
The black-suit ransomware gang claims to have launched an attack on Kadokawa

author:Lao Sun is at the forefront of science and technology


Quick guide

Kadokawa, Japan's major media conglomerate, was recently hit by a Men in Black ransomware gang that disrupted the company's website and affected subsidiaries such as FromSoftware and video-sharing platform Niconico. The ransomware attack resulted in the encryption of data, disrupting company operations and suspending services such as Niconico. Kadokawa is working to restore basic functions and strengthen cybersecurity to mitigate the impact of future attacks. The Men in Black gang demanded extortion money and threatened to release sensitive data by July 1, having previously been linked to the Conti cybercrime group. The FBI and CISA have warned of the scale of the Men in Black gang's attacks, including recent incidents affecting car dealers.

The black-suit ransomware gang claims to have launched an attack on Kadokawa

Kadokawa was attacked by a cyber attack

The Men in Black ransomware gang claims to have carried out a recent cyberattack on Kadokawa, a major Japanese media conglomerate, known for its presence in the film, publishing, and gaming industries. The cyberattack, which took place on June 8, caused severe service disruptions to various websites within the Kadokawa Group, affecting the operations of subsidiaries such as FromSoftware, the developer of Elden Ring, and Niconico, a popular video-sharing platform in Japan.

The black-suit ransomware gang claims to have launched an attack on Kadokawa

The impact of cyberattacks

The ransomware attack on Kadokawa resulted in the encryption of data hosted in the company's data centers, disrupting its operations extensively. As a result, services such as Niconico remain suspended and efforts are underway to restore essential functions such as accounting, manufacturing, and distribution. Kadokawa is currently working to enhance its network and server security to mitigate the impact of cyberattacks and resume normal business activities, especially in the publishing sector, where revenue generation is crucial.

The black-suit ransomware gang claims to have launched an attack on Kadokawa

The demands of the Men in Black ransomware gang

The Men in Black ransomware gang sent a ransom demand to Kadokawa, threatening to release sensitive data obtained in the cyberattack by July 1 if payment is not made. Formerly known as Operation Ransomware Royale, the gang has a history of targeting global organizations and is linked to the Conti cybercrime group. The FBI and CISA have warned of the scale of attacks orchestrated by the Men in Black gang, including the recent high-profile incident involving CDK Global, which has led to disruption to car dealerships across North America.

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