
Didn't play in the actual 1 minute game? Actor Wang Yan's son was sent to Peking University with his basketball expertise, which caused questions!

author:The post-00s old aunt has something to say

Recently, some media exposed that Wang Hongqin, the son of famous actor Wang Yan, was escorted to Peking University, but because Wang Hongqin was a substitute when he participated in the game and did not play for a minute, it also attracted the attention and questions of netizens.

Didn't play in the actual 1 minute game? Actor Wang Yan's son was sent to Peking University with his basketball expertise, which caused questions!

Moreover, according to media person Aunt Simon, if the student's school team wins the rankings in various national competitions, he will have the opportunity to get the title of first-class athlete, even if he does not play. However, there is a limited number of places awarded to participating students, and the first-place team will only be awarded to 5 participating students. As for why the title of first-class athlete was not given to the five main players in the starter, but to Wang Hongqin as a substitute, we don't know.

Didn't play in the actual 1 minute game? Actor Wang Yan's son was sent to Peking University with his basketball expertise, which caused questions!

Of course, compared with the sensation caused by Jiang Ping, a secondary school student, who won the 12th place in the mathematics competition, Wang Hongqin's escort to Peking University did not cause a big storm. There are even many netizens who gave their blessings to Wang Hongqin to Peking University.

In fact, in addition to Wang Hongqin entering Peking University as a substitute for the team, there was also milk tea sister Zhang Zetian who relied on her aerobics expertise to enter Tsinghua University, which did not arouse people's doubts, and it was really incredible.

Didn't play in the actual 1 minute game? Actor Wang Yan's son was sent to Peking University with his basketball expertise, which caused questions!

On the one hand, the children of wealthy families are easily recruited to Peking University as special students, and on the other hand, the secondary school students who scored 621 points in the high school entrance examination face the doubts of the whole society alone, is this really fair?

In fact, no matter whether it is a rich child like Wang Hongqin and Zhang Zetian, or a poor student like Jiang Ping, education should be treated equally. It is very simple to test the authenticity of the game, and the identity of a high-level basketball athlete is even easier to test than the level of mathematics.

Didn't play in the actual 1 minute game? Actor Wang Yan's son was sent to Peking University with his basketball expertise, which caused questions!

What we question is not relying on sports expertise to get into top universities, but whether sports expertise is real. If the substitutes who didn't play won the few first-tier athlete spots, would there be other players with real strength who lost the title of first-tier athlete?

It is hoped that Peking University will retest and review the situation of these special students after the start of the semester, and report the results to the society, so that the public can see the true strength of Wang Yan's son. Real gold is not afraid of fire, and Peking University's timely report of the situation will also allow negative public opinion to be calmed!

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