
It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

author:i Gold Mountain
It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

Where is the bus? How long will it take?

When is the next bus? Are you always afraid of taking the bus?

The road is being repaired nearby, how to adjust the bus route?


It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

Hold your horses!

The "ceiling" of information services in the bus industry is coming!

To solve the problem of citizens and friends

All kinds of problems faced in the process of taking the bus

After rigorous experience research and data docking

Chelai App officially settled in Shanghai

The line is more accurate and more intimate

This app has been deeply involved in the bus query business for more than ten years

There are also functions such as getting on and off the bus reminder, vehicle location sharing, etc

Let people call them insiders

Let's take a closer look

Six highlights of the Car Coming App!

It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!
It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

Get real-time access to bus information

Select the bus line you want to take, and you can see how many buses are running on the line, the time of the vehicles, the time of the pit stop, etc. In addition to the information of the upcoming vehicles, the location of the vehicles that have already passed the station can also be obtained in the app.

The Bus App uses algorithms to predict the time in minutes, and the data is more accurate and refined, so users no longer have to blindly guess when the bus will come.

It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!
It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

Departure Prediction Know in advance

Citizens who want to make travel plans or wait for the train near the departure station want to know what to do when the train departs?

The Chelai App combines vehicle scheduling information and historical departure information to accurately calculate the departure time, and wait for the bus to check the shift more complete and accurate; There is also a full-day departure timetable display, which can be viewed at any station and waiting for the bus, so you are no longer afraid of missing the bus~

It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!
It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

Reminder to get off the bus Ride with peace of mind

There is a voice reminder function of the app for getting on and off the train, and citizens do not need to repeatedly take out their mobile phones to check the time on the platform. When the bus arrives at the station, you can set a reminder to get on the bus; Drop-off reminders can be set up when approaching the destination so that citizens can prepare for getting on and off the bus in advance.

It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!
It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

Stay informed about line changes

I'm in a hurry to get to work but find that the road ahead is being repaired, and the bus can't get around? Finally walked to the bus stop, only to find that the stop had moved away?

The Chelai App can provide timely reminders of route and station changes, and adjust changes in time, so that you can control your daily travel!

It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!
It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

In addition to the summary announcement on the homepage, on the line details page you choose to query, you can also accurately provide a reminder of the change of the current line, which can be viewed with one click, which is more convenient and fast!

It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!
It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

Route planning is freely chosen

Combined with the real-time information of the bus, the route planning function of the Chelai App also calculates the waiting time in the travel time, and can accurately plan the most convenient route selection according to the travel needs of citizens.

If you go on a business trip or tourism, you can also use this function to plan your route so as not to get lost.

It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!
It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

Vehicle sharing for safety

For special groups such as the elderly and children, their travel safety is always a concern for relatives and friends.

The [Share Vehicle] function can share the bus you have taken or are about to take with your parents or friends, so that relatives and friends can grasp your real-time itinerary and accompany you to arrive with peace of mind.

It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

Chelai App has been deeply engaged in the field of public transport services for more than 10 years, and the App has been launched in more than 400 cities such as Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Jiaxing, Ningbo, Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Chengdu, etc., covering more than 30 provinces across the country, leading the industry in data accuracy, and serving a total of 250 million+ users

It truly achieves wide coverage, complete routes, accurate time, and super convenience!

The transformation and upgrading of "Internet +" public transportation is the demand of the times for the strategy of building a strong transportation country, and the Chelai App will continue to use the mobile Internet and big data to help citizens travel more conveniently and calmly, so that the efficiency of public transportation in the city can be further improved.

Source: Xinmin Evening News

Edit | Weng Yu

Editor-in-charge | Chen Weiting, Weng Yu

It's getting easier and easier to take the bus! The data of this convenient app is more accurate, and it can be checked in urban and suburban areas!

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