
Hong Kong media: Too arrogant, the United States claims that it prefers Indian science and engineering students to China

author:Tianji Tea Bureau

Recently, according to the South China Morning Post, a well-known international media in Hong Kong, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell proposed that U.S. universities should limit Chinese students' learning in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields due to security concerns, and prefer to attract Indian students.

Observers pointed out that this remark has caused concern and controversy among Chinese students and families who still have the idea of studying in the United States, and it has also further demonstrated the short-sightedness, narrow-mindedness and arrogance of the United States.

Hong Kong media: Too arrogant, the United States claims that it prefers Indian science and engineering students to China

I think that for such a country full of prejudice against Chinese, parents and students really have to think about whether studying in the United States is really "a must"!

The remarks of US officials have attracted attention, and the situation of Chinese students is worrying

At a recent event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell made a remark that attracted widespread attention. Campbell made it clear that the U.S. will favor students from India over Chinese students when it comes to attracting international science and engineering students. This statement not only unnerved countless Chinese students and their families, but also caused new waves in the fields of education and technology between China and the United States.

Statistically, Chinese students have always been the largest group of international students at U.S. universities. According to the Open Doors Report released by the U.S. Department of State and the Institute of International Education, 289,500 Chinese students studied in the U.S. in the 2022-23 academic year. However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and tensions between China and the United States, this number has declined for three consecutive years, from 370,000 in the 2019-20 school year.

In addition, Campbell mentioned that while he hopes that Chinese students will come to the United States to study the humanities, he is cautious about sensitive technical fields such as particle physics. This distinction is not only discriminatory, but also reveals a strategic choice, which has caused considerable controversy in the international academic community.

It is worth noting that this remark by Campbell was not without antecedents and consequences. Tensions between the U.S. and China in recent years, coupled with concerns about technology and intellectual property, have exacerbated academic and technological exchanges between the two countries. U.S. universities have begun to restrict access to sensitive technology for Chinese students, and the rhetoric is undoubtedly a step on what has already been built.

This distinction is not only extremely unfair to Chinese students, but also poses a threat to the future of global science and technology innovation. The essence of scientific research should be open and borderless. When political factors intervene in the fields of education and scientific research, it will undoubtedly inhibit the free flow of knowledge and the global development of science and technology.

Hong Kong media: Too arrogant, the United States claims that it prefers Indian science and engineering students to China

Moreover, from another point of view, this US strategy may backfire. While in the short term, the U.S. may maintain its technological leadership by attracting students from "more reliable" countries such as India, in the long run, such an approach could lead to U.S. isolation in global research. More importantly, it could hurt the tradition of diversity and academic freedom in American universities.

Of course, the United States wants to "cut off its own arm", and I personally support it with both hands and feet, and I hope that the United States and India will be deeply tied up and never separated!

Of course, I can also understand the feelings of some parents who want their children to study in the United States, and they often hope that their children can master more cutting-edge knowledge in certain science and engineering fields, so that they can have a better income or a more "smooth" life. (I just understand this idea, but I personally don't agree with this idea, and in today's environment, studying in the United States is no longer a good choice.) )

Hong Kong media: Too arrogant, the United States claims that it prefers Indian science and engineering students to China

In any case, from the perspective of these parents, what we need is more cooperation rather than estrangement. The United States should not be blinded by short-sighted policies, but should recognize that the true value of knowledge and technology lies in its openness and inclusiveness.

It is hoped that the United States will reconsider its international student policy and truly provide equal learning and research opportunities for students from all countries, rather than creating unnecessary rifts in the international squad.

In-depth analysis of the remarks of U.S. officials to explore the future path of Chinese students

The discriminatory treatment of Chinese students by U.S. officials is a reflection of issues that deserve our in-depth consideration.

Fundamentally, this is not only a decision in the field of education, but also a strategic tool for the United States in the global competitive landscape. In the current era of rapid development of science and technology, scientific and technological strength has become the core element of national competitiveness. The United States is trying to slow down China's development in science and technology by restricting Chinese students studying in science and engineering fields in order to maintain its own leading position. However, this narrow-minded approach is doomed to be short-sighted.

Hong Kong media: Too arrogant, the United States claims that it prefers Indian science and engineering students to China

The flow of knowledge and talent is an important force for global progress. The study and research of Chinese students in the United States not only injects new vitality into scientific research and innovation in the United States, but also promotes exchanges and integration between different cultures. The U.S. restrictions on Chinese students are effectively cutting off this beneficial interaction and harming the common interests of global academic and technological development.

For Chinese students who still have the idea of studying in the United States, although this situation has brought challenges, it is not a "desperate situation".

On the one hand, China's own education level and scientific research strength are rapidly improving. Domestic universities and scientific research institutions have made remarkable achievements in many fields, providing students with more and more high-quality learning and research opportunities. As a result, many Chinese students may choose to stay in China for further study, which will help cultivate domestic scientific research talents and promote the development of domestic science and technology.

On the other hand, the world is vast, and in addition to the United States, there are many other countries that also have excellent educational resources and scientific research environments. Chinese students can look to Europe, Australia and other regions to find a suitable development space. Some other countries in Europe and Asia also have strong strengths in some subject areas and are able to provide excellent learning conditions for international students.

Hong Kong media: Too arrogant, the United States claims that it prefers Indian science and engineering students to China

In the long run, China should further increase its investment in education and scientific research, and continuously improve its own education quality and scientific research level. At the same time, we will strengthen international education cooperation and establish extensive academic exchange mechanisms with more countries to create more diversified learning and development opportunities for Chinese students.

For the United States, such restrictive policies may bring some short-term so-called "benefits", but in the long run, it will inevitably damage its international image and attractiveness in the global education field.

When science education is dominated by political factors, it will be the world's ability to innovate and progress in science and technology that will be harmed.

The long-term impact of such a strategy may also include a potential negative impact on the U.S. domestic technology and innovation environment. By restricting the academic freedom of students in a certain country, it may not only weaken the leadership of the United States in the field of global scientific research, but also lead to the loss of domestic scientific and technological talents, thereby affecting the innovation ability of American technology companies.

Hong Kong media: Too arrogant, the United States claims that it prefers Indian science and engineering students to China

In short, although this remark by the US official has caused trouble for Chinese students, it has also prompted us to be more determined to follow the path of independent innovation and diversified development.

It is believed that with the joint efforts of all parties, Chinese students will be able to find their own vast world around the world and contribute to the promotion of scientific and technological progress and cultural exchanges of mankind.

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