
The eldest grandson's college entrance examination score is 556 points, and the provincial ranking is 81, and his grandmother's eyes are full of spoiling, and she keeps laughing

author:Affectionate remembrance

The bridge of family affection spans generations. It is an emotional bond that transcends age and time, connecting grandparents to grandchildren.

In the eyes of grandparents, grandchildren are often the embodiment of endless love and expectation, and they appreciate every moment of grandchildren's growth with a more tolerant and loving attitude.

This love, pure and deep, does not ask for anything in return, only wishes for the happiness and health of children and grandchildren. In the relationship between the next generation, the children feel a different kind of warmth and dependence from the love of their parents.

It is like a bridge between the past and the future, allowing the story and wisdom of the family to be passed on, and the cycle of love to be completed.

The eldest grandson's college entrance examination score is 556 points, and the provincial ranking is 81, and his grandmother's eyes are full of spoiling, and she keeps laughing

On June 27, in Yancheng, Jiangsu, a mother shared her son's college entrance examination score of 556 points, ranking 81 in the province, and her mother-in-law looked at her son's spoiled eyes. Netizens said that the grandmother incarnated as her grandson's little fan girl.

In the picture, the family sits around to eat, the eldest grandson picks up the bowl to eat, but the grandmother looks at the grandson with a doting face.

I saw her smiling, looking at her grandson, and she couldn't get enough of it. His eyes narrowed directly into a slit, and he touched his grandson's head from time to time, his eyes were full of love.

The grandson is tall and handsome, sunny. Grandma looked at him like this, which made him a little embarrassed. The younger brother watched his grandmother staring at his brother and quipped, "Congratulations to my brother, I have been admitted to a good university!" ”

Mom looked at her grandmother and thought it was very interesting, so she filmed this scene and shared it on the Internet.

Mom said that his grandmother took him with him since he was a child, and his grandmother picked him up every day when he went to elementary school, taking care of his food, clothing and daily life, and his son was also very obedient and had a good relationship with his grandmother.

The eldest grandson's college entrance examination score is 556 points, and the provincial ranking is 81, and his grandmother's eyes are full of spoiling, and she keeps laughing

Later, after my son was in junior high school, he lived in the school and only came back once a week.

Every time he came back, his grandmother was reluctant to let him go. Worried that he wouldn't eat well at school.

Later, when I went to high school, I also lived on campus, and I could come back once a week in the first year of high school, and I had more make-up classes in the second and third years of high school, and I went home once a few weeks.

Grandma was worried about whether he ate well and slept well at school, and was very concerned about him.

Later, in the second semester of the third year of high school, I applied for day school, and when I was in school, my grandmother also lived with us, watching the children go out early and return late every day. It is often said that children study too hard. The distress is overflowing.

The child is still a sports student, and sometimes he is injured, and his mother-in-law is very worried and distressed.

This time, the child scored 556 points, which has reached 211 points in our Jiangsu side.

The moment the scores came out, the whole family was very happy and excited. The younger brother took the basin and knocked it at home, and the son gave everyone in the family a big hug.

The eldest grandson's college entrance examination score is 556 points, and the provincial ranking is 81, and his grandmother's eyes are full of spoiling, and she keeps laughing

Years of hard work paid off, and the family was happy for him. The happiest is grandma.

At noon, the mother-in-law's excited mood still did not calm down, looking at her grandson, she kept smirking, and couldn't help but laugh.

For this scene, netizens laughed and laughed, and some netizens said that they were next generation relatives in their bones. The eldest grandson is grandma's heart, not to mention such an excellent child, of course I like it.

Some netizens said that the grandson is the tip of the grandmother's heart, and the grandmother's eyes are full of grandsons, and she becomes her grandson's little fan sister in seconds.

The eldest grandson's college entrance examination score is 556 points, and the provincial ranking is 81, and his grandmother's eyes are full of spoiling, and she keeps laughing

Some netizens even said that this is the meaning of raising children. A son brings happiness to his parents, and a grandson can still bring happiness to his parents!

Author's point of view

Across the screen, you can still deeply feel the joy and pride of grandma!

Sun Tzu's unremitting efforts and persistence for more than ten years have finally ushered in brilliant results today, and this reward is undoubtedly the most beautiful praise for his hard work.

Grandma's smile, which crosses the boundaries of time and space, is warm and powerful, and is the best testimony to her grandson's achievements.

It is not only a moment of personal glory, but also a glorious display of family unity and love. It is also the result of more than ten years of hard work by his grandson.

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