
Tianlong nostalgic gossip: Europe, but not completely European, those magical operations that will laugh when they see it

author:Nostalgic Tianlong eats melons for the masses

It can be said that everyone has a dream of the European Emperor in their minds, but European gas is not so easy to appear, and it will definitely surprise people when it appears. But sometimes, the appearance of Ou Qi makes people not so happy, although Ou is Ou, but there is no Ou to their own needs, it makes people speechless.

For example, after working hard for a long time to make equipment, I finally made a big eight-star, and before I had time to be happy and excited, I looked at the color and attribute entries of the equipment, and my heart was suddenly half cold.

Tianlong nostalgic gossip: Europe, but not completely European, those magical operations that will laugh when they see it

Not only is it a dark green big eight stars, but there are only four attribute entries, which are external power attacks, concentration, concentration and all attributes, such equipment, even if it is given to Qi Wudang, Qi Wudang has to be disgusted and angry, right?

And then there is the following one.,The materials sent were actually made into the clothes in the three major pieces of light blue seven stars.,Of course, this European gas doesn't have to be said.,But this entry.,Needless to say.,It's weird and speechless.。

Tianlong nostalgic gossip: Europe, but not completely European, those magical operations that will laugh when they see it

Of course, there is also the following kind of equipment, make a dark blue big eight-star equipment, it's not bad to look at the entry, ice, fire, poison three attribute attacks, as well as hits, hearts, physical strength and identity, there should be, this can be called a top equipment worthy of heavy buildings, right? But the fly in the ointment is that the owner of this equipment is a Xuanemei, and this European spirit suddenly becomes embarrassing.

Tianlong nostalgic gossip: Europe, but not completely European, those magical operations that will laugh when they see it

Of course, there are also European gases that come, but because of their own operations, they cut off European gas with their own hands, for example, when washing equipment, they forgot to click to replace it, either they turned it off directly, or they went offline, and they cried bitterly when they remembered it afterwards.

Tianlong nostalgic gossip: Europe, but not completely European, those magical operations that will laugh when they see it

And there are many tragedies like this, sometimes European, but not completely European, it will really make people laugh and cry.