
"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance


The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article


If you want to say which Xianxia drama has impressed us the most in recent years, I think "Chen Qingling" is definitely at the forefront of everyone's minds.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Before the filming of this drama, its original novel already had a pivotal position in the novel industry, and the author Mo Xiang Tongwu also became one of the most popular writers on the Jinjiang platform with this work.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Not only that, but the actors who participated in the filming of this Xianxia drama have all become popular in the entertainment industry because of this, and the leading actors Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo have also instantly become the top in the circle.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Now, this drama has been on the air for nearly five years, and the development of the six leading actors in the play is also very different, whether it is true red or fake red, the difference is clear at a glance.

Xiao Zhan

If you want to say which one is the most core soul character in "Chen Qing Ling", it is definitely the "Demon Dao Patriarch" Wei Wuxian played by Xiao Zhan!

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

The young man lost his father and mother, and his life was bumpy, and he was obviously looked down upon by everyone, but he was the most competitive and cultivated to become the founder of the Demon Dao that everyone admired.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Xiao Zhan only used one look and one smile to play the life of this hard-working young man really and live, and also let us all see Xiao Zhan himself, who has the same stubbornness and persistence as Wei Wuxian.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

He also relied on this momentum of not admitting defeat, and successively starred in powerful dramas such as "Ace Troops" and "The Sea in My Dreams", and changed the title of his idol to the top faction.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Now his new drama "The Legend of the Tibetan Sea" is about to be broadcast, and Xiao Zhan's current acting skills have also made great progress and breakthroughs compared with before, and even CCTV can't help but come out to promote him.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

It can be seen that Xiao Zhan is getting closer and closer to his goal of acting, and he is looking forward to his future performance!

Wang Yibo

As the person with the closest relationship with the protagonist Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji played by Wang Yibo is the most brilliant character in the play who was named and praised by the audience.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

The humble gentleman Jing Xing is light, and when he looks at outsiders with affectionate eyes, his hairs stand on end, and he will only be gentle and spoiled when he is facing his best friend Wei Wuxian.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

With just one change of eyes, Wang Yibo has gained a large number of loyal fans, let's just say that such a performance can be called no acting skills?

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Although Wang Yibo did not continue to dig deep in the TV drama industry, he has already shifted his goal to the big screen after a small success in acting.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

As soon as these movies such as "No Name" and "King of the Sky" came out, I won't say whose heart is restless again, in terms of acting, Wang Yibo has really been affirmed by the media and everyone.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

The recently popular "Wind Chaser" has long been broadcast, and Wang Yibo was distressed by everyone because he was not included in the list of Magnolia's winners.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Although he is still very young and has many opportunities to win awards in the future, he still hopes that everyone can give him the affirmation he deserves, and don't make sincere people feel cold.


Although it is not clearly stated in "Chen Qing Ling" that there is a heroine, as a female character who has many contacts with Wei Wuxian, Wen Qing played by Meng Ziyi does hold the script of the heroine of this play.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

From a humble background but a strong person, in order to repay the male protagonist Wei Wuxian for saving his life, he finally chose to take his clan on the road to death, which became a nightmare in Wei Wuxian's heart.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Don't look at Meng Ziyi's appearance in this drama, there are not many scenes, but every time she appears in the scene, the male protagonist Wei Wuxian must be present, and this treatment is estimated to be the female protagonist.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

It is precisely because of the corner of warmth that Mencius's image and acting skills have also been seen by many ancient puppet directors, and they all feel that Mencius can go further on the road of blackening.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

As a result, the crews of "Who is the Hero" and "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" all handed her invitations, and Mencius's image changed from the previous "Internet celebrity face" to "crazy criticism of the United States".

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Today, she is not only "mixed" like a fish in water in costume dramas, but also participates in variety shows, and Meng Ziyi has countless fans because of her "real and daring to speak" character.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

I have to say that being popular is raising people, and Mencius has finally become a female idol with a fan group since she was a little transparent.

Xuan Lu

If the warmth played by Meng Ziyi is the pseudo-heroine in "Chen Qing Ling", then Jiang Yanli played by Xuan Lu is definitely the real "white moonlight" of everyone in the play.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Gentle and polite, gentle, and with a motherly glow, not only warmed everyone around her, but even Wei Wuxian was spoiled by her as a child.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

So much so that when she died tragically for the male protagonist, Wei Wuxian would lose his mind and want to let the world be destroyed to bury her, even after many years, Jiang Yanli was still the "white moonlight" in Wei Wuxian's heart.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Although there are not many scenes of Xuan Lu in the play, and even many of them have been cut by the director, Xuan Lu's unique feminine charm still has a lot of fans for her.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

It is precisely because Xuanlu's gentle female image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that when she played the female villain in the costume drama "Song with Jun" starring Cheng Yi, she still amazed everyone a little.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Especially, when everyone saw that Xuanlu was betrayed by both the male and female protagonists in the end, and cried in front of the two of them, netizens left messages saying that they felt sorry for Xuanlu and felt that the male and female protagonists were too bad.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Now, Xuan Lu has also received invitations from many crews, looking forward to her stunning everyone again in the new drama.

Cao Yuchen

mentioned Jiang Yanli, then I have to mention her "wrecked" husband Jin Zixuan, Cao Yuchen was also a little popular after playing the role of Jin Zixuan.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

At that time, the famous phrase "No, Miss Jiang, not my mother's meaning" was also played in the short videos on the Internet, and the accompanying picture was also a golden peacock.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Although Jin Zixuan's character in "Chen Qing Ling" is quite wretched, Cao Yuchen played him as a good man who is stinky and loves his wife, and has gained a lot of fans for Jin Zixuan.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

After his fame soared, Cao Yuchen starred in Zhao Yuzhen in "Youth Song Xing", and won the love of many female fans because of his outstanding appearance.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Although in recent years, Cao Yuchen has no good-looking works to bring to everyone, but the road of young people is still very long, and through his study and hard work, there will be many brilliant roles waiting for him to shape in the future.

He Peng

As the villain with the worst ending in the play, Wen Chao played by He Peng can be said to be no less famous than Wei Wuxian played by Xiao Zhan, and hateful and cute are synonymous with Wen Chao.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Although He Peng's role in this drama is a greasy man who is scolded by everyone, as "Yang Zi's ex-boyfriend", He Peng's appearance is still very popular with girls.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Especially in the online drama "I Am Zhao Jiadi", he changed his previous greasy villain image and directly transformed into a cold and domineering domineering president, which makes people drool when they look at it.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Although He Peng has always participated in some small-cost online dramas in the circle, he has always only focused on acting, and he is still very solid in terms of acting skills.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

I hope that some directors can pay more attention to this treasure actor and give him some opportunities to bring better works to the audience.


To be honest, the drama "Chen Qingling" is like a big runway, and some people take advantage of this opportunity to run forward desperately, wanting everyone to see themselves.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Some people are always behind others because of their strength, and then watch others receive flowers and applause.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Although it is said that it is necessary to become famous as soon as possible, and it should be easier to become popular than other actors with such good resources, but to become a qualified good actor, you still have to rely on your strength and acting skills.

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

What do you think?

Reference Sources:

China Net Entertainment released a report on the "Fifth Anniversary of Chen Qingling's Broadcast" on June 28, 2024

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

The official Weibo of Tibetan Sea Chuan released the "Official Announcement of the Full Lineup of Tibetan Sea Legend" on June 2, 2024

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Xiangyang Daily published a report on "Gao Qun's Book Discussion of Wind Chaser" on June 10, 2024

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

Jin Yong's martial arts world official Weibo released a report on June 26, 2024 "Mei Chaofeng's front foot apologizes and his feet go offline".

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

The final photo released by Xuan Lu on June 18, 2024

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

"Dragon Boat Festival Handsome Photos" released by Cao Yuchen Studio on June 10, 2024

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

The official announcement photo of the new drama released by actor He Peng on April 11, 2024

"Chen Qingling" has been broadcast for five years, and the gap between the 6 leading actors has been widened, and the real and fake red are clear at a glance

In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!