
From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

author:Chen Chen said history

The "Buyeo Change" and the "Crossing Covenant" in the history of the Liao Dynasty are like two boulders, pressing on the political career of Liao Shizong Yelu Ruan. This power struggle, which spanned two generations of emperors, was full of blood and calculation, but also permeated with wisdom and compromise. From the sudden death of Liao Taizu Yelu Abaoji, to the accidental death of Liao Taizong Yelu Deguang, and then to the thrilling accession of Liao Shizong Yelu Ruan, what changes has the power structure of the Liao Dynasty undergone? In the face of the strong Shulu Empress and the fierce Yelu Lihu, how did the young Yelu Ruan survive in the cracks, and finally resolve the dilemma and successfully ascend to the throne? In this thrilling power game, who is dictating the course of history?

In 926 AD, Liao Taizu Yelu Abaoji led his army south to conquer the Bohai Sea. The unifier of the Khitan tribe, the founding emperor of the Liao Dynasty, was in the prime of life and was ambitious. However, fate tricked people, and just as the army was marching, Yelu Abaoji suddenly fell seriously ill. Although there were military doctors who tried their best to treat them, they were unable to recover after all. Liao Taizu died on the journey at the age of 54.

This sudden news was like a thunderbolt, instantly shattering the seemingly calm political situation of the Liao Dynasty. Yelu Abaoji did not explicitly designate an heir during his lifetime, which laid the groundwork for the subsequent power struggle. According to the tradition of the Khitan tribe, the throne should be inherited by the eldest son. However, the empress of Liao Taizu had a different idea.

Shulu was born in the Houjin tribe and was the second queen of Liao Taizu. She was smart and decisive, good at strategy, and had already wielded considerable power during the reign of Liao Taizu. After Taizu's death, she acted quickly to pass the throne to her son, Yelu Deguang. However, this move was immediately met with strong opposition from the Khitan nobles led by Xiao Dilu.

From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

Xiao Dilu was the cousin of Liao Taizu and a highly respected minister in the court. He insisted that the throne should be inherited by Taizu's eldest son, Yelubei. The controversy soon turned into a confrontation between the old Khitan aristocracy and the post-Jin nouveau riche. The two sides come and go, and the court is tense.

Just when the situation was at an impasse, Shulu made a decisive move. In the name of the Empress Dowager, she mobilized an army to surround the nobles who supported Yelube. This move shocked the government and the opposition, and also marked the official outbreak of the "Buyeo Change". Buyeo is the place where the Liao State was built, and the coup d'état was named after it.

Under military deterrence, the nobles who supported Jelube were forced to submit. After the law, he took the opportunity to throw a group of opponents into prison, including Xiao Dilu. At the same time, she also skillfully used the traditions of the Khitan tribe, claiming to choose a new monarch in accordance with the spirit of the "Yilin Conference". This move not only gave her actions a veneer of legitimacy, but also won the support of some neutral aristocrats.

In the end, under the control of Shuluhou, Yelu Deguang was elected as the new emperor of Liao, and he was Taizong of Liao. However, this young man, who is only 20 years old, is actually just a puppet. The one who really holds the power of the government is still the queen of the law.

Although the enthronement ceremony of Yelu Deguang was solemn and solemn, the government and the opposition knew that this was just a continuation of the power after the law. She not only controlled the army, but also took control of the finances. Most of the important official positions in the DPRK and China are held by her cronies. Although Yerod Guang is the Son of Heaven, he is restricted everywhere and it is difficult to display his ambitions.

The outbreak and pacification of the "Buyeo Change" marked a major change in the political pattern of the Liao Dynasty. The power of the old Khitan aristocracy was hit hard, while the Later Jin forces, led by Shuluhou, rose rapidly. This change not only affected the government at that time, but also laid the groundwork for the accession of Yelu Ruan of Liao Shizong in the future.

From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

However, the wheel of history is always full of surprises. Just when everyone thought that the situation had stabilized, the young Liao Taizong Yelu Deguang was secretly preparing to regain his own power. This seemingly subsided political turmoil is in fact only a prelude to a larger power game.

After Yerod ascended the throne, it seemed that everything was under control on the surface, but in fact there was an undercurrent. As a young emperor, he was well aware of the danger he was in. After Shulu, he held the power of the court, and he himself was just a puppet. However, Jerod was not a man of resignation. He began a long and difficult struggle for power.

In the early days, Yerod Guang adopted a strategy of showing weakness. He behaved meekly and obediently, and obeyed the words of the law. This gesture not only lowered the vigilance of the repetition, but also won him a chance to breathe. During this time, Jerod secretly befriended courtiers and cultivated his own power. He paid special attention to co-opting the nobles who remained neutral in the "Buyeo Change", as well as some young and promising officials.

At the same time, Yerod also began to pay attention to the military. He frequently inspected the barracks and mingled with the soldiers. This practice not only strengthened his influence in the army, but also allowed him to gradually master the skills of military command. Over time, some of the generals began to develop a liking for the young emperor, which laid the groundwork for his future struggle for power.

In 936 C.E., Jerod seized a golden opportunity. At that time, the Central Plains region was in chaos, and the Later Jin regime was full of internal contradictions. Yelu Deguang put forward a plan to go south to the Central Plains, claiming to take the opportunity to expand the territory of Liao. This proposal was unanimously supported by the ministers of the DPRK and China, and even after the law.

The battle to the south was a great success. The Liao army captured the capital of the Later Jin Dynasty and captured the Later Jin Emperor Shi Jingjiao. This military victory greatly enhanced the prestige of Jerod Light. He not only won respect in the army, but also had more say in the court. More importantly, this southward movement allowed Yerod to establish a solid base in the Central Plains.

From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

Subsequently, Yerod Guang took a series of ingenious political measures. He appointed some generals loyal to him to guard the Central Plains, and at the same time transferred some of his cronies from the inner circle of power. These actions appear to be aimed at consolidating the newly occupied areas, but in fact they are undermining the influence of the Shulu.

In 947 AD, Yelu Deguang went south again, this time directly destroying the Later Jin regime and proclaiming himself emperor in the Central Plains. This move shocked the government and the opposition, and also marked the peak of his power. Yelu Deguang not only became a veritable emperor of Liao, but also became the ruler of the Central Plains.

However, just as Yerod was about to take full control of the situation, fate once again played a cruel joke on him. At the end of 947 AD, on the way back to Liao, Yelu Deguang died suddenly at the age of 41. This sudden change once again pushed the Liao Dynasty into the whirlpool of power vacuum.

The sudden death of Yelu Deguang made all the forces in the DPRK and China ready to move again. Although she is old, she still holds considerable power. At the same time, Yelu Ruan, the son of Yelu Deguang, also began to emerge. A new round of power struggle is about to begin.

Yerod's path to power shows his wisdom and resilience as a statesman. It took him nearly twenty years to go from a puppet emperor to the one in actual power. This experience not only changed the political landscape of the Liao Dynasty, but also provided valuable experience for the later Liao Shizong Yelu Ruan. However, the wheel of history did not stop turning with the passing of Jerod Light. New challenges and opportunities await the next protagonist.

The sudden death of Yelu Deguang, the emperor of Liao, once again pushed the Liao Dynasty into the whirlpool of power. At this critical moment, a new political force quietly emerged, and he was Yelu Ruan, the second son of Yelu Deguang.

From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

Yelu Nguyen was born in 922 and was the son of Yelu Deguang and his favorite concubine Yelu Bahu. Since he was not the eldest son, Yelu Ruan was excluded from the inner circle of power from an early age. However, this situation has instead cultivated his keen political sense and tenacious character. During his father's reign, Yelu Ruan has been silently observing, accumulating experience, and preparing for future political competitions.

After the death of Yerod Guang, the forces of the DPRK and China quickly launched a fierce competition. Yelu Ruan's elder brother Yelu Chonggui, as the eldest son, is naturally the most powerful heir to the throne. However, the elderly Shulu supported another prince, Yelu Lihu. This situation is quite similar to that of the "Buyeo Change" in those years, and both the government and the opposition fell into a tense atmosphere.

At this critical moment, a minister named Yelu Anjun stepped forward. Yelu Anjun was the grandson of Liao Taizu and was known for his prestige in the court. He was keenly aware of Yelu Ruan's potential and decided to support the young prince.

Yelu Anjun first launched a series of ingenious public opinion manipulations in the army. He secretly spread the news that Yelu Nguyen was far superior to other princes in military talent. This statement quickly spread among the army and won the support of many generals. At the same time, Yelu Anjun also actively contacted some old Khitan nobles who had been suppressed in the "Buyeo Rebellion", and promised in the name of Yelu Ruan that once they ascended the throne, they would restore their status.

This strategy has paid off. Soon, a group of old Khitan nobles began to rally around Yelu Ruan. They are not only interested in Yelu Nguyen's own talents, but more importantly, they hope to regain lost power by supporting him.

However, the situation has not been all smooth sailing. Although she was old, she still held considerable power. She was a staunch supporter of Yelu Lihu and used her influence to thwart Yelu Ruan. For a time, two camps were formed between the DPRK and China, and the situation became more and more tense.

From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

At this critical juncture, Yelu Ruan showed great political skill. He did not directly confront Shuluhou, but adopted a policy of gentleness. He went to the palace of the queen of Shulu many times to say goodbye, and behaved respectfully. This practice not only eased tensions with Shuluhou, but also won the favor of some neutral nobles.

At the same time, Yelu Ruan also skillfully exploited the political traditions of the Liao State. He proposed to convene a general assembly similar to the "Council of Neighbors", in which the tribal leaders would choose a new king. This proposal not only conforms to the Khitan tradition, but also gives the forces of all parties a chance to express their views.

Under the operation of Yeluan, the conference was finally convened. At the meeting, the voices of support for Yelu Nguyen prevailed. Some nobles who were originally neutral, seeing the trend of the situation, also expressed their support for Yelu Ruan. In the end, under the balance of forces of all parties, Yelu Ruan was successfully elected as the new emperor of Liao, and it was for Liao Shizong.

Yelu Ruan's accession to the throne marked another major change in the political landscape of the Liao Dynasty. The old Khitan aristocracy re-emerged, while the Later Jin power led by Shulu Hou gradually declined. However, this does not mean the end of the power struggle. New challenges soon emerged.

Although Yelu Lihu lost the throne, he did not give it up. He began to secretly collude in the army, trying to seize power by force. At the same time, some forces dissatisfied with the new emperor were also ready to move. As soon as Yelu Nguyen ascended to the throne, he faced a severe test.

At this critical juncture, Yelu Ruan showed extraordinary political wisdom and determination. He acted decisively, on the one hand, to reassure the army, and on the other hand, to crack down on the rebels. This kind of vigorous and resolute style makes those forces that are ready to move not dare to act rashly.

From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

However, the real challenge is yet to come. Yelu Lihu's rebellion, the power game after Shulu, and how to balance the forces of all parties were all difficult problems in front of Liao Shizong. How will the young emperor respond to these challenges and continue to consolidate his rule?

When Yelu Nguyen ascended to the throne, his first task was to consolidate his power. He knew very well that in order to truly grasp power, it was not enough to rely on the old Khitan nobles who supported him to ascend to the throne. As a result, he embarked on a series of drastic political reforms.

First, Yelu Nguyen set out to reorganize the imperial court. He appointed a group of young and promising officials, many of whom were Han Chinese. This move not only injected fresh blood into the imperial court, but also reflected his open-minded attitude of "employing people regardless of race". At the same time, he did not forget the old Khitan nobles who supported him to ascend to the throne, appropriately elevating their status, but not allowing them to monopolize power.

Second, Yelu Nguyen implemented a series of economic reforms. He ordered the reduction of taxes on peasants and the encouragement of agricultural production. At the same time, he also focused on the development of commerce, and set up a number of trading markets in the territory of Liao, which promoted economic prosperity. These measures not only won the hearts and minds of the people, but also laid an economic foundation for the long-term peace and stability of the Liao State.

In terms of culture, Yelu Nguyen showed an open-minded attitude. He vigorously promoted Chinese characters and encouraged the Khitan aristocracy to learn Han culture. At the same time, he also paid attention to the protection of the Khitan culture, and ordered people to compile the "Khitan National Chronicles" to record the history of the Khitan. This inclusive cultural policy created conditions for the cultural prosperity of the Liao State.

However, Yelu Nguyen's reforms were not all smooth sailing. Some conservative aristocrats complained about his policies, believing him to be too "sinicized". In order to balance the forces of all sides, Yelu Nguyen took a series of ingenious measures. He often organized hunting activities in the Khitan tradition and participated in it himself as a way to show that he attached importance to the Khitan tradition. At the same time, he also promoted some conservatives in due course and gave them a certain right to speak.

From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

In military affairs, Yelu Nguyen also showed great talent. He inherited the ambition of his father, Yelu Deguang, and personally led the army on many occasions. In 951 AD, he led his army south, conquered several cities of the Northern Han Dynasty, and forced the Northern Han to pay tribute. This victory not only consolidated the influence of the Liao State in the Central Plains, but also greatly enhanced Yelu Ruan's prestige in the army.

In 954 AD, Yelu Nguyen headed south again, this time aiming for Hou Zhou. The Liao army drove straight in, and once attacked the north bank of the Yellow River. Although the army was eventually withdrawn due to lack of food and grass, this military operation still shocked the Central Plains states and further consolidated the position of the Liao state.

In addition to foreign warfare, Yelu Nguyen also focused on internal defense. He built a series of castles on the southern border of the Liao kingdom and strengthened the defense of the Central Plains. At the same time, he also attached great importance to military training, and often personally inspected the troops to maintain the combat effectiveness of the army.

However, frequent military operations also pose some problems. Massive military spending has put enormous pressure on the state treasury, and some local officials have begun to intensify their exploitation of the common people. In order to solve this problem, Yelu Nguyen took a series of measures. He ordered the severe punishment of corrupt officials, and at the same time adjusted the tax policy to reduce the burden on the people as much as possible.

In addition to military conquests, Yelu Nguyen also focused on diplomacy. He maintained a relatively stable relationship with the Song dynasty, and the two sides exchanged envoys on several occasions. At the same time, he also strengthened ties with the countries of the Western Regions and expanded the international influence of Liao.

However, just as Yelu Nguyen's rule seemed to be becoming more secure, a potential crisis was quietly emerging. His younger brother Jeruxiugo began to accumulate strength in the army and secretly plotted to seize power. This hidden danger will become the fuse of the political turmoil in Liao in the future.

From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

Over time, Yeruan's reign gradually became on the right track. His political reforms and military conquests not only consolidated his rule, but also laid the foundation for the development of the Liao state. However, the dark clouds of power struggles always hung over the Liao State. How will Yelu Ruan's successors respond to these challenges and continue to promote the development of the Liao state?

After Yelu Ruan's death, the political situation in Liao fell into turmoil again. Yelu Ruan's eldest son, Yelu Jun, succeeded to the throne as Liao Muzong. However, the new monarch faced serious challenges at the beginning of his ascension to the throne.

Yelujun was only 16 years old when he succeeded to the throne and lacked political experience. The ministers quickly split into several factions, vying to influence the young emperor. Among them, the faction led by Jeruxiugo was the strongest. Yelu Xiuge was the younger brother of Liao Shizong and had a high prestige in the army. He took advantage of the young age of the new monarch and quickly took control of the government.

However, Jerexiugo's authoritarian behavior caused displeasure among the other nobles. In particular, some of the old Khitan nobles were worried that Yelu Xiuge would upset the balance established during the Liao Shizong period. As a result, a group of nobles led by Jerusha began to secretly unite in an attempt to counterbalance Jeruxiugo's power.

Just when the various factions in the DPRK and China were fighting openly and secretly, an alarm sounded on the border again. The Song Dynasty took advantage of the political instability of the Liao State and began to move on the border. Faced with this situation, Yelujun had to temporarily rely on Yeluxiugo's military talents to deal with external threats.

In 970 AD, Jelu Hugo led his army south and engaged in a fierce battle with the Song army near Youzhou (present-day Beijing). In this battle, Jeluxiugo showed outstanding military talent, not only repelling the Song army, but also capturing a large number of Song generals. This victory greatly increased the prestige of Jeruxiugo in the army and in the court.

From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

However, the rise in Yeluhuge's prestige aroused Yelujun's vigilance. The young emperor began to realize that his imperial power might be threatened if he allowed his power to continue to expand. As a result, Yelujun began to secretly contact other factions in an attempt to counterbalance Yeluxiugo.

Yelujun first co-opted the old Khitan nobles led by Yelusha. He secretly promised that if he could help him free himself from Jeruhhuge's control, he would restore their position in the court. This promise was quickly reciprocated, and a group of old Khitan nobles began to speak for Yelujun in the court, resisting some of Yeluxiuge's proposals.

At the same time, Yelujun did not ignore the important group of Han officials. He appointed a group of talented Han Chinese into the center as a way to balance the power of the Khitan aristocracy. Although this practice caused dissatisfaction among some Khitan conservatives, it did weaken Yelu Huge's influence to a certain extent.

Seeing that his power was weakened, Jeruxiu did not sit still. He began to lavish rewards in the army and envelop the generals. At the same time, he also used his prestige in the army to spread rumors that Yelujun intended to weaken the military power, which caused dissatisfaction among some generals.

Just as the two sides were secretly battling, an unexpected event upset the balance. In 979 AD, Song Taizong personally led the Northern Expedition and captured Taiyuan, the capital of the Northern Han Dynasty. When the news reached Liao, it immediately caused an uproar. The ministers of the DPRK and China demanded that troops be sent to aid the Northern Han, but there were different opinions on who would command the army.

Jerexiugo believed that with his military talents, he should lead a large army. However, Yelujun took the opportunity to propose to go out in person. This decision was supported by the majority of the ministers, who believed that the emperor's personal conquest would improve the morale of the army.

From the "change of Buyeo" to the "covenant of crossing", how did Liao Shizong resolve the dilemma and the struggle for the throne

Yelujun's decision is actually trying to get rid of Yeluxiugo's control. However, things turned out to be unexpected. On the way south, Yelujun suddenly fell ill and had to return halfway. This accident gave Jeruxiugo an opportunity. He quickly took command of the army and won a series of victories in the battles that followed.

These victories further cemented Yelujun's position in the military, making it more difficult for him to weaken his influence. However, Yelujun did not give up. He began to plan more carefully, preparing to weaken Jerushugo's power in one fell swoop at the right time.

As time went on, the power struggle within the Liao State became more and more intense. The contest between Yelujun and Yeluxiu not only affected the internal and foreign affairs of the Liao State, but also profoundly affected all aspects of Khitan society. How will the outcome of this struggle affect the future direction of Liao?