
The more you snub him, the better the horoscope will be for you

author:Big picture constellations everyday

Feelings are sometimes very bloody, when you don't love him, he loves you the most.

In love, there is such a very strange phenomenon, ignoring each other, the other party is more attentive, and the better it is for you.

The signs I'm going to talk about today are like this, the more you snub him, the better it will be for you, see if you have ever met such a person?


Geminis are intelligent, good at communication and expression, and in relationships, they often appear to be more flexible, and they do not like to be bound by fixed patterns.

If you rely too much, they may find it a bit boring, and when they start to snub them, they will start to shush you and be nice to you.

Geminis are most interested in a person when they first get to know each other, and at the beginning of their acquaintance, they are eager to get to know you and will put all their attention on you.

In addition to this, they are very confident and feel that they are infinitely charismatic, and it is easy to pique their curiosity once you show an indifferent attitude towards them.

Twins want novelty in the face of everything, they don't like the other half who is too regular, and if everything is smooth, they will feel that you have no new ideas, and they will no longer care about you.

And only by snubbing them and making yourself unable to see through them can you better attract the attention of the twins, so in the relationship, the more cold you are to the twins, the more they cherish you and treat you better.


Aquarians are overconfident and can easily be fearless in their relationships, and although they often act like they are not afraid of heaven and earth, they are afraid of being ignored and snubbed by their lovers.

They are very self-conscious, and once the other person ignores them, their sense of security will be reduced, and they will be kind to the other person to satisfy their own hearts.

The more you snub him, the better the horoscope will be for you

And, when Aquarius feels that the person they care about is indifferent to them, they get frustrated, in which case they take action to get the other person's attention.

They have a strong rebellious mentality, and the more indifferent they are to Aquarius, the more curious Aquarius becomes, and at this time they will come to you, brush their sense of existence, and constantly be kind to you.

If you are with an Aquarius, you need to maintain a certain sense of distance, leave them enough personal space, and retain their own mystique to keep them passionate all the time.

You can't be too active in love, let alone stick to them, try to snub them, and over time, they can't stand it, so they will take the initiative to stick to you.

Therefore, if you want to get along with an Aquarius for a long time, then you can't play your cards according to common sense, and the more cold you are, the better it will be for you.


Leos value self-esteem and face the most, and they are born with a strong sense of kingliness and want to be praised and praised by others.

And when you are indifferent to them, they will feel that their self-esteem is challenged and will try to prove themselves and please you.

The more you snub him, the better the horoscope will be for you

Moreover, Leos value themselves most in the relationship, and your snub means no, and they will do everything they can to break your snub and prove that they are unique and irreplaceable.

Plus they're used to being high, and if they're always enthusiastic, they'll take it for granted and won't give you anything in return.

But if you are cold to the lions, it will arouse their strong desire to conquer, they will take you to heart, and they will gradually treat you well.

The more you snub him, the better the horoscope will be for you

In addition, Leos like challenging things, do not like to go off the beaten path, and will be resistant to blind flattery and pleasing others, and even want to stay away.

In short, they like to challenge difficult things, and the more you are cold, the more they know how to cherish it, and the more they will know how to be good to you.

brief summary

Feelings can't be given blindly, if the other party just asks for it unilaterally, the relationship between each other will be unbalanced sooner or later, and over time, the relationship will become shaky.

Therefore, a good relationship can't be hot all the time, you can be appropriately cold, give each other some buffer time, and each other must know how to give, so that the relationship can last for a long time.