
An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

author:Andrey's note

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In a small village in the Indian state of Gujarat, a jaw-dropping thing has happened. 55-year-old Weijie Pasana, to marry a cow!

It all started on the day Wei Jie filed for divorce from his wife. He solemnly declares that he has fallen in love with a cow named Plame and has decided to spend the rest of his life with her.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

The news came like a bolt from the blue, leaving his family and neighbors in disbelief.

Despite facing strong opposition from his family, Wei Jie still stood his ground. He did not hesitate to abandon his wife and two children, who had been married for many years, and devoted himself to his "love" with Plame. In his opinion, this cow deserves his love more than anyone else.

In order to prove his determination, Wei Jie did not hesitate to spend nearly 180,000 yuan to hold a grand wedding. The wedding became a hot topic in the local area, attracting countless curious eyes. People felt both incredible and deeply puzzled by Wei Jie's behavior.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

The source of this article comes from the official media, and the specific link is repeated at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Why do men get into feelings for a cow?

Wijay Pasana is a 44-year-old Indian man whose life trajectory has recently taken a dramatic turn. In his early years, Wei Jie met his wife Nandi through a matchmaker, and the two started a family and had two children. However, as the years passed, cracks gradually appeared in this otherwise happy family.

As Nandy gets older, Wei Jie's attitude towards his wife has changed significantly. He begins to become dissatisfied with Nandy, and the quarrels between the two become more and more frequent. The deterioration of the marital relationship left Wei Jie feeling miserable and lonely, and he began to look for new sustenance.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

Because he often quarreled with his wife, he would stay in the cowshed whenever he was free to "try to be clean". He began to spend a lot of time in the cowshed, taking care of the environment and even talking to the herd. This behavior gave him a peculiar solace.

This behavior of Wei Jie is closely related to his religious beliefs. In Hinduism, cows are considered sacred animals. Wei Jie believed that by being close to and respecting the cow, he could promote the advanced nature of Indian civilization.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

So for Wei Jie's behavior, his wife didn't care too much.

But what his wife Nandy didn't expect was that this neglect of her husband caused an unexpected consequence······

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

The man declares that he is going to marry a cow

He announced an incredible decision to his family and neighbors: he was going to "marry" the family's cow, Plame. This news was like a bolt from the blue, causing strong opposition from the people around him.

Family and neighbors thought Wei Jie was crazy and dissuaded him from giving up the ridiculous idea. They reminded Wei Jie that he still had a wife and two children, and that doing so would completely ruin his family.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

However, Wei Jie ignored this and insisted on his decision. He resolutely divorced his wife, which left her heartbroken and the children unable to understand their father's behavior of marrying a cow.

Despite the intense pressure, Wei Jie still began to prepare for the wedding. He personally bathed and combed Plame, and even prepared a red wedding dress and jewelry for it, just like a real bride. This behavior further deepened concerns about his mental state.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

In the end, Wei Jie held a grand wedding ceremony. He invited so many guests as if it were a normal wedding. What's even more surprising is that he spent 20,000 pounds (about 178,000 yuan) on this peculiar wedding, showing how much he attached importance to this "marriage".

After Wei Jie "married" the cow Plumm, his life changed dramatically. In order to get along with his "bride", Wei Jie decided to move to the countryside and live with Plame. This unique living arrangement has caused a lot of discussion among the people around him.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

Despite this, Wei Jie still maintains his daily routine. Every morning, he would go to work in the gym studio. After work, he would briefly return home to reunite with his family, although the gathering had become awkward and distant.

In the evening, Wei Jie will drive 6.4 kilometers back to the place where he and Plam live.

Wei Jie's daily interaction with Plame is quite remarkable. He often took the cow out shopping, as if he were taking his wife shopping. Even more surprisingly, he also buys jewelry for Plame, as if to dress it up like a real bride.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

In addition to Plame, Wei Jie also raised many other animals. He kept two bulls, probably to keep Plame as a companion. In addition, he has 6 dogs, which seems to add to the lively atmosphere of the family. What's even more surprising is that Wei Jie also kept more than 2,000 different kinds of small animals, turning his residence into a small zoo.

Later, Plame gave birth to a heifer, and Wei Jie was ecstatic and named her Saraswotti. The name represents the goddess of knowledge, art, and wisdom in Indian culture, showing the high hopes that Wei Jie had for the calf.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

For Saraswotti's birth, Wei Jie showed extraordinary joy and attention. He regarded the calf as his own, even more so than his own child.

Wei Jie's attitude has caused a lot of discussion among those around him, some believe that he has completely lost his mind, and others interpret his behavior as an extreme interpretation of traditional culture.

To celebrate Saraswotti's birth, Wei Jie decided to hold a grand full moon wine ceremony.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

He did not hesitate to spend 6,000 pounds (about 54,000 yuan) to prepare for the event, which is a large amount of money for the average Indian family. Wei Jie invited more than 300 guests to the ceremony, which was a staggering scale.

This full moon wine ceremony became a big news in the local area. People observed Wei Jie's behavior with curiosity and shock, with some seeing it as a desecration of traditional culture, while others saw it as a unique cultural expression.

Wei Jie's story continues to be widely discussed in the local area, and people are also full of curiosity and questions about his future lifestyle and choices.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

Post-marital routine with a cow

Weijay Pasana's behavior is gradually becoming more and more extreme, causing more attention and concern. He began to eat and live with the herd and fully integrated into the cow lifestyle.

Every night, Wei Jie slept with the cow, first with his "wife" Plame, and later with his "daughter" Saraswotti. This behavior is not only shocking, but also raises questions about his psychological state.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

Wei Jie's attachment to Saraswotti reached an almost obsessive level. He even brought the calf to his studio as if it were a baby in need of care. This behavior seriously affected his work and daily life, but Wei Jie didn't seem to care.

Even more disturbing is that Wei Jie began to consume cow excrement. He used cow urine as drinking water and cow dung as his food. Wei Jie firmly believes that these excrements have special nutritional value, and even claims that he once lived on cow urine for 22 days.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

He enthusiastically preached the benefits of cow urine and cow dung to the people around him, believing that they could cure various diseases and strengthen the body.

Wei Jie's extreme behavior has sparked widespread discussion in the community. Some see it as a sign of mental disorder, while others see it as an extreme interpretation of the Hindu tradition. In any case, Wei Jie's actions have made people think deeply about the boundaries of cultural traditions, personal beliefs, and mental health.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

The reaction of the people around you

Weijay Pasana's extreme behavior initially aroused strong opposition and incomprehension from his family and those around him. His wife and children could not accept his decision to "marry" the cow, let alone the way he later lived and ate with the cow. The family has tried many times to persuade Wei Jie to give up this behavior and return to a normal life, but to no avail.

However, as time went on, Wei Jie's family and the people around him gradually began to accept his particular way of life. This acceptance is not a complete agreement, but a reluctant compromise.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

They realized that no matter how much they persuaded or opposed, Wei Jie would not change his choice. Therefore, they have chosen a relatively peaceful way of coexistence.

Surprisingly, people gradually discovered that except for the special habits related to cows, Wei Jie was not much different from ordinary people in other aspects. He is still able to work normally, communicate with people, and participate in community activities.

This contrast complicates people's perception of Wei Jie. Some people are beginning to wonder if Wei Jie's behavior should be viewed in a more inclusive manner.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

Wei Jie's story has sparked local discussions about individual freedom, cultural traditions, and social inclusion. Some people believe that Wei Jie's choice should be respected, as long as his actions do not harm others; There are also concerns that such behavior may have a negative impact on society.

In any case, Wei Jie's experience has become a unique case for people to rethink the boundaries of culture, tradition, and personal beliefs.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him


The story of Waijay Pasana is undoubtedly an extreme case, reflecting both the special cult of the cow in Indian culture and the extreme that personal faith can reach.

As bystanders, it is difficult for us to fully understand Wei Jie's choice, but this case does provoke us to think deeply about cultural traditions, personal freedom, and social responsibility.

Indians have a long history of reverence for cows, which are considered sacred animals in the Hindu tradition. However, Wei Jie's actions have clearly gone beyond traditional beliefs and into a worrying extreme.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

While we should respect an individual's freedom of belief, we should not ignore the negative impact that such behaviour can have on one's health and family relationships.

Therefore, we call on Wei Jie to re-examine his behavior and consider returning to normal family life. At the same time, we can't help but question, as an adult, whether Wei Jie fully considered the impact of his actions on his family and society. Did he fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father?

This case reminds us of the importance of being rational and responsible while respecting tradition and individual choices. We need to find a balance between cultural heritage and modern life, without losing our cultural roots and adapting to the needs of contemporary society. Wei Jie's story may serve as a mirror for us to reflect on the relationship between faith, tradition and responsibility.

An Indian man fell in love with a cow, and did not hesitate to abandon his wife and children to spend 180,000 yuan to marry a cow, what happened to him

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