
Uncle is so handsome! I thought that I wouldn't come to Magnolia in order to avoid suspicion, but it turned out that not only did I come, but I also made a handsome appearance to meet the wishes of the fun people. Watch Wang Yang participate in Magnolia Reuters, he won the best actor

author:Hou Girl

Uncle is so handsome! I thought that I wouldn't come to Magnolia in order to avoid suspicion, but it turned out that not only did I come, but I also made a handsome appearance to meet the wishes of the fun people.

Watching Wang Yang participate in Magnolia Reuters, he attended Magnolia as a finalist for Best Actor, smiling, proud, and in a completely good mood, seemingly completely unaffected by the previous nomination controversy.

From being named by the official media, the big guy was sprayed on the field, and then to the big fan banned, it is estimated that the uncle's black fan is about to break the defense again.

See P4 Perfect Restore State.

By the way, do you want him to win the award?


Uncle is so handsome! I thought that I wouldn't come to Magnolia in order to avoid suspicion, but it turned out that not only did I come, but I also made a handsome appearance to meet the wishes of the fun people. Watch Wang Yang participate in Magnolia Reuters, he won the best actor
Uncle is so handsome! I thought that I wouldn't come to Magnolia in order to avoid suspicion, but it turned out that not only did I come, but I also made a handsome appearance to meet the wishes of the fun people. Watch Wang Yang participate in Magnolia Reuters, he won the best actor
Uncle is so handsome! I thought that I wouldn't come to Magnolia in order to avoid suspicion, but it turned out that not only did I come, but I also made a handsome appearance to meet the wishes of the fun people. Watch Wang Yang participate in Magnolia Reuters, he won the best actor
Uncle is so handsome! I thought that I wouldn't come to Magnolia in order to avoid suspicion, but it turned out that not only did I come, but I also made a handsome appearance to meet the wishes of the fun people. Watch Wang Yang participate in Magnolia Reuters, he won the best actor
Uncle is so handsome! I thought that I wouldn't come to Magnolia in order to avoid suspicion, but it turned out that not only did I come, but I also made a handsome appearance to meet the wishes of the fun people. Watch Wang Yang participate in Magnolia Reuters, he won the best actor

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