
Huang Yunyao, the women's champion of the football championship, was beaten by many people in the same room for hours? The video was exposed, and his father spoke

author:Squirrel Tata

When will juvenile bullying stop? Recently, Huang Yunyao, a girl in Mianxian County, in the 2024 Municipal Football Championship, was bullied, beaten and insulted for several hours by many people in the same dormitory. When Huang Yunyao was bullied, the bully took relevant videos and spread them to prove his "big brother" demeanor and ability.

Huang Yunyao, the women's champion of the football championship, was beaten by many people in the same room for hours? The video was exposed, and his father spoke

Many people are still relatively unfamiliar with this place in Mian County, Mian County belongs to Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, the bullying incident should have happened in Mianyang Middle School in Mian County, the video has the school uniform worn by the bully, you can see the obvious words "Mian County, Mianyang Middle School", one of the bullies on the school uniform (maybe a football uniform), also marked with her name Li Jiayi.

After Mr. Huang learned that his daughter was being bullied, he took his child home as soon as possible and released a video, demanding that the bully must be punished and that his daughter be given justice.

Huang Yunyao, the women's champion of the football championship, was beaten by many people in the same room for hours? The video was exposed, and his father spoke

Mr. Huang posted a long message in a V-group called "2024 City Football Championship Mian County Women's League", and there are 15 people in this V-group:

"Parents, please take good care of your children, I am Huang Yunyao's father. My child participated in the football game, was violently beaten by many other students in the dormitory for several hours, the child we have been picked up back to Mian County overnight last night, the child is currently in a state of malaise, dare not go out, dare not contact outsiders, the state is worrying, swollen cheeks, ear bleeding, is now being sent to the hospital for treatment. ”

"We have reported the case, the police have accepted the case, up to now, the incident has happened for 48 hours, we have not received any notice and news, and I will expose the video to the Internet and reporters in the future. As a parent, I am very angry and surprised, I don't care what the background and background of the beater is, this time I will seek justice for my daughter, let the participants pay the corresponding price, and let the irresponsible people pay the due punishment, this matter will not end, this is my attitude. ”

Huang Yunyao, the women's champion of the football championship, was beaten by many people in the same room for hours? The video was exposed, and his father spoke

Mr. Huang posted a video of his daughter being beaten to the group chat, and then said, "This video is just the tip of the iceberg, don't think that deleting other videos will be fine." ”

According to Internet rumors, Huang Yunyao was bullied for several hours at this stage.

Huang Yunyao, the women's champion of the football championship, was beaten by many people in the same room for hours? The video was exposed, and his father spoke

In this bullying video circulating online, at least 7 bullies appear (one is now in charge of filming from a high place and is constantly laughing). At first glance, Huang Yunyao belonged to the kind of doll that was more realistic, and she didn't dare to resist from beginning to end.

Huang Yunyao at the beginning of the video was pulled out of the curtain by Li Jiayi covering her face, it can be seen that Huang Yunyao had been slapped by them before the video was filmed, she wanted to hide next to the curtain to escape, but she didn't expect to be dragged out.

Huang Yunyao, the women's champion of the football championship, was beaten by many people in the same room for hours? The video was exposed, and his father spoke

Huang Yunyao was dragged by Li Jiayi to the middle of the bullies, at this time several bullies began to cheer each other, they were discussing who would slap the next slap, during which there were bursts of laughter around, the little girl should have been very scared at that time, this "happy voice" for her, like a "painful" note.

A bully in dark clothes is discussing with Li Jiayi: I won, you can see her face is swollen! Li Jiayi said, "I'm the last fan". Then the bully in dark clothes handed the mobile phone in his hand to one of the bullies, shook his hands, and then walked towards Huang Yunyao and slapped him heavily.

Huang Yunyao, the women's champion of the football championship, was beaten by many people in the same room for hours? The video was exposed, and his father spoke

Then another bully raised his hand and fanned Huang Yunyao, but he missed. Next is this bully named Li Jiayi, who walked up to Huang Yunyao and asked him to take his hand away from the right side of his face so that he could "play".

Huang Yunyao kept pleading with him, but Li Jiayi waved his left hand and slapped Huang Yunyao's left cheek. After Li Jiayi slapped him, he jumped up in place excitedly, and then a bully wearing black and white short sleeves stepped forward again to reprimand, and the video ended.

Huang Yunyao, the women's champion of the football championship, was beaten by many people in the same room for hours? The video was exposed, and his father spoke

The time should be more than five o'clock in the afternoon, and the video shooter said in the video: The teacher said that you can eat at five fifty. During this time, another bully tried to rush up and hit someone, but was stopped by a classmate.

Regarding this news, the relevant departments have not yet responded, and there are very few rumors on the Internet, and there are no reports from relevant reporters, but there are still circularies.


According to Mr. Huang's speech in the group, it can be learned that the number of times Huang Yunyao has been bullied is far more than that.

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