
Fire safety tips for summer

author:Qingbaijiang Housing Construction

#夏季防火要牢记安全知识看这里#夏日来临, fire safety is key. The hot weather not only "scorched" everyone, but also brought many safety risks. Pay attention to the following, hot weather does not "catch fire". Aberdeen's warm reminder: Fire safety is no trivial matter, you need to pay attention to it at all times! Poke the picture to learn the fire safety tips of air conditioning ~ #消防蓝朋友# (Yulin Fire Protection) #在蓉城与安全同行 #

Fire safety tips for summer
Fire safety tips for summer
Fire safety tips for summer
Fire safety tips for summer
Fire safety tips for summer
Fire safety tips for summer
Fire safety tips for summer
Fire safety tips for summer
Fire safety tips for summer

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