
The "Party Building + Creation" parent-child theme reading club was successfully held

author:Red Network Yongzhou Station
The "Party Building + Creation" parent-child theme reading club was successfully held

Red Net Moment News, June 30 (Correspondent Li Yinhui) In order to further promote the construction of "Reading City, Scholarly Yongzhou", stimulate the enthusiasm of young people to read red classics and spread red stories, and develop the good habit of loving reading, reading good books, and being good at reading, on June 29, the Red Boat Leading • Children's Heart to the Party "Party Building + Creation" parent-child theme reading club jointly organized by the Party School of the Yongzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Yongzhou Public Security Cadre Secondary Professional School, and Hunan Jinzhou (Yongzhou) Law Firm was successfully held.

The "Party Building + Creation" parent-child theme reading club was successfully held

"It's the most genuine and touching thing." At the event site, parents and children were fully engaged and worked together, walking 1 km along Fenghuang North Road under the leadership of volunteers, and singing the red song "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", showing the emotional orientation of "red childlike heart".

The "Party Building + Creation" parent-child theme reading club was successfully held

"The red classic 'chant' has been passed down, and the red gene has been passed down from generation to generation." In the parent-child team building, classic reading, parent-child reading and other activities, parents accompanied and actively guided, let the children recite Mao Zedong's poems "Seven Laws • Long March" and "Qinyuan Spring • Snow", took turns to read and share the reading experience of "The Story of Mao Zedong's Youth", advocating that everyone should form a good habit of reading red classics, continue the red blood, and inherit the spirit of struggle.

In the parent-child talent show, parents and children sang the "Communist Children's League Song", the speech "Salute to the Role Model, the Country Has Me", the recitation of "I Love You China", the dance "Heaven and Earth Longlin" and other colorful programs, so that the whole event was full of laughter, but also showed the positive and optimistic spirit of young people in the new era.

The "Party Building + Creation" parent-child theme reading club was successfully held

By the end of the event, some of the children were still unsatisfied. Parents have said that the "Party Building + Creation" parent-child theme reading club activity is very meaningful, which not only gives them a precious opportunity to participate and immerse themselves in the whole process with their children, but also can feel the joy of reading and enhance the parent-child relationship. One parent said happily: "I am usually busy with work, and it is rare to spend time with my children wholeheartedly, but I had a very happy day today, and I hope that such activities will continue." ”

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