
"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

author:Mimi said entertainment
"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

In 2024, the show "Riding the Wind 2024" will be a hot mess, and it can be said to be a popular variety show of the year.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Watching this show is like chasing a burning and bloody youth drama, everyone stays in front of the TV or in front of the mobile phone screen every week, not only to watch the sassy and heroic performances of the young ladies, but also to experience the feeling of surging and blood-boiling.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

First of all, Chen Haoyu, as the champion, is undoubtedly the soul of this team. Her stage performance is so strong that she is outstanding, every movement carries strength and beauty, and her singing is even more stable, and her voice is clear and powerful. She not only shines on the stage, but also a warm girl in daily life, often taking care of other members, and everyone in the team affectionately calls her "Sister Haoyu".

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Shang Wenjie, this "electronic queen" is not simple. Her music style is avant-garde and unique, electronic music is playful, and she is like a female warrior with her own halo on stage, and every performance can set off a whirlwind of electronic music. Although she is usually cold, she is a gentle and attentive big sister when getting along with her team members, and often gives everyone professional music advice.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

He Jie, once a supergirl, is now a powerful singer, her voice is full and emotional, and she can move people's hearts every time she opens her voice. He Jie not only has super singing skills, but also has a delicate heart, she always plays the role of "pistachio" in the team, and from time to time she makes some funny jokes, so that everyone can find a relaxing moment in the intense practice.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Yuan Yawei, the female voice of this international style, has conquered countless audiences with her unique voice and powerful singing skills. Her stage performance is extremely strong, and every performance is like an audio-visual feast. Yuan Yawei is an out-and-out music mentor in the team, always patiently guiding other members to help them improve their musical literacy.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Sa Dingding, a mysterious and charismatic artist. Her music blends tradition and modernity, with a strong cultural heritage and a unique artistic atmosphere. Every performance of Sa Dingding is like a baptism of the soul, and she is a goddess of inspiration in the team, often bringing unlimited creativity and inspiration to everyone.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Cai Wenjing, the "goddess of literature and art" in everyone's mouth, her voice is gentle and tactful, full of storytelling. Her performance style is delicate and infectious, and she always tells a moving story on stage. Cai Wenjing is a warm-hearted little angel in the team, always taking care of every member carefully, and caring for everyone like a sister.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Liu Yan, a female artist with both beauty and strength, not only has a stunning appearance, but also has solid singing and dancing skills. Liu Yan's stage performance is extremely strong, and every performance can trigger cheers from the audience. She is a straightforward and heroic big sister in the team, and always amuses everyone with her unique sense of humor.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Joyce Jonathan, this sweet female vocal from France, has conquered countless fans with her sweet voice and fresh musical style. Although she is a foreign member, Joyce is not "outside" in the team at all, she always works hard to learn Chinese, mingles with everyone, and becomes a "foreign sister" in everyone's heart.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Han Xue, an all-round artist, not only has brilliant achievements in the film and television industry, but also is good at singing and dancing. Han Xue's voice is clear and penetrating, and every time she opens her voice, it can bring people a kind of spiritual shock. She is a calm and wise "military advisor" in the team, and she can always give advice to everyone at critical moments.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Miao Miao, this actor with a fresh temperament. Miao Miao's stage performance is quite amazing, her dance moves are elegant and smooth, and every rotation is like painting a beautiful picture. Although she failed to form a group, her hard work and persistence won the hearts of countless audiences. Everyone says that Miao Miao's smile is as warm as the sun, bringing endless strength to people.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Guo Biting, this goddess with an elegant temperament, her performance is always so quiet and beautiful. Guo Biting's voice is soft and delicate, and she sings like a spring breeze. Although she did not finally form a group in the show, her performance was deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts. Her indifferent temperament makes people feel very comfortable, like a clear stream in life.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Let's take a look at Xie Jinyan, the "queen of electronic music" of Treasure Island. Xie Jinyan's stage style is very individual, full of dynamism and vitality. Every performance is a sight to behold, and it's like the scene of an electronic music party. Although she failed to form a group, her electronic music charm has conquered countless audiences, and her every appearance brings endless surprises and shocks.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Zhu Dan, the former "first sister" in the hosting industry, also showed good talent on the stage of "Riding the Wind 2024". Zhu Dan's singing and dancing ability is amazing, and every performance she performs is full of passion and confidence. Although she failed to form a group, the kind of firmness and bravery she showed in the show is sincerely admirable.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Zhang Yuxi, this beautiful actress, has won the love of many fans with her sweet voice and excellent dancing skills. Zhang Yuxi is always full of youthful vitality on the stage, and every smile she has can light up the whole stage. Although she failed to form a group, her positive attitude and unremitting efforts have infected countless audiences.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Sun Xialing, this all-round artist, her talent is really amazing. Sun Xialing is not only good at singing and dancing, but also can play various musical instruments, which is simply a "treasure girl". Although she didn't make it into a group, her versatility and charm on stage made people unforgettable.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

Nicole Zheng, the Korean goddess, her dancing prowess is simply speechless. Nicole Jung's every move is full of power and beauty, and she always exudes a unique charm on stage. Although she failed to form a group, her professional attitude and outstanding performance won the applause of countless audiences.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

As for the unnamed sister, it may be Liu Yan. This beautiful and powerful female artist, her stage performance is extremely strong, and every performance can cause the audience to cheer. Although she failed to form a group, her hard work and dedication let everyone see her shining point.

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

On the whole, this "Riding the Wind 2024" has brought a lot of emotion and shock to the audience. Each sister showed their talent and charm on the stage, whether they were in a group or not, they were the highlights and highlights of the show. The audience said that the program is rich in content, the contestants are strong, and the rhythm is tight, which is enjoyable to watch, and the expectation is full of points!

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

So, what do you think of the overall outcome of "Riding the Wind 2024"? Do you also think that this show has brought you a lot of surprises and touches? Whether the sisters you like are in a group or not, every performance they give is impressive, and this is the real charm of the stage!

"Sister Lang 5" was recorded on the night of the group, with 12 seats in the group, and Chen Haoyu won the annual championship

I hope that the "Riding the Wind" series will continue to bring us more excitement in the future, and let's look forward to the amazing performance and infinite possibilities of the next session!

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