
Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

author:Kotsuki Finding Office
Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

In the late autumn of 1958, the sound of the piano at the Moscow Conservatory was melodious. Guo Shuzhen, who was focusing on rehearsals in the practice hall, was interrupted by a letter from her motherland.

She stared at the handwriting on the envelope, and the familiar and unfamiliar name, Zhu Gongqi, made her stunned for a moment.

Why did this boy, who was eight years younger than her, suddenly contact her while she was studying abroad? Guo Shuzhen's fingertips trembled slightly, and she slowly opened the envelope. As the warmth poured out between the lines, the outstanding Western opera performer felt his heart beat faster.

It turned out that Zhu Gongqi saw her photo on the propaganda board of the Sino-Soviet Friendship Association in Shanghai, and his feelings of longing came to his heart. He plucked up the courage to write this letter, which spanned thousands of miles.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

In this way, a love story that spans age and time and space quietly sprouts in a foreign country.

In the autumn of 1950, the Central Conservatory of Music in Tianjin ushered in a group of new students. Guo Shuzhen, as a senior sister, stood at the school gate with her friends to greet her. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of new students, a shy boy catches her eye.

"This is my younger brother, Zhu Gongqi." My friend introduced.

Zhu Gongqi shouted "Sister Shuzhen" a little shyly, and Guo Shuzhen smiled and nodded in response. At that time, she could not have imagined that this immature boy would become the most important person in her life in the future.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

Every Saturday, Guo Shuzhen will visit a friend's house. Zhu Gongqi always said hello politely, and then went into the room alone to practice his beloved violin. Time was quiet, and the years were silent until 1953, when Guo Shuzhen was selected to study at the Moscow Conservatory for her outstanding performance, and the contact between the two was interrupted.

Five years later, in 1958, Guo Shuzhen, who had returned from school, received a letter from Zhu Gongqi and re-established contact. They began to correspond frequently, chatting about music and art, and they became closer to each other.

In January 1959, Guo Shuzhen finally embarked on the journey back to China. When she saw Zhu Gongqi again, she couldn't help but be stunned. What was once a young boy has transformed into a charming young man.

Zhu Gongqi's eyes flashed eagerly, as if telling his thoughts over the years.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

"Sister Shuzhen, do you remember me?" Zhu Gongqi asked softly, with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Guo Shuzhen's heart trembled, and she realized that the relationship between the two seemed to have quietly changed. "Of course, you've grown up a lot." She responded with a smile, trying to hide her inner turmoil.

As they got along, Guo Shuzhen found herself looking forward to every meeting with Zhu Gongqi. One day, she needed to choose clothes, and Zhu Gongqi offered to accompany her.

In the process of selecting the fabric, the hands of the two inadvertently touched, and each felt the heartbeat of each other.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

In this way, the former sister and brother reunited, but with a different mood. Guo Shuzhen was surprised to find that Zhu Gongqi was no longer the younger brother who needed to be taken care of in her memory, but a confidant who could communicate with her on an equal footing and appreciate art.

Zhu Gongqi's eyes were also full of admiration for her, and that fiery emotion could no longer be concealed.

The gears of fate are quietly turning, and a love story that spans ages is brewing. The relationship between them is like a beautiful duet, harmonious and complements each other.

As the relationship between Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi became closer and closer, their relationship gradually became known. However, the social environment in 1959 was not tolerant, and a storm about their feelings quietly arose.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

"Guo Shuzhen, you are an elite who has returned from studying abroad, how can you fall in love with an ordinary violinist?"

"They are eight years apart, can such a sibling relationship last long?"

Gossip poured in like a tidal wave, leaving Guo Shuzhen confused and angry. She couldn't understand why her personal feelings were so much concerning.

In the face of doubts, Guo Shuzhen chose to stand firmly by Zhu Gongqi's side. There was a gritty glint in her eyes, "Age is just a number, the important thing is that we love each other."

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

She said with determination and confidence in her voice.

Zhu Gongqi was also under tremendous pressure. As a young party, he needs to prove his ability and determination even more. "I will spend my whole life pampering her," he solemnly promised, his eyes full of determination and affection.

Whenever Guo Shuzhen felt frustrated due to external pressure, Zhu Gongqi would always gently hold her hand and give silent support with actions.

After much deliberation, the two decided to face the relationship bravely. On December 15, 1959, witnessed by relatives and friends, Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

Although the wedding is simple, it is full of happiness and emotion. When Guo Shuzhen took Zhu Gongqi's arm and slowly walked to the end of the red carpet, her eyes flashed with tears of happiness.

Zhu Gongqi held her hand tightly, as if to say silently: "We can finally be together openly."

However, the joy of the newlyweds has not completely faded, and another test has crept in. In 1960, Guo Shuzhen performed abroad as a representative of the Chinese Art Troupe, which lasted for several months.

The newlyweds had to face a long separation.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

On the eve of departure, Guo Shuzhen snuggled in Zhu Gongqi's arms and said softly: "I will miss you." Zhu Gongqi gently stroked her hair and replied softly, "I will always be here and wait for you to come back."

Although he was reluctant to give up, Zhu Gongqi still strongly supported his wife's career. He inquired about Guo Shuzhen's itinerary through various channels and tried to find a way to contact her.

The hard work paid off, and he finally managed to send two postcards when Guo Shuzhen was in Canada.

When Guo Shuzhen received a letter from her husband in a foreign country, a warm current surged in her heart. She caressed the familiar handwriting on the postcard, as if she could feel her husband's body temperature.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

This delicate care made her more determined to make her choice.

Guo Shuzhen, who is far away, has become the happiest person in the art troupe. Whenever she performs on stage, she can always feel Zhu Gongqi's gaze from the audience. Although they are thousands of miles apart, the deep love is like a warm current, passing through time and space and reaching each other's hearts.

In this way, Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi proved with their actions that sincere love can transcend age, distance and secular vision. Their feelings, constantly sublimated in the midst of many trials, are like a beautiful concerto, which is more and more touching.

The clouds of the Cultural Revolution loomed over the country, and the happy lives of Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi were also shattered. As an intellectual, Guo Shuzhen was unfortunately subjected to quarantine and censorship, and her life fell into unprecedented difficulties.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

The glorious singers of the past are now forced to face endless critiques and heavy manual labor. Every day when she returned home, Guo Shuzhen was exhausted, and the brilliance in her eyes gradually disappeared.

However, in these difficult days, Zhu Gongqi became her most solid backing.

Although he was also facing great pressure, Zhu Gongqi still tried his best to send comfort and support to his wife. He would quietly prepare some simple food for Guo Shuzhen and hand her a warm cup of tea when she came home.

Whenever Guo Shuzhen felt desperate, Zhu Gongqi would always comfort her softly: "Trust me, we will definitely be able to get through." This is only temporary, and your talent will be recognized again.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

This catastrophe not only did not break their feelings, but made the hearts of the two closer and closer. In those turbulent times, they decided to fight the difficulties of reality in their own way - to give birth to a new life.

When Guo Shuzhen learned that she was pregnant, she was both surprised and apprehensive at the age of 46. She is worried about the risks of advanced maternal age. Zhu Gongqi held her hand, his eyes were full of tenderness: "Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side."

Our children will be healthy and happy.

During pregnancy, Zhu Gongqi incarnated as an intimate "houseman". Regardless of the strange eyes of the outside world, he carefully took care of Guo Shuzhen's diet and daily life, and made full preparations for the upcoming new life.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

Whenever Guo Shuzhen was worried about her age, Zhu Gongqi would always gently stroke her belly and whisper: "This child is the crystallization of our love, and it will definitely be born safely."

In this special period, Guo Shuzhen was deeply moved by Zhu Gongqi's dedication. She often looked at her sleeping husband in the dead of night, and her heart was full of gratitude and love.

This experience made them cherish each other more and made their love more resilient in the face of adversity.

Zhu Gongqi and Guo Shuzhen used practical actions to explain what it means to share weal and beyond. Their love, like a green pine standing upright in a storm, becomes more and more upright and strong.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

In anticipation, Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi's daughter Zhu Zhenzhen finally came to the world. When the nurse handed the baby to Guo Shuzhen's arms, the eyes of the parents who were not confused were full of joy and emotion.

Zhu Gongqi gently stroked his daughter's soft face and whispered, "Welcome to this world, our little princess."

This hard-won little life seems to be a gift from God to their steadfast love. Zhu Gongqi is even more incarnated as a careful dad and takes on most of the childcare work.

He learned to change diapers, make formula, and even in the middle of the night, he could accurately discern the meaning of his daughter's cry.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

Whenever Guo Shuzhen felt tired from work, Zhu Gongqi would always silently massage her shoulders or prepare a glass of warm milk. His thoughtfulness and dedication made Guo Shuzhen feel deeply happy.

Looking at her husband's busy figure, Guo Shuzhen's heart was full of gratitude. She often sighed: "The greatest happiness in my life is not the glory of my career, but the ability to have such a warm family."

Zhu Gongqi will respond gently: "Having your mother and daughter by your side is my greatest happiness."

The arrival of their daughter not only brought joy to their lives, but also deepened the couple's relationship. Their love has been sublimated in taking care of their daughter, like a warm lullaby, quietly flowing in this happy little family.

Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi: Sister and brother who are eight years apart, play their own Condor Heroes together

The years are like a song, and the love story of Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi has been written for more than 60 years. They used practical actions to explain what is a realistic version of the "Condor Heroes", which amazed those who once questioned them.

Time has carved its mark on their faces, but every time they look at each other, the affection is still the same. Guo Shuzhen often stared at Zhu Gongqi and said softly: "If there is an afterlife, we are still willing to spend the rest of our lives together...... Zhu Gongqi will hold her hand tightly and tell the eternal promise with his actions.

Their love, like an old wine, has become more mellow and moving after years of precipitation. In this rapidly changing world, the story of Guo Shuzhen and Zhu Gongqi has become a desirable love legend.

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