
The Qing Dynasty was greedy and Shen, these three kinds of money were not greedy, was it discovered by conscience or did there be another hidden secret?

author:Xiaofan History

The Qing Dynasty was greedy and Shen, these three kinds of money were never greedy, was it discovered by conscience or did there be another hidden secret? Especially the third point, because of this, he has been at large during the Qianlong period!

The Qing Dynasty was greedy and Shen, these three kinds of money were not greedy, was it discovered by conscience or did there be another hidden secret?

The shady curtain of history: the mystery of wealth behind the fraud in the imperial examination is revealed!

First, the wealth of fraud in the imperial examination. The imperial examination is the most important way to enter the official career and absorb talents in the imperial court, but later there were more and more tricks of fraud in the imperial examination. In order to make their family pass the exam smoothly, some people will secretly pay bribes and beg the examiner for help. This is a doorway that can make a lot of money, and many officials can't resist the temptation to earn this money.

The Qing Dynasty was greedy and Shen, these three kinds of money were not greedy, was it discovered by conscience or did there be another hidden secret?

But he knew in his heart that talent was very important to a country and the imperial court, and he also understood that Emperor Qianlong attached great importance to the imperial examination. If Qianlong found out about this imperial examination, he would definitely provoke the emperor's disgust and be punished. It's not cost-effective to take such a big risk for this little profit! Instead of helping those who have little ability, it is better to take those who are really capable for their own use. In the future, I can help myself in the court!

The Qing Dynasty was greedy and Shen, these three kinds of money were not greedy, was it discovered by conscience or did there be another hidden secret?

The Greed for Power: How Did Disaster Relief Money Become a Tool for Officials' Selfish Interests?

Second, the wealth of disaster relief is not greedy. In feudal society, famine was a common occurrence. The court would allocate a lot of money to help the people. Of course, it is not uncommon in history for the silver used for disaster relief to be embezzled by some officials. Disaster relief payments are usually very large, and if you are careful, it is really not so easy to catch a little greed.

Many times, if ordinary people can't survive, then something will happen! As a result of this trouble, the disaster area is prone to rebellion. He doesn't do this kind of thing that drives the victims to their deaths. It's not that he has any love, he knows very well in his heart that only when the court is stable can he sit firmly in Diaoyutai and enjoy the glory and wealth.

The Qing Dynasty was greedy and Shen, these three kinds of money were not greedy, was it discovered by conscience or did there be another hidden secret?

If he is greedy for that silver, and the common people make trouble in the capital, even if the emperor favors him again, he will have to investigate, and he will not be able to run away by himself. He also demanded that his own people should not be greedy, and sometimes he even paid for disaster relief.

Of course, he won't stop others from being greedy. On the contrary, he will take the money from those who are greedy and then get it into his own hands. In this way, he does not have to worry about the danger of things being exposed, and he does not delay his own "earning money".

The Qing Dynasty was greedy and Shen, these three kinds of money were not greedy, was it discovered by conscience or did there be another hidden secret?

Smart money-making scheming: the real operation behind taking money to do things for others is revealed!

Third, don't be greedy for unsure money. Take money to do things for others, and only take the kind of money that you are sure you can do. He is a smart man, and he doesn't want to ruin his reputation because he didn't get things done, so that a "good reputation" can bring him greater benefits.

He has always followed the principle of doing as much as he can, and only accepts bribes that he can handle. This principle not only protects himself, but also avoids the risks of being too greedy. Just his "high emotional intelligence" and his cunning in the officialdom can make him stand in the court for decades, and he has always been favored by Qianlong!

The Qing Dynasty was greedy and Shen, these three kinds of money were not greedy, was it discovered by conscience or did there be another hidden secret?

The Qing Dynasty was a well-known corrupt official and Shen. is not greedy for these three kinds of money, but it is not really for the people at all, but in order to make his corrupt life longer. Self-interest does not harm others, this is the foundation of being a human being. And he did. #历史##历史故事##历史人物##和珅##乾隆#

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