interactive" consulting services with the masses, and at the same time adopt a combination of "theoretical teaching + practical operation" to organize and carry out emergency evacuation drills, simulate the fire scene, demonstrate the initial fire fighting and organize personnel to evacuate and escape in the whole process, so that the masses are familiar with the fire escape method and improve the fire escape self-rescue ability.

Editor: Yan Nannan

Review: Xue Ning

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