
It turns out that it is so convenient to check files in other places, please put away this strategy~

author:Shanghai Changning

In order to promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region, the Archives Bureau of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui "three provinces and one city" has launched the cross-regional query of people's livelihood archives as early as 2018. But do you know the specific process of querying files in different places? In order to better meet the needs of the public to use people's livelihood archives, the District Archives Bureau has produced a small file search strategy to teach you how to check files in other places.

People's livelihood archives in the Yangtze River Delta region

"Remote file checking, convenient service"

1. Offline file check application steps


Make an application

The user chooses to accept the nearest archive, fills in the "Application Form for "Remote File Checking and Convenience Service" for People's Livelihood Archives in the Yangtze River Delta Region, and presents the resident identity card.

Scan the QR code below to download the application form


Acceptance Archives Acceptance

The staff of the Archives will review the documents, check the information of the application form, and affix the official seal.


Pass on the application

Based on the information provided by the user, the staff of the Receiving Archives will contact the Archives by phone and submit an application for the Archives after confirmation.


Archives search

The Archives shall reply to the user within 2 working days from the receipt of the application materials.


Submit the file

Archival materials may be sent to the user by sending an EMS courier (the user shall bear the cost of EMS payment), by mail, or by forwarding it from the receiving archives.

2. The steps for online file checking and application are as follows


Make an application

Users enter the Yangtze River Delta government service "all-in-one network" website (or provincial government service networks, such as Zhejiang government service network, register and pass real-name user authentication, and apply for file checking.



The Archives staff will review the information and accept it.


Submit the file

Archival materials may be sent to users by EMS courier (the user shall bear the cost of EMS payment) or by registered mail.

In addition to the Yangtze River Delta region's livelihood archives "remote file search, convenient service", the District Archives Bureau has also launched a "national archives query and utilization service platform" use method, the public can log in to the platform through the Internet, to the archives to submit an application for file search, by the archives to provide file search services.

It turns out that it is so convenient to check files in other places, please put away this strategy~

National archives query and utilization service

1. Personal inquiry



It turns out that it is so convenient to check files in other places, please put away this strategy~


Select the National Archives Inquiry Service Hall User Login.

It turns out that it is so convenient to check files in other places, please put away this strategy~

The new user chooses to register, and then logs in with the account password or mobile phone number. (To register, you need to download the National Government Service Platform APP and complete face verification)


Enter the national file inquiry and use the user center of the service hall to select "I want to check the file".

It turns out that it is so convenient to check files in other places, please put away this strategy~


According to the file search registration form, fill in the user information, check the file appeal, select the target archive, the desired file utilization method, and upload the attachment for submission.

It turns out that it is so convenient to check files in other places, please put away this strategy~


After receiving the application for file search, the archive under investigation will provide feedback on the file search information.

2. Check through the local archives

It turns out that it is so convenient to check files in other places, please put away this strategy~


Individuals go to the local archives to apply for file search, and the applicant must present his or her legal documents or true and valid supporting materials.


The local archives shall fill in the file search registration form in the column of the archives on behalf of the national archives inquiry service platform according to the file search application, and submit it to the archives under investigation.


The local archives will give feedback on the file search information based on the results of the archives.

It turns out that it is so convenient to check files in other places, please put away this strategy~
It turns out that it is so convenient to check files in other places, please put away this strategy~

Source: District Archives

Written by Kong Jianhong

Editor: Li Bingqian

Editor-in-charge: Wang Bo

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

It turns out that it is so convenient to check files in other places, please put away this strategy~

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