
After retirement, if you want to have peace of mind and enjoy your retirement in peace, you need to learn these 4 points

author:Lao Pang talks about the world

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After retirement, if you want to have peace of mind and enjoy your retirement in peace, you need to learn these 4 points

Retirement is an important turning point in life. Say goodbye to busy work and usher in a relatively free and leisurely time. However, it is not easy to enjoy retirement with true peace of mind and stability. At this stage, it is very important to learn the following four points: recognize people, admit cowardice, admit defeat, and accept fate.

After retirement, if you want to have peace of mind and enjoy your retirement in peace, you need to learn these 4 points

First of all, let's talk about "recognizing people". After retirement, the social circle will change, and we need to take a fresh look at the people around us. In the past, you may have met many colleagues and partners in the workplace because of your work relationship, but after retirement, this connection tends to fade. At this time, we need to recognize who is a real friend and who is just a passer-by with a stake. A true friend who will stay in touch with you after retirement, care about your life, and are willing to share joys and sorrows with you. Those passers-by may disappear as soon as you leave your job.

At the same time, we also need to learn to recognize new acquaintances. When you attend senior events and community gatherings, you will meet a variety of people. Learn to discern who deserves deep friendship and who just need to keep a polite distance. For example, people who are kind-hearted, optimistic, and share your interests and hobbies may be good companions in your retirement life, bringing you happiness and support. And those who complain negatively and selfishly may bring unnecessary troubles to your life and should be kept away appropriately.

Remember one sentence: after retirement, the people you know can only be playmates, don't be close friends.

After retirement, if you want to have peace of mind and enjoy your retirement in peace, you need to learn these 4 points

"Confession" also has an important meaning in retirement. "Confession" here is not a sign of cowardice, but a kind of wisdom and open-mindedness. After retirement, my body functions gradually declined, and my energy was not as good as before. When faced with something beyond your ability, you must dare to admit that you can't do it, and don't force yourself to hold on. For example, if you are unable to complete some high-intensity physical labor or overly complex technical problems, do not force them, so as not to cause physical injury or psychological stress.

And, when it comes to spending time with family and friends, don't always be opinionated and competitive. When there is a disagreement, it is appropriate to "admit it" and let go of the dispute, which can avoid unnecessary conflicts and maintain a good relationship. It's not about losing oneself, it's about dealing with things in a peaceful way that embodies respect for others and tolerance for life.

After retirement, if you want to have peace of mind and enjoy your retirement in peace, you need to learn these 4 points

"Admitting defeat" is also a mindset that needs to be cultivated. Looking back on our past lives, perhaps we have had unachieved goals and failures in our work and career. After retirement, learn to accept these past unsatisfactory and not dwell on regret and remorse all the time. Life is not going to be easy, and success and failure are part of life.

For example, if you once wanted to be promoted but failed to do so, or if you failed to invest and caused financial losses. These past events cannot be changed, instead of dwelling on them, it is better to admit defeat calmly, learn from them, and then let go of the burden and move forward lightly. Turn your attention to the present retirement and discover new joys and values.

After retirement, if you want to have peace of mind and enjoy your retirement in peace, you need to learn these 4 points

Finally, let's talk about "resignation". The "resignation" here is not a passive resignation to fate, but an objective and sober understanding and acceptance of one's own life. Everyone's life trajectory is unique, with highs and lows. After retirement, accept the path you have already taken in life, whether it is brilliant or ordinary.

Maybe you didn't become rich, maybe your dreams didn't come true, but this is your unique life. Cherish what you have, be grateful for the little bits of happiness in life, instead of blindly complaining about the injustice of fate. For example, don't feel jealous and dissatisfied when you see others living in retirement and traveling around with limited financial resources. You must believe that your life also has its own unique beauty, perhaps the warmth of your family, the filial piety of your children, or the peace and satisfaction of your heart.

After retirement, if you want to have peace of mind and enjoy your retirement in peace, you need to learn these 4 points

In short, if you want to live a peaceful, stable and comfortable life after retirement, learning to "recognize people, admit cowardice, admit defeat, and accept fate" These four points are the key. This is not a compromise and abandonment of life, but a mature and calm attitude towards life. When we can face retirement life with such a mentality, we will be able to better enjoy this golden time of life and discover the beauty and happiness in it.

In the years of retirement, let us let go of the burden of the past, cherish the present time, and welcome every day in the future with a peaceful mind. Spend time with friends and family, do what you love, feel the warmth and tranquility of life, and make retirement another wonderful journey in your life.

Author: Lao Pang

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