
Why is it not the domestic Z-10 that takes Chang'e home, but it is still the Mi-171?

author:Strategize and point troops

Chang'e-6 returned safely with the secrets of the Moon Palace, like a bright pearl, lighting up the eyes of countless people. On the way back from this glory, a group of domestic cars are like loyal knights, providing a solid ground support for the return of Chang'e-6. However, in this magnificent picture, the figure of the Mi-171 helicopter is a little eye-catching.

Why is it not the domestic Z-10 that takes Chang'e home, but it is still the Mi-171?

Z-20, a domestically produced 10-ton general-purpose transport helicopter, was once hailed as the successor of the Mi-171. It has a body size similar to that of the Mi-171, but the design concept is more advanced and the technology is more mature. In the eyes of the outside world, the rise of the Z-20 is a sign of the domestic helicopter going to the world, and it is also the prelude to the Mi-171's gradual withdrawal from the historical stage. However, this is not the case.

Why is it not the domestic Z-10 that takes Chang'e home, but it is still the Mi-171?

When Chang'e-6 successfully landed, the Mi-171 helicopter support team unexpectedly appeared on the scene. This scene makes many people wonder: why do we still rely on the Mi-171 to take Chang'e-6 home today, when nearly 1,000 Z-20 aircraft are mass-produced?

Mi-171, this imported Russian helicopter, although the design is a little old, but with its strong transport capacity and stable performance, it has always played an important role in the training of the Continental Army. Even in emergency missions such as disaster relief, the Mi-171 has shown its indispensable value. The order of nearly 100 aircraft in 2019 proves the important position of the Mi-171 in the continental aviation field.

Why is it not the domestic Z-10 that takes Chang'e home, but it is still the Mi-171?

However, this is also the challenge faced by the Z-20. Although the Z-20 has the ability to replace the Mi-171 in technology, it still needs to face many challenges in practical application. From the use habits of the army to the perfection of logistics support, from the maturity of technology to the recognition of the market, every link needs time to run in and adapt.

Of course, we don't have to be too pessimistic. The rise of the Z-20 is inevitable, and the future of domestic helicopters is also bright. With the continuous progress of technology and the gradual opening of the market, the Z-20 is expected to replace the Mi-171 in the future and become the backbone of our army's aviation force. The successful return of Chang'e-6 will also inject new impetus into the mainland's aviation industry.

Let's look forward to the next time, when Chang'e returns again, we will be able to see more domestic helicopters soaring in the blue sky!

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