
55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

author:Everyday Artist
55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

The news of Rene Liu's retirement announcement was like a shock bomb, which quickly caused an uproar and various reactions among fans on social media.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

This Taiwanese diva-level singer and actor has long won the love and respect of countless people with his soulful singing voice and excellent acting skills.

However, just recently, she suddenly announced that she was retiring from acting, which shocked and saddened fans across the globe.

On social platforms, comments and retweets from fans are flooding in.

Some people expressed disbelief: "Liu Ruoying is retiring? That's big news! Someone else lamented: "This news came too suddenly, I was not prepared at all."

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

"Rene Liu has a very high status and influence in the entertainment industry, and her decision to retire has undoubtedly made many people feel heartache and regret.

Many fans have expressed their gratitude to Rene Liu for her acting career over the years.

Some people recalled her classic songs and movie roles, praising her talent and dedication: "Rene Liu is not only a banner in the music world, but also an eternal diva in our hearts!" Someone else left a message: "I hope Liu Ruoying can enjoy a good life after retirement, she has brought us too many good memories." ”

Rene Liu, a Taiwanese diva-level singer and actress with a unique temperament and a moving voice, recently announced a news that shocked fans: she is retiring! The news sparked heated discussions on social media, and everyone expressed their regret and blessings to her.

So, why did she choose to quit the stage at this time?

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

First of all, we have to admit that Rene Liu is 55 years old.

For an artist who has worked hard in the entertainment industry for decades, the traces of time will inevitably appear.

While she still retains her elegance and charisma, age is a real test for a performer.

As time passed, the changes in her physical strength and appearance made her feel more stressed and challenged.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

Think about it, Liu Ruoying's "Later Us" in her youth to her mature demeanor today, countless classic songs and characters have left a deep impression on the audience.

She used to be a part of our youth, accompanying us through the youthful years.

Now, she has chosen to say goodbye to the stage, which is not only an explanation of her past glory days, but also a new choice and expectation for her future life.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

On social media, fans have had a variety of reactions to Rene Liu's retirement decision.

Someone sighed: "Looking at her news, it seems that we are old overnight."

Some people comforted themselves and said: "It is normal for an artist to retire, and I hope she can live the life she wants in the future."

"For an artist, retirement is not only a farewell from the stage, but also a transformation and redefinition of the state of life.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

Comments on social media can be varied.

Some people are grief-stricken: "Liu Ruoying is retiring, and my youth is also retiring!" This expression deeply reflects her important position in the hearts of fans, Liu Ruoying is not only an artist, but also a companion of many people in their growing years.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

Other fans chose to use humor to resolve their inner reluctance: "Is Rene Liu going to retire with me to buy groceries this time?" This humorous way not only lightens the atmosphere, but also expresses their blessings and concern for the future life of their idols.

And for the reality of idols getting old, fans' attitudes are also diverse.

Some people choose to accept it calmly: "Oh, celebrities also have to be old, and it is logical for her to retire."

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

"They understand that idols need the right to rest and enjoy life, and they are open to age changes.

However, there are also some fans who are difficult to let go of and feel that the years are ruthless: "It's really uncomfortable to watch idols grow old slowly."

"It's a deep emotional resonance that people can empathize with.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

In the face of the aging of idols, they not only lost a superstar in the entertainment industry, but also lost a memory and dream of their youth.

In the entertainment industry, celebrity retirement is no longer uncommon, which big-name star hasn't struggled all his life, and will choose to retire in the end, right? From small fresh meat to big coffee superstars, they will all go through this stage, just like the work retirement in the lives of ordinary people.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

This topic is not only about the careers of celebrities, but also reflects the law of everyone's growth, from the struggle of youth to the enjoyment of old age, it is the only way to go in life.

Let's take a look at these post-80s idols.

They used to be in their prime, and they had dazzling performances in both the music and film worlds.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

For example, those kings and queens of the year, Jacky Cheung, Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung, their names are simply synonymous with the entertainment industry.

There are also small fresh meats back then, such as Edison Chen and Li Yuchun, their images were once deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and everyone knew about them for a while.

However, as time went on, these idols slowly withdrew from the public eye.

Some chose to retire and enjoy family life; Some are working behind the scenes and working in production or commercial activities.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

For example, Jacky Cheung chose to concentrate on his family, while Tony Leung devoted himself more to filmmaking.

These choices are undoubtedly the embodiment of rationality and maturity, and behind their glamorous appearance, they also have the life needs and emotional sustenance of ordinary people.

For ordinary people, this phenomenon also has some profound implications.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

First of all, life cannot be beautiful forever, everyone will have their own life stages and choices.

The gradual retirement of post-80s idols reminds us to cherish our current youth and opportunities, not to forget our original intentions, and to strive to pursue our dreams and goals.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

Just like them, we also need to learn how to find happiness and fulfillment in the ordinary after experiencing the ordinary.

Life is like a long drama, everyone interprets their own story at different stages.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

From young childhood to young teenagers, to mature middle age and comfortable old age, each stage has its own unique development laws and life philosophy.

Today, let's summarize the law of the phased development of life, hoping to give you some inspiration and thinking.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

Rene Liu's retirement decision shows us that a star also has her own life rules and choices, and she chooses to pursue inner peace and plainness, which is also a kind of wisdom in life.

55-year-old Liu Ruoying retired, saying that her image and physical strength are only suitable for the kitchen, and no one can escape the curse of age

For us ordinary people, not everyone may want to become a star, but everyone can live their own wonderful life, pursue their dreams, cherish every moment with family and friends, and experience every high and low in life.

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