
Li Qingyun, a strange man in the Qing Dynasty: He married 24 wives and gave birth to 180 babies, does this match his age?

author:The heart speaks to Mo Chen

In 1820, a stranger came to Chenjiachang, Kaixian County, Chongqing. He was tall, smooth-skinned, muscular, and only his eyes had gone through the vicissitudes of life, and he made a living selling herbs and practicing medicine in the local area.

Li Qingyun, a strange man in the Qing Dynasty: He married 24 wives and gave birth to 180 babies, does this match his age?

Li Qingyun

There was a new visitor in the town suddenly, and the neighbors were very curious, and they had to talk about it. Someone asked him what his name was. He claimed to be Li Qingyun. Someone asked him how old he was? He said lightly that he was over 150 years old.

As soon as these words came out, everyone who heard them exploded, and the town has experienced many people for generations, and no one has ever lived to this age, Li Qingyun suddenly became a celebrity in the town. So, in addition to the people who came to him every day to buy medicine and see a doctor, there were also people who came to listen to him talk about his life experience, one after another, and it was simply an endless stream.

Legend has it that Sun Simiao lived to be 165 years old, which is also just a legend, but for Li Qingyun's longevity, there was an article in the "Wanzhou Daily" in the eighties of the last century - "Li Qingyun, a 256-year-old man in Kaixian County", which also caused a sensation in Sichuan at that time.

In 1986, the sixth issue of Qigong magazine also published an article written by Liu Chengxun, a person from Kaixian County, entitled "Remembering the 256-year-old long-lived old man Li Qingyuan (i.e., Li Qingyun)", in which he recounted Li Qingyun's activities in Kaixian County when he participated in the compilation of local chronicles.

In Liu Chengxun's memory, Li Qingyun's real name is Zhou Liang, his hometown is in Mudu (I don't know where he is now), and he was born in 1677, that is, in the 16th year of Kangxi.

In 1933, Li Qingyun died of illness, and in this way, he lived to be 256 years old. It is said that his longevity has also been reported by foreign Times magazines and the New York Times, and for a time, Li Qingyun has become a world-famous long-lived old man.

Li Qingyun, a strange man in the Qing Dynasty: He married 24 wives and gave birth to 180 babies, does this match his age?

Li Qingyun

If calculated according to this age, he experienced nine emperors of the Qing Dynasty, and the order was Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Guangxu, and Xuantong, and he lived from the middle of the Qing Dynasty to the early years of the Republic of China. In the course of this long life, Li Qingyun has married 24 wives and has 180 children, which is a huge family.

In the twenty-fifth year of Jiaqing (1820 AD), Li Qingyun came to Chenjiachang, Kaixian County, Chongqing alone, and looked about 50 years old, but he claimed to be over 150 years old. He said that he had come to Kaixian once 100 years ago, and without hesitation, he said the names of the people, places and the situation at that time in Kaixian a hundred years ago, and the local old people nodded again and again.

Li Qingyun, who had just come to Chenjiachang, lived in Shicun (now Longfeng Village), knew martial arts, knew medical skills, and went to the market every day to sell herbs for a living. Later, he moved to Kaixian, where he married a wife, Li, and settled down.

After a long time, the locals found that his living habits were different from ordinary people. He goes to bed early and gets up early every day, eats regularly and quantitatively, especially does not smoke or drink, and closes his eyes and meditates before going to bed.

This is Li Qingyun's living habits, he said: "If you can't eat enough, if you are too full, your stomach will hurt; If you don't sleep for long, your essence will dissipate if you sleep too long. For more than 200 years of his life, he never ate too much food, nor did he sleep too long. ”

Li Qingyun, a strange man in the Qing Dynasty: He married 24 wives and gave birth to 180 babies, does this match his age?

Sichuan people like to play cards

In addition, Li Qinggo also has a hobby, which is to grow the nails of his left hand. In order to prevent his nails from breaking, he often used small bamboo tubes to put on his fingers as protection, and when the nails grew to more than six inches, he would cut them off and put them in a wooden box for preservation, and by the time he died, the nails were full. He never mentioned why he did this hobby, it was probably just a habit.

As for the topic of marrying a wife and having children, he is of course a hot topic among locals in his 100s. But Li Qingyun said that although he married a wife, he did not live together, and his wife only needed to wash and cook for him, of course, this also had to be the other party's will. At that time, he no longer took care of the burden of selling medicine himself, but hired a 14-year-old boy to carry the burden for him and travel to the countryside for treatment.

In terms of treatment, for ordinary people, if they are poor, they will not charge money, and those who can live will give some at will, but for rich families, he will definitely charge high medical expenses to support his family.

When he is idle, Li Qingyun will also entertain. He likes to play cards, often go to the bridge not far from his residence to play cards with people, every time he will lose 120 Wen, so that others can win enough money for the day, and finally everyone is happy.

Over time, the locals praised Li Qingyun as a kind-hearted person, never angry, and helpful to others, and everyone respected him as a teacher.

Li Qingyun, a strange man in the Qing Dynasty: He married 24 wives and gave birth to 180 babies, does this match his age?

Li Qingyun

In 1927, Sichuan warlord Yang Sen heard the story of Li Qingyun and invited him to Wanxian as a guest. Seeing Li Qingyun's old age and his superb Chinese medicine preparation skills, Yang Sen was deeply fascinated, and he not only regarded Li Qingyun as a guest, but also found someone to take the photo of him that has been passed down to this day.

Of course, in the end, Yang Sen was naturally interested in Li Qingyun's longevity. In this regard, Li Qingyun summarized to him the health theory of Pu Weng (an old man who was good at health preservation in ancient times), that is, to follow the four words of "kindness, frugality, harmony and tranquility", which is the way of health preservation and the foundation of longevity.

The so-called "benevolence" is to be benevolent, loving, kind-hearted, do not harm things or harm others, there is no mood of ups and downs, people's hearts are naturally peaceful and happy, and health is to nourish the heart.

The so-called "thrift" means saving and temperance. Temperate food and drink to nourish the spleen and stomach, temperate cravings and gather spirit, temperate speech to prevent wrongdoing, and a little moderation in everything, you will benefit a lot.

The so-called "harmony" is harmony. Between kings and ministers, between parents and brothers and sisters, between husbands and wives, and between friends, they must maintain each other, and "harmony" is "auspicious", and everything goes smoothly.

The so-called "quiet" is, of course, quiet and quiet. The body is not overworked, and the heart is not light (not cranky), because if it hurts the mind, it hurts the body.

It is conceivable that after listening to Yang Sen at that time, his forehead may have been drenched in cold sweat, and the first thing he couldn't pass in these four-character proverbs was lust.

Li Qingyun, a strange man in the Qing Dynasty: He married 24 wives and gave birth to 180 babies, does this match his age?


It is said that in the end, in order to please Chiang Kai-shek, Yang Sen planned to escort Li Qingyun to Chongqing. But unexpectedly, before he could send him to Chongqing, Li Qingyun died of illness.

Li Qingyun was buried in Lijiawan, Yixue Village, Kaixian County, in 1933. If, according to his own words, he was born in 1677, he would have lived to be a full 256 years old.

This age has been a sensation and has been reported by domestic and foreign media, but there is no way to verify the true credibility of this age, and all the sources come from Li Qingyun's self-reported age. Even the local chronicles that Liu Chengxun participated in compiling were just collecting some wild historical materials and sorting them out for the reference of those who were interested.

Some experts have suggested that almost no one in the biological world, except for plants, lives to be 200 years old. Because it has been scientifically proven that biological human cell division can divide up to 50 to 60 times before stopping, which is natural death. The survival time after each cell division is 2-3 years, which means that the maximum life limit of human beings is 180 years.

In this way, 256 years old is more than 70 years old, is it possible?

It can't be said that it's impossible, but it's full of loopholes.

Li Qingyun, a strange man in the Qing Dynasty: He married 24 wives and gave birth to 180 babies, does this match his age?

Qianlong statue

First of all, according to Li Qingyun's own words, from the year 1677, he must have experienced the Qianlong Emperor. In that dynasty, Qianlong respected longevity very much, and held two thousand banquets, one in 1785, Li Qingyun should be 108 years old; Once in 1795, Li Qingyun should have been 118 years old. At that time, he was so long-lived, but he didn't participate in the Qiansu banquet once, I don't know if it was because he was not old enough, or what was the reason? In short, there is no record of the Qianlong Qiansu banquet.

Secondly, Li Qingyuan cannot be found in the literature, and his longevity is only passed on by word of mouth. In the 90s of the last century, the "Kaixian Chronicles" was revised, and the manuscript about Li Qingyun was no different from the circulation.

Moreover, it is said that Li Qingyun still went to lecture at the age of 200, and it can be deduced that when he was 200 years old, it should be 1877. At that time, there were no universities in China, and if he wanted to spread medical skills, he could only be regarded as an apprentice himself.

The last point is that Li Qingyun's huge descendant did not leave any news. Besides, he lived to be 256 years old and gave birth to 180 children, is it really consistent?

Li Qingyun, a strange man in the Qing Dynasty: He married 24 wives and gave birth to 180 babies, does this match his age?

Statue of Li Qingyun

In this way, whether Li Qingyun lived to be 256 years old can only be said to be an unsolved mystery, but according to a report issued by Yang Sen, the old man also lived at least 100 years old, and he is also a veritable longevity.

Li Qingyun once warned the villagers: hunger and cold, parents can't replace them, they die of old age and illness, and their wives can't replace them. Only the way of self-love and self-fulfillment is the criterion and key to health preservation.

The old man's words are true, and they are still a piece of advice to people today.

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted

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