
The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

author:Early Summer Words

As we get older, our perceptions of many historical figures change. The models who were praised in childhood textbooks gradually revealed their dark side. They have deceived countless people, even themselves.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

The name Kuang Heng is believed to be familiar to most people. The story of "cutting the wall and stealing the light" portrays him as a poor scholar who works hard.

However, research in recent years has shown that Kuang Heng's personality is not as noble as the legend says. He once illegally occupied 400 hectares of land and allowed his son to kill people; He also used his power to commit crimes, and was finally deposed.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

Li Shen won the hearts of the people because of "Compassion for Nong" and was regarded as a good official who cared about the people. However, after he took office, he gradually indulged in a luxurious life, and became more and more fond of Kabuki.

This is very different from the image of integrity that he shows in his poems. Li Shen also wants to use beautiful women to please and criticize his friend Liu Yuxi, which shows that his character has degenerated.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

Cai Lun, who invented papermaking, has indelible achievements. But in order to gain the emperor's favor, he aided and abused the emperor and trapped Zhongliang in vain. Cai Lun was caught in the whirlpool of power schemes, and in the end, he could not escape the poison.

There are two sides to these historical figures. The perfect image created by the textbook is very different from their real persona. Praising them as role models should not obscure their dark side; However, its historical contribution should not be negated because of personal moral flaws.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

It's important to learn from their experiences. Vanity Fair can often expose the ugliest side of a person, and we should remain rational and principled, and not change our nature because of circumstances. We must always be vigilant and do not be carried away by fame and fortune and violate morality and conscience.

It is also a reminder that no historical figure should be completely deified. They are all ordinary people, and they all have a bright side and a dark side. We should look at history dialectically, understand a person from many aspects, and not trust any one kind of description.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

The role models of childhood memories are no longer perfect, and they also make us see the complexity of history. This inspires us to think independently, not to trust authority, and to actively explore the truth of history.

We should maintain a humble and prudent attitude towards learning, draw wisdom from the experiences of historical figures, and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbooks were actually bad to the bone, but they deceived many people

While those former role models are no longer perfect, some of their positive values should not be denied. We should learn from their hard work and reflect on the lessons of their failures.

In this way, history can truly become a ladder of progress, not just a story from childhood memories.
