
Huang Yiming exposes chat records! Wang Sicong "pretended to be poor" and refused to give money for milk powder, and netizens hotly discussed

author:See the world in the middle

Recently, the Internet has been really lively, all of them are super gossip by Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong! Xiao Huang generously announced that she gave birth to Wang Sicong's daughter, and also gave the little girl a loud name of "Shining", which felt a little interesting when she heard it. But here's the problem, it is said that Xiao Huang said that Wang Sicong didn't give his daughter money to buy milk powder, and the reason was that "there was no money"!

Huang Yiming exposes chat records! Wang Sicong "pretended to be poor" and refused to give money for milk powder, and netizens hotly discussed

It is said that Huang Yiming is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he directly took out last year's chat records to break the news. I heard that she asked Wang Sicong for milk powder money at that time, but the big man Wang said: "It's a little difficult now, I'll give it to you when I'm developed next year." "Wow, this one is even more exciting than the TV series! This kind of milk powder money can also be advanced? What a clever operation this must be! But later Huang Yiming retracted these words, saying that he was emotional at the time, and his words did not go through his brain, which can be regarded as a self-"retreat".

Huang Yiming exposes chat records! Wang Sicong "pretended to be poor" and refused to give money for milk powder, and netizens hotly discussed

As a result, this sensational farce caused an uproar online. Netizens are hotly discussing on major social platforms, some of them are very Xiaohuang, saying that it is not easy for her to be a single mother, and some feel that Wang Sicong is also very aggrieved, maybe it is really "the current shortage of funds".

Huang Yiming exposes chat records! Wang Sicong "pretended to be poor" and refused to give money for milk powder, and netizens hotly discussed

In short, this story is still fermenting, will there be more interesting twists in the future? Maybe Huang Yiming will really go to Wanda to find Wang Jianlin, and then raise a banner with great fanfare, who knows? Anything is possible! But all this shows that gossip dramas in real life are a hundred times more exciting than TV dramas,

Huang Yiming exposes chat records! Wang Sicong "pretended to be poor" and refused to give money for milk powder, and netizens hotly discussed

From the moment Huang Yiming publicly announced that he had given birth to Wang Sicong's daughter, public opinion began to spin wildly. Not only did she make it public, but she also gave her daughter a tense name "Shiny", which made people shine. However, the focus of the conversation soon shifted to whether Wang Sicong would give enough financial support. Xiao Huang claimed that Wang Sicong did not pay his daughter to buy milk powder, the reason was that he "ran out of money". This reason seems realistic to many, and it also raises questions about the identity of the wealthy and financial management.

Huang Yiming exposes chat records! Wang Sicong "pretended to be poor" and refused to give money for milk powder, and netizens hotly discussed

In order to prove that his appeal was not groundless, Huang Yiming decided to make public their chat records last year. When she asked Wang Sicong for milk powder money, Wang Sicong's reply was: "It's a little difficult now, I'll give it to you when I'm developed next year." This kind of remark not only makes people laugh, but also gives people a new understanding of the concept of "advance". However, Huang Yiming later retracted these remarks, saying that he was emotionally out of control at the time and did not think it through.

Huang Yiming exposes chat records! Wang Sicong "pretended to be poor" and refused to give money for milk powder, and netizens hotly discussed

This farce spread like ripples on the Internet, stirring up heated discussions from all sides. Netizens expressed their opinions on social platforms, some supported Xiao Huang, thinking that she was not respectable as a single mother, and some sympathized with Wang Sicong, thinking that he might indeed face financial constraints. This seemingly private family conflict has triggered a widespread reflection on the distribution of wealth and the public image of the characters.

Huang Yiming exposes chat records! Wang Sicong "pretended to be poor" and refused to give money for milk powder, and netizens hotly discussed

However, whether you support it or not, such gossip stories can always quickly detonate topics on the Internet. People laughed and cried in the comments, lamenting that real life is more bizarre and gripping than TV dramas. These gossips are not only entertainment, but also a kind of discussion and observation of wealth, power, and personal privacy in modern society.

Huang Yiming exposes chat records! Wang Sicong "pretended to be poor" and refused to give money for milk powder, and netizens hotly discussed

In summary, this story is still evolving, and who can say for sure what the future will be? Maybe Huang Yiming will really join hands with Wang Jianlin to make a bigger wave, or maybe everything will end in a bleak moment. In any case, this gossip not only reveals the rapid deconstruction of privacy in modern society, but also allows us to see the interweaving of human nature and reality, all of which is enough to make us reminisce for a long time in the wave of the Internet.

Huang Yiming exposes chat records! Wang Sicong "pretended to be poor" and refused to give money for milk powder, and netizens hotly discussed

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