
Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

author:Shihai Xing

In the quiet field of Tumut Zuoqi in Hohhot, a shocking criminal case has entered a new stage under the growing social attention. Nightmares have come without warning, and the forces that represent good are drawing closer.

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

Huo Wenchang, this name is embedded in the memory of the public. He's a suspect, he's a perpetrator, he's been brought to justice. Despite his malice, he confessed to his crimes, and in that heavy interrogation room, his every confession was a sign of reverence for the Legalist God, and every confession was a sign of respect for the Dharma.

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

We recall a frightening glimpse of a case. In the early morning of June 18, Twenty Jiazi Village under the moonlight had not yet woken up from the dream. However, a great tragedy struck suddenly. A family of five, the right to be ruthlessly stripped of their lives by demons in the quiet countryside. The shock spread rapidly between the villages, and the police stepped up, and after careful investigation, they set their sights on Huo Wenchang.

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

Huo Wenchang - the "honest man" in people's memories, a seemingly harmless existence. However, we now know that this has long since stripped him of the real him. He was a lone wanderer who worked silently, but in his chest, the malice waiting to be released was brewing until he wielded the murder weapon.

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

The truth behind it is gradually emerging. A series of issues, such as the Huo family's land problem, the irresponsibility of the victims, and the dispute over the compensation of the land occupied by the telephone pole, caused the relationship between the two families to burst into irrepressible conflicts like lightning in a cloudy sky. In the end, it all turned into an irreparable tragedy. But is this fate?

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

Huo Wenchang's case has undoubtedly aroused widespread attention in society, especially the increasingly heated discussions on the Internet, and even given Huo Wenchang the image of Yang Bailao, a victim who is persecuted to the end of the road. Yes, we sympathize with his suffering, and we agree with his discrimination, but we must never forget that he has single-handedly committed irreparable crimes.

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

Yes, no reason can justify killing, whether it is a claim for private land or a personal grievance. Now that the law has linked him to his crimes, he must be held accountable for his actions.

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

It is worth thinking about that the villagers involved in the case need to look at the problem rationally and not be swayed by rumors. Everyone needs to think that if the grassroots cadres could detect and resolve the conflicts between the villagers in time, perhaps such a tragedy would not have happened. What we need is more about mediation, a peaceful resolution of every conflict, rather than allowing tragedy to happen again.

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

Huo Wenchang's case has taught us a profound lesson. Sympathize with him, but not tolerate him because his actions violate the moral principles he should have as a human being. Trivial contradictions cannot cause us to lose our way and commit extreme acts.

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

Respect for the law, respect for life, we can't just talk about it. We should resolve the problem through legal channels and mediate conflicts through just and equitable laws.

What do you think of Huo Wenchang's case?

Information sources: 5 people were killed, and the suspect was arrested after absconding for ten days! The latest police report

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore A family of five was killed, and the police reported: The suspect absconded for 10 days and was arrested

Huo Wenchang, an "honest man" of the Tu family, was arrested, and the police reminded: Don't treat him as a hero anymore

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