
Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

author:Flowers bloom worry-free

Flood Raid: An epic escape from the ancient city of Zhenyuan

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

1. Prologue: Uninvited guests under the ancient city

In the southwest corner of the land of China, there is a corner that has been forgotten by time - Zhenyuan. The stone pavement there tells the story of thousands of years, and the green tiles and white walls are hidden among the green waters and green mountains. However, it is such a calm and picturesque ancient city, but one early morning, ushered in an uninvited guest - Flood.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

II. Act I: Mutation in Calm

In the early morning, the streets and alleys far away from the town are still immersed in tranquility. Sunlight shines through the clouds and on the moist bluestone slabs, reflecting a dazzling light. However, this tranquility was soon shattered. Some attentive residents noticed that the water level of the river rose rapidly in just a few hours, and the river surface became choppy.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

III. Act II: Overture to the Frightened Escape

As the water level continued to rise, houses in some low-lying areas began to be flooded. The frightened residents ran out of their homes, and in the panic they could only grab what they had at hand and flee with their families to higher ground. The originally quiet ancient city was instantly transformed into a crowded escape site.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

In the midst of this chaos, a tourist named Li Ming and his child appeared unusually calm. They stayed in a B&B located high above the scenic area, and despite the chaos around them, they kept a clear head. Li Ming knew that the most important thing at this time was to stay calm and find a safe escape route.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

4. Act III: The Brave Man Against the Current

Li Ming and the child climbed up the stairs of the homestay, and they came to the roof. Standing on a high place, Li Ming could clearly see that the flood had submerged the entire ancient city. A strong sense of responsibility welled up in his heart, and he couldn't just sit idly by. So, he decided to join the rescue team with his children.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

They cautiously made their way along the edge of the roof, occasionally helping residents who were trapped in the floodwaters. In the process, they met many volunteers and staff of social organizations. Everyone worked together to contribute to the rescue work.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

V. Act IV: The Miracle of Life in the Ancient City

During the rescue process, Li Ming and the child encountered a thrilling moment. They saw an elderly man trapped in the flood waters, struggling to swim towards the shore. Without hesitation, Li Ming jumped into the water and swam towards the old man. With the help of the crowd, they succeeded in rescuing the old man ashore. This moment became a testimony to the miracle of life in the ancient city.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

6. Act V: Rainbow and Reflection After the Rain

After several days and nights of fighting, the flood waters finally receded. The ancient city of Zhenyuan rediscovered its beautiful face. However, this disaster has brought deep reflection to the ancient city. Why didn't the early warning system sound the alarm in time? Why weren't emergency measures in place in time? These questions have become a hot topic.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

In reflection, people also see hope. They saw the brave rescuers and the workers of social organizations; They saw residents and tourists who helped each other through the difficult times; They saw companies and individuals who had donated money and materials to the reconstruction of the affected areas. These warm images make people believe that no matter how difficult they are, as long as everyone works together, they will be able to overcome everything.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

VII. Act VI: A New Chapter of the Ancient City

After the flood, the ancient city of Zhenyuan did not fall silent. On the contrary, it has been given a new lease of life. The government has stepped up efforts to build early warning systems and emergency response measures; Social organizations and enterprises are also actively involved in the reconstruction of the disaster-stricken areas. Residents and visitors are also supporting the revival of the ancient city in their own way.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

In this process, Li Ming and the children also made their own contributions. They wrote a book about their experiences, "The Miracle of Life in the Flood", and donated all the money they received to the reconstruction of the affected areas. This book not only records what they saw, heard, felt and thought during the flood, but also conveys a positive spiritual force.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

8. Epilogue: A hymn to life

In this flood disaster, we saw the ruthlessness of nature and the fragility of life; I also saw the kindness and love in human nature. We applaud those brave and fearless rescuers and the staff of social organizations; Kudos to residents and visitors who help each other through this difficult time; I also praise those enterprises and individuals who have donated money and materials for the reconstruction work in the disaster area.

Rescue or self-help? The ancient city in the flood, the choice between heroes and civilians!

Let us take this flood as a lesson and cherish every moment of our lives; Let us learn from this ancient city and work together to build a safer, more harmonious and better society. In the days to come, let us work together to compose a hymn to life!

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