
When people are old, it is not about exercising, not about drinking water, please pay attention to these 3 guidelines!

author:Health Road Plue

As the saying goes: "Thirty and stand, forty is not confused, and fifty is known to the destiny of heaven." ”

The older we get, especially after the age of 50, health becomes the top priority in our lives.

A person's physical health is 1, and wealth, feelings, career, and family ...... It's all 0 after 1, and only the existence of 0 attached to this 1 will be meaningful.

Many people are reluctant to invest in their health, but there is a truth you need to know:

Your family is likely to sell your property due to your illness and borrow money to help you pay for your medical bills, and you are estimated to be unconscious at that time, so taking care of yourself is to reduce the burden on your family!

So today, let's talk about the secret recipe for longevity, and abide by these rules of longevity, which can help us stay away from diseases and easily maintain a long life!

When people are old, it is not about exercising, not about drinking water, please pay attention to these 3 guidelines!


Longevity criterion 1

Regulate your emotions and don't get angry!

[Liver maintenance, blood pressure stabilization]

"The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon" says: "People have five internal organs, and they turn into five gases, so as to give birth to joy, anger, sorrow, and fear." ”

Joy, in the five organs belong to the heart; Anger, in the five internal organs belong to the liver; Sorrow and sorrow belong to the lungs in the five organs; Thinking, in the five organs belong to the spleen; Fear, panic, in the five organs belong to the kidneys.

Therefore, Chinese medicine has the sayings of "great joy and sadness", "more sorrow and more sadness", "anger hurts the liver", "too much thinking hurts the spleen", and "more fear hurts the kidneys".

People who are often angry, although they vent their emotions and release stress at the moment of anger, but the body is like a notepad of our mind, and every injury invisibly affects our health.

When mood swings are great, the body secretes a substance called "catecholamines", which will increase blood sugar and increase toxins in blood and liver cells, which in turn affects the liver's detoxification function.

Therefore, we can often see that those people around us who are in a bad mood generally have weak liver function, and their worries and sorrows about diseases also cause damage to the spleen and lungs.

Under such a vicious circle, three of the five internal organs will be damaged, and over time, people's complexion will become dull, and there will be no more youthful vitality.

Therefore, in order for us to be more energetic and maintain a long life, we must treat the trivial things in life calmly, get less angry and smile more.

No matter what happens, we should take it calmly and face it calmly. If there is a problem, solve it, and if it can't be solved, let it go.

In this way, we can lay a good foundation for the health of the body, and in the days to come, we can live as we like, live up to ourselves, and not drag down our children.

When people are old, it is not about exercising, not about drinking water, please pay attention to these 3 guidelines!


Longevity criterion two

Eat modestly, don't eat too much!

【Maintain the stomach and intestines, prevent obesity】

There is a popular saying: "The people take food as the sky." ”

Eating is something that each of us does every day.

In the face of food, some people taste it lightly, and some people have to eat until they can't stand up straight, which is called not wasting food, but such eating habits will have great potential harm to our body.

There is such a sentence in "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing": "Eating and drinking is self-doubling, and the stomach is hurting." ”

Long-term overeating will lead to overnutrition and obesity; In severe cases, the burden on the liver and stomach will occur, which will lead to diseases and cancer.

Therefore, Buddhism has a saying: "When you receive all kinds of food and drink, you should take medicine as if you were taking medicine, so that the good is better than the evil, and you should not increase or decrease." ”

Even if you take your diet as a medicine, don't be picky eaters, and treat the idea of greedy for good food, you can also think about the amount of seven or eight points full in advance, and never take more than one bite after eating.

"Timing and quantification, the spleen is the main believer, the believer is credited, punctuality, and punctuality is faith."

The ancients advocated moderation in diet, which is not only beneficial to personal health, but also brings a good atmosphere to society.

Modern life is stressful, especially when people reach middle age, there are old mothers to be honored, children to be fed, it is inevitable to drink for entertainment, and the usual diet is greasy and messy.

For the sake of our health, we can spare two days a week for fasting to give the body a certain hunger feeling, so that the cells can remain active and make us live longer.

When people are old, it is not about exercising, not about drinking water, please pay attention to these 3 guidelines!


Longevity criterion three

There is a lot of daily life, and Mo electronic products do not leave your hands!

[Avoid staying up late and keep sleeping]

Mu Xin once said: "In the past, the sun became slow, and the cars, horses, and mail were slow..."

But with the advancement of science and technology, electronic products have entered thousands of households, short videos, live broadcasts, and fast-paced life, so that countless information pours into our lives every minute.

Especially the older you get, the more you don't want to derail the world, so you can only constantly refresh the mobile phone page, filter out the information related to life, and the more you watch, the more you feel the novelty of the world.

Therefore, whether it is an adult or a child, when walking on the road, sitting in a restaurant, or even talking to people, everyone is glued to their mobile phone, unable to take their eyes off and anxious.

As a result, our nights get longer and longer, our eyes become more and more flowery, and our spirits become more and more depressed. This kind of life is destroying our bodies little by little.

When people reach middle age, their bodies are no longer better than young people, every time they go to bed late, it is a provocation to the body, and every time they can't put down their mobile phones, they are perfunctory to life.

You must know that all the gifts given by fate have already been secretly marked with a price. You seem to have outrun the time and entertained yourself, but in fact you have lost your health and precious time to spend with your family in the future.

Therefore, in order to maintain a healthy body, when you sleep at night, you must put your mobile phone far away from the bed, or turn it off.

Learn to say "no" to electronic products in time, and when it is time to rest, we must rest, and a regular life and rest routine is the best way to help us live a long and healthy life.

When people are old, it is not about exercising, not about drinking water, please pay attention to these 3 guidelines!

Chairman Mao said: "The body is the capital of the revolution!" ”

No matter what time a person arrives, health is the premise of all good life, and if the body is good, it will not harm the wife and will not drag down the children.

All things are constant, and there is a way to be healthy, so do the above three points to maintain the health of your body, enrich your soul, enrich your future life, and live to be 100 years old without worry!

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