
U.S. Election Candidate TV Debate, Trump: Let's not be like a child?

author:The old paste looks at the world

In a tense and gunpowder televised debate in the U.S. presidential election, two candidates — incumbent President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden — got into a heated argument over the topic of golf. This scene surprised many viewers, and some even jokingly called it "going to the wrong set".

U.S. Election Candidate TV Debate, Trump: Let's not be like a child?

The debate began with two candidates debating important issues such as the economy, foreign policy and domestic security. However, as the debate deepened, the conversation suddenly turned to a seemingly light-hearted topic – golf. President Trump, who seemed to want to ease tensions with the topic, mentioned some of his experiences with the game of golf and emphasized the sport's importance for relaxation and socialization.

However, Biden was not infected by this relaxed atmosphere. He countered that golf is not affordable for everyone, and that it is more of a rich man's sport, which coincides with President Trump's image of the rich. Biden further noted that the president should focus on leisure activities that the average person can't afford, rather than just golf.

President Trump was clearly unhappy with Biden's remarks. He responded, "Shall we not be like children?" We're talking about the future of the country as a whole here, not golf. The remark immediately caused a commotion at the scene, and the audience was surprised by the argument between the two candidates.

U.S. Election Candidate TV Debate, Trump: Let's not be like a child?

Biden didn't stop there, and he went on to stress that as the leader of the country, one should focus on broader social issues rather than personal interests. He mentioned issues such as education, health care and jobs, which are of concern to ordinary Americans.

President Trump tried to divert the subject, highlighting his economic achievements during his tenure and saying they were related to his leadership style. He brought up golf again, trying to steer the conversation to his own leadership skills and contributions to his country.

This debate about golf, while seemingly lighthearted, actually reflects the differences in values and concerns between the two candidates. President Trump is more inclined to emphasize personal achievement and enjoyment, while Biden is more concerned with social justice and the lives of ordinary people.

U.S. Election Candidate TV Debate, Trump: Let's not be like a child?

As the debate continued, the two candidates returned to more serious issues. But the debate over golf certainly added some drama to the debate and gave the audience a deeper understanding of the personalities and positions of the two candidates.

In the U.S. presidential election, every debate is an opportunity for candidates to present their views and policies. While this debate over golf may seem a bit off-topic, it actually reveals fundamental differences in leadership styles and concerns between the two candidates. For voters, these differences can be an important factor in determining their voting choices.

Ultimately, the debate ended with the two candidates each highlighting their policies and achievements. While the debate over golf may soon be forgotten, the deeper questions it reveals — what leaders should focus on, and how their values affect the country's future — will remain on the minds of voters for a long time.

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