
The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

author:Daily Novel Push

Now with the development of online novels, various genres of online literature have also emerged, among which unlimited streaming has been liked by many readers. This genre originated from Zhttty's "Infinite Horror", which contains elements of science, religion, mythology, legend, history, reality, movies, anime, games, etc., and after many years of development, it has formed the current infinite stream.

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

Infinite stream novels have developed to the present, forming two major genres: traditional infinite streaming and infinite data streaming. The traditional infinite stream is based on "Infinite Horror", which integrates elements such as cultivation, fantasy, and martial arts. The infinite flow of data is represented by "Ace Evolution", which uses a very rigorous writing technique and specific numbers to show readers specific scenes.

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

Today, let's talk about the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" created by "Guyue Jushi", the novel was released on June 26, 2016, and ended on September 10, 2018, which lasted 2 years and 2 months to complete, with a total number of words: 3,943,600, a total collection: 122,400, a total recommendation: 562,900, a true number of fans: 46,800, and a total of 3 league masters.

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

The protagonist Zhao Qi coincidentally obtained the god of literature, Dinaire, and left behind the creation and creation of the primordial godhead. Through self-realization, he can open up the world, create all things, and destroy all things, so that the Godhead can grow. Create the original infinite world, divide the god throne, and evolve the world of the gods. The infinite game was officially launched, real players entered the world of the gods, and various forces began to intervene. The Netherworld has been cleared, and the nations of the world have completed large-scale missions.

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

Zhao Qi formed the Oriental God System, came to the Kyushu World to repeat the gods, and established the foundation of the Huaguo God System - Jiuxiao Heavenly Court. Sholes creates nightmare spaces and fights in the ring with infinite games. Plant the World Tree seedlings in the real Kunlun Mountain, take root on the moon, and destroy the lunar consciousness. Re-enter into the Ten Commandments, intercept Christianity, and promote the infinite world stars and the division of the world. Incorporate the local gods of Dongying into the god system, and learn that there are hidden hands left by gods and demons on the earth.

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

Zhao Qi annexed the Nine Stars, improved the leylines, completed the first world upgrade, and the infinite world was initially integrated into reality. Achieve the eleventh rank of gods and sweep away the other gods who remain behind on the earth. After experiencing the great ancient turmoil, he created the rebels of the Divine Domain. The battle between science and magic begins a new journey. Penglai Island was born, and the mythological history of the earth was opened, and countries around the world fought on the island. Invade the world of Tyranny, create the Olympic God System, and seal Io, the god of gods.

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

After the White Snake Era, the Three Realms were successfully opened up, and the earth ushered in an extraordinary era. Zulong Yingzheng was born and fought with the Nine Heavens Heavenly Court. Forge your identity to enter the Taixuan realm, and destroy Taixuan with Shentian and Demon Yuan. With the protagonist of the nightmare, in the end, both were defeated. Mistakenly enter the world of Confucianism and Taoism, and play with the strong people in this world. Open up the Taiyi True Realm and the Ten Parallel Worlds, and all the gods will manifest the truth and achieve the thirteenth-order medium divine power.

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

descended on the Skynet universe and discovered the plot behind it, attracting the prying eyes of the experiment's master. Experience the chaos of the last days and redeem all the regrets. Uncover the mystery of ascension, experience the corridor of time and space, the chaos of Xianqin, the upgrade of the infinite world, descend to the wizard world, experience the humane carnival, survive the disaster of the evil gods, enter the heavens, and finally achieve the supreme god of "Taiyi".

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

As the pinnacle of the infinite flow of the main god, this book combines elements such as the main god's space, the mastermind behind the scenes, and the revival of aura, acting in the real world, breaking into multiple spaces, recruiting reincarnators from the heavens and all worlds, resurrecting the creation of gods, and turning myths into reality. The writing is very good, the imagination is rich, the routine setting is novel, the background setting is huge, the power system is perfect, the plot is exciting and exciting, the battle scenes are grand, and the reading experience is very good.

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

The male protagonist's IQ is online, and he acts decisively, and occasionally pretends to fork lightly. The image of the supporting characters is portrayed very well, and the strength of these supporting characters is very strong, and they all have their own characteristics and pursuits. There are many classic novels and film and television dramas, which describe various mythological systems, and integrate various elements together to construct a complete novel world.

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

This book can also be regarded as the leader of the behind-the-scenes and aura revival stream, and many behind-the-scenes mastermind novels have only come out after this book. The rhythm control and reading experience in the early stage of the novel are very good, and in the later stage, it is a little inflated, involving some sensitive content, and it is often 404 under the influence of unknown forces, and the overall quality has also decreased a little, but it is still a novel worth seeing!

The pinnacle masterpiece of the infinite flow of the main god "The Avenue of the Main God" is a high-reputation novel worth watching many times in a row!

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