
In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

author:Nanfeng entertainment circle
In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved
In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

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Edited by Nan Feng

"Executive Judge" took over "The Story of the Rose" and became the second wave of Wang Bang released by CCTV in the summer file.

Unlike other satellite TV's romance or urban life themes, this time it turned out to be an unpleasant drama.

However, it turns out that CCTV does have two brushes in this regard, and on the premise of completely removing traffic, the ratings on the first day are directly dry to break 2, which makes other local stations out of reach.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

Another wave of ratings scuffle, CCTV easily won.

And "The Executive Judge" is indeed very much in line with the aesthetics of the TV audience.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

In this drama, we can not only see the difficulties of the court enforcement bureau, but also feel the suffering of the people in protecting their rights, and at the same time there are various unspoken rules in the officialdom.

There are too many elements, the story line is complex and intertwined, and the group portraits are extremely full, Director An Jian is worthy of being the top master who has directed popular works such as "Little Aunt Duohe" and "An Jia".

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

And with such a strong production team, of course the cast can't be wrong.

This time, let's take a look at the acting rankings of "Executive Judge" and see if your favorite one is on the list-

Eighth place: Zhao Ke

Aunt Liu "traveled" to modern times and became the proprietress of a beauty salon.

As soon as I appeared, a dark C shirt with a bright orange skirt and black stockings made my eyes look straight.

Does my aunt still have this hand?

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

The 41-year-old Mesozoic can come out, and it takes a lot of courage to play this kind of role.

What's more, there is a great contrast between the beauty salon proprietress and Aunt Liu, and I didn't even dare to recognize it at first sight.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

It's just that Zhao Ke still shook his head a little when he played the emotional scene of this role.

Fortunately, the face is bearable, and the performance tension is relatively strong, which is still more prominent in this kind of drama.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved
In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

Seventh place: Wang Tonghui

Both positive and negative characters can be played, and Wang Tonghui always has an indescribable energy.

Cao Changqing in "Sword in the Snow", Cheng Hao, an old policeman in "Police Honor", and Guo Zheng who pretended to be in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" and so on.

Ancient costumes and modern times can be switched at will, and small supporting roles can also perform tricks, and now even the main drama is mastered.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

A completely decent character, it is simply not too wrong when you open your mouth.

However, even with such a somewhat restrained character, Wang Tonghui's performance can still have some laughs.

For example, during the meeting, when I heard my subordinates "go down the slope and get off the donkey" and didn't understand the good words, the reflexive eyes made people can't help but break the defense in a second.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved
In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

Sixth place: Lin Jiachuan

Facts have proved that a good actor, as long as his strength is online, even if he is just a small supporting role ten times away, he can become a big hit.

Lin Jiachuan has changed from an unknown eighteenth-tier actor to a powerful actor with gold edges.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

In "Executive Judge", Zhang Rui played by him is very different from Xiaolong in "Hurricane".

On the surface, he has the words "not easy to mess with" written all over his face, but in fact, he is just a small trader who gets up early and is greedy for darkness.

Keeping to oneself has not complained for many years.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved
In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

The drama that depicts a small unit case in this way requires some contrast and reversal.

Lin Jiachuan only made a slight appearance in the trailer, and he has already vividly embodied the contradictions and horse catching of the story, and in just a few shots, the character of the character is already clear.

I don't know if there will be a highlight scene in the future, and it will stand out again.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved
In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

Fifth place: Luo Jin

is worthy of being selected by Director An Jian,

From "An Home" to "So Many Graces in the Country" to "The Executive Judge", whether it is urban or rural or a drama, you can always get rid of the shadow of the previous drama and portray the male protagonist just right.

When interpreting the role of Qi Lin, Luo Jin surprised the audience the most, in fact, there were only two words-

I don't pretend.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

As a male protagonist with a shining halo, it is easiest to put on the shelf in political and legal dramas, and many Mesozoic male protagonists do act like this.

However, Luo Jin can always perform fireworks, and you can really feel that his understanding and portrayal of the characters are grounded.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

Dealing with the heroine who wears colored glasses, he can argue with reason, but he will not lose his scale and yell.

turned his head to his aunt and uncle, and completely showed the soft side of the character.

It's just that the previous plot is not very likable, and it is a little restrictive to him.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

Fourth place: House Bin

I would like to call Zhou Lei, who he plays, the most "live" person in the whole play.

Although Zhou Lei is the superior of the male protagonist, he is also an old fritter in the workplace, and he is also a judge, which is in stark contrast to others, and it is he who has contributed the most laughs.

When he heard the transfer of the male protagonist from above, he was very excited, and said with a smile that he was very satisfied.

Can you not be satisfied, this is the transfer of the general.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

The second executive bureau is short of manpower, and Qi Lin is a well-known elite talent.

Turning his head, Zhou Lei learned from the leader's mouth that Qi Lin was not coming.

He lost control of his emotions again, and he could regret what he said was good, but he had been dead for so many years, and he finally had to solve it, but he turned out to be bald and reversed (over and over again).

This kind of outgoing performance style instantly makes the series more vivid and interesting.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

Third place: Zhao Jun

Zhao Jun can choke his popularity in "Little Days", this time he co-starred with Sarina again as husband and wife, but his identity and status have undergone a "two-level reversal".

As soon as he appeared, he came out of the back kitchen of the small restaurant, and he had "cowardice" written all over his body, and I was already laughing just by seeing such an expression.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

cowardly, but still love children.

When he heard that his son was going to be criminally responsible, he immediately turned his head and frantically hinted that the old lady was lying.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

Second place: Zhang Xilin

Whether playing an honest man or a cunning businessman, Zhang Xilin can always enter the role in an instant.

In "In the Name of the People", he is the sleek but conscientious boss Cai Chenggong.

In "Executive Judge", Zhang Xilin has become a downright treacherous and greedy Mr. Chen.

Wearing small glasses, he looks like an elegant and logical person, but in fact his belly is extremely black.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

Especially when talking to Director Shen, when he said "I have financial resources but no eyesight", that flattering look is simply disgusting.

With just one expression, the character's personality characteristics are written to the extreme, and he is completely "Sven scum", and he didn't run away with his sanctimonious appearance.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

A good performance is a subtraction, and Zhang Xilin doesn't need extra pendants at all.

He leaned back in the boss's chair and closed his eyes, and I could even see the red bills in front of him.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

1st place: Sarina

What is acting like, can play the old lady so down-to-earth, and at the same time can be different, the acting skills of the national first-class actor Sarina are really not covered.

In "Executive Judge", Sarina plays Luo Jin's aunt, and a series of emotional changes at the beginning are worrying.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

I thought that these people in the court wanted to repossess the house because they had signed a contract with their own name.

She triumphantly said that she didn't sign it by herself at all, and her head was slightly raised and her face was full of triumphant cunning.

As a result, the next second was suddenly told that if this was the case, my son would be breaking the law.

The old lady's expression changed suddenly, her heart was weak, and she also felt some regret for her actions.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved

She was silent for a moment, and found that there was really no way, so she turned around and picked up the broom directly.

The fiery temper did not lie, and the characteristics of the characters were already in front of the audience.

I don't know the law and don't have much culture, but I am honest and honest, which is completely different from the characters portrayed by Sarina before.

In the ranking of the actors with the best acting skills in "Executive Judge", Luo Jin is only fifth, and the first is well deserved


Of course, now that "Executive Judge" has only released a few episodes, the level of the actors may not have been brought into play, and the ranking is of course temporary.

Big productions, strong lineups, all the powerful factions collide together, and there will always be a difference, and this kind of drama, often the male and female protagonists are the most unpleasant.

However, judging from Luo Jin's performance, it is already good, and he can indeed perform in a eugenic state with top-notch professional skills, and there is no pressure to carry the male protagonist of CCTV.

There are also powerful factions such as Lin Jiachuan, Dong Xuan and Huo Qing who have not officially appeared in the back, will their appearance push the plot to a new climax, and can CCTV refresh the summer ratings ceiling again?

Let's wait and see! #记录我的2024 ##执行法官#


Nanfeng entertainment circle

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