
Off the charts! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate took the stage and gave a very "explosive" performance, in which she suddenly took off her coat on the grounds of hot weather

author:Yunzhou Shice

Off the charts! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate came to power and gave a very "explosive" performance, in the process of speaking, she suddenly took off her coat and took off her glasses on the grounds of hot weather, calling herself "cute and sexy", netizens: This is really for the benefit of the people

A record 56 candidates participated in this year's Tokyo gubernatorial election. This figure is not only 2.5 times that of the previous election, but far exceeds the average of 12.3 since 1947. With such a large lineup, one can't help but wonder: what kind of magic makes so many people compete for this position?

The answer may lie in the diverse background of the candidates, who are among the 56 candidates, including political veterans such as current and former mayors and former members of Congress, as well as many people from all walks of life, including AI engineers, doctors, lawyers, presenters, comedians, and even detainees.

It is as if the Tokyo gubernatorial election is a melting pot of possibilities, leading to the unfolding of one of the most bizarre gubernatorial elections in history. The election not only broke the all-time record for the number of candidates, but also brought the global spotlight to the attention of some of them due to their bizarre performances.

One of the most striking is the youngest girl, Airi Uchino, who was born in 1992 in Ito, Japan, and is only 31 years old this year as a company employee, with bangs, beautiful makeup, and a formal striped shirt and glasses on the day of the campaign.

It can be clearly seen in the video that before she spoke, when she just sat down, she thought she was a quiet girl, but the next second she directly subverted everyone's cognition, she first claimed to be "famous for cuteness", and then took off her coat in public on the grounds of hot weather, and what was even more shocking was that she was just wearing a chest wrap inside.

But she herself was not embarrassed, and then took off her glasses, very proud to show her figure and beauty, and even boasted that she was not only cute but also very sexy, which formed a huge contrast with her appearance at the beginning, and the atmosphere instantly became subtle.

These words and deeds were more like a live broadcast of Internet celebrities than a political speech, and in the six-minute speech that followed, Airi Uchino's focus was completely deviated from the mayor's duties. She called on everyone to become friends with her, follow her personal channel, and hope that everyone can know her. This way of expression makes people wonder if she got the occasion wrong and regarded such an important occasion as a fan meeting.

Airi Uchino's performance was extreme, but it was not an isolated case in this election. There are candidates who advocate polygamy in Japan, and there are people who play anime characters to canvass for votes. These bizarre moves made the campaign look like a farce.

Interestingly, there was also an obscure "protagonist" in this dramatic speech – the staff in charge of sign language interpreters. Many netizens have expressed their admiration for this translator who can maintain a professional level in such an absurd scene. Someone joked: "I wonder how she managed to hold back her laughter?" "

After all, the position of governor of Tokyo is not child's play, and in the face of this wonderful feast, netizens have a variety of reactions. Some people were surprised by Airi Uchino's performance, and joked that it was even more exciting than watching a Hollywood blockbuster: "Did you go to the wrong set, the sign language teacher was embarrassed", "The mental state of the Japanese is really golden", what do you think about this?

Sources of information:

Hong Kong Satellite TV

Shangguan News2024-06-21Host, Inventor, Defendant.... 56 people "competed" for the governor of Tokyo, and the duel between the two was the key

Off the charts! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate took the stage and gave a very "explosive" performance, in which she suddenly took off her coat on the grounds of hot weather
Off the charts! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate took the stage and gave a very "explosive" performance, in which she suddenly took off her coat on the grounds of hot weather
Off the charts! During the mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, a female candidate took the stage and gave a very "explosive" performance, in which she suddenly took off her coat on the grounds of hot weather

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