
A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

author:Global People Magazine
A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

"Peru should learn more from China and strengthen cooperation.

In particular, cooperation in the field of science and technology should be strengthened. ”

Author: Feng Lu, Ye Huaxia, Song Yiran

"The high-speed rail is so fast!" After taking the high-speed rail from Hong Kong's West Kowloon Station to Futian Station in Shenzhen, Peruvian President Boluarte couldn't help but marvel. On the evening of June 25, she arrived in Shenzhen, the first stop of her visit to China. She was accompanied by members of the Peruvian Cabinet including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Transport and Communications, the Minister of Construction and Water Resources, and the Minister of Health.

This is her first visit to China. Peruvian Foreign Minister Olechea said in a statement that the visit was "a very important visit in a very important year". This is reminiscent of eight years ago, in 2016, when then-Peruvian President Kuczynski chose China over the United States on his first foreign trip. At the time, this was called "a sign of the times" by the media.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Boluarte often wears pink. (Data map)

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Thumbs up for "Made in China"

On the morning of June 26, Boluarte visited the special exhibition "Children of the Sun: The Land of the Incas and the Four Directions of the Empire" at the Nanshan Museum in Shenzhen. 168 artifacts from Peru are on display here, each bearing the glorious history of the Inca Empire and the Andean civilization. "It is a great honour to be invited to a museum that exhibits the Inca and pre-Inca civilizations." She wrote in the guest book. The director of the museum presented her with a book in the collection, "Research on the Bronze Weapons of the Ancient Yue Nationality", and she gave her a book on the ancient Peruvian knotted rope script.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Boluarte speaks at a special exhibition.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Boluarte accepted the books donated by the Nanshan Museum in Shenzhen.

Subsequently, she went to Huawei. "Has Huawei's 5.5G network technology been put into use?" She has shown a keen interest in Huawei's technological innovation. She gave a thumbs up after experiencing glasses-free 3D technology in the "3D Museum" exhibition area. At Huawei, she witnessed the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru and Huawei Peru to train talents for Peru's scientific and technological development through high-tech training. Before leaving, she also sat in a Wenjie M9 and felt the riding experience of China's electric vehicles.

Subsequently, Boluarte and his entourage came to BYD. "How long does an electric car last?" She listened and asked, and also walked into the cloud bus in the exhibition hall to experience the use of BYD's public transportation. During the visit, Wang Chuanfu, president of BYD, also presented Boluarte with a model of the U8 car.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Boluarte visits BYD.

During her visits to Shanghai and other places, she met with representatives of a number of companies. Among them, COSCO SHIPPING is the main shareholder of the Qiankai Port Project, a landmark project of the "Belt and Road" jointly built by China and Peru. She expressed her appreciation for the group's introduction of remote control automated loading and unloading equipment and related communication technology in the construction of Chankai Port, and hoped to build Chankai Port into a low-carbon, green, digitally intelligent landmark port in South America.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Chankai Harbor. (Data map)

When visiting a series of medical achievements such as surgical robots, proton therapy devices, and digital medicine at Ruijin Hospital, she experienced using surgical robots to shell raw quail eggs, and blurted out: "I am shocked by China's scientific and technological progress, and I really want to bring two robots back from Shanghai." Peru should learn more from China and strengthen cooperation, especially in the field of science and technology. ”

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Boluarte visited the latest medical achievements such as surgical robots at Ruijin Hospital.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

"Political newcomers" from indigenous backgrounds

Boluarte was born in 1962 in the city of Chalvanca in southern Peru to a working-class family. She is a native of Quechua in South America and is fluent in Spanish and the indigenous language, Quechua.

Recalling her childhood, what she remembers most is that her mother was always so busy, managing the life of a large family. In order to support his life, Boluarte worked part-time at the age of 18 and worked as a substitute teacher at the school. Although the youngest of 14 siblings, Boluarte excelled in his studies, studying law at the University of San Martín de Pires, graduating with a master's degree in law and obtaining a lawyer's license.

Boruarte spoke slowly and softly. She has two sons, the eldest son studying economics and the younger son studying music. She has worked as a lawyer for many years and has also worked as a consultant at the Peruvian National Registry of Identification and Citizenship, where she became director in 2007.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Boluarte likes to wear light-colored clothes.

In 2018, as the candidate of the Free Peru Party, Boluarte ran unsuccessfully for mayor of a district in the Peruvian capital, Lima. At this time, she was in her 50s, but she was still a newcomer to politics. In 2020, she again represented the Free Peru Party in the extraordinary parliamentary elections, but also failed to win a seat. It wasn't until 2021 that Boluarte finally ushered in the first highlight of her political career.

In that year's presidential election, Boluarte was the running mate of Castillo, a fellow indigenous candidate. At a time when social inequality was rising in Peru, the "grassroots indigenous" duo refreshed Peruvian voters and won the support of rural women, teachers, indigenous people, and other groups, ultimately standing out as candidates.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Boluarte and Castillo.

After his victory, Boluarte became Vice President and Minister of Social Development and Integration of Peru, responsible for promoting social welfare and poverty alleviation projects.

During Castillo's 16 months as president, he was repeatedly accused of "moral defects." On December 7, 2022, Castillo ordered the dissolution of Congress, which immediately passed an impeachment motion to remove him from the presidency on the grounds of "moral defects." According to the Peruvian Constitution, when the President is unable to perform his duties, the Vice-President shall take over. In the afternoon, Boluarte was sworn in as the new president, and Peru welcomed the first female president in history.

In his first speech as president, Boluarte called on the government and Congress to stop the struggle and for the parties to intensify dialogue and consultation to form a more representative and united cabinet. "I will lead the Peruvian government and Congress to continue the fight against corruption so that the country does not fall into chaos and crisis."

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

In December 2022, Boluarte was sworn in as president in Congress.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Cautious center-left

Boluarte came to power not through traditional electoral routes, but due to the defeat of her predecessor in the political battle with Congress, and she succeeded the presidency as vice president. This atypical change of power has made Boluarte face many challenges as soon as he takes office. Peru lacks a unified and strong mainstream political party, with fierce inter-party struggles and frequent political unrest. Boluarte had to be cautious in his domestic and foreign dealings.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

· Boluarte inspects the guard of honor.

"Peru has been politically volatile in recent years, with seven presidents in power from 2015 to 2022 and more frequent changes of ministers. Peru's political fragmentation may pose a greater challenge to the president and ruling party in the long term. Han Han, a researcher at the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that in this context, Boluarte is facing many internal crises and struggling to advance consensus. Her governing style is quite different from the overt left-wing overtones of Castillo's presidency and is considered a more conservative center-left.

In March, Peruvian prosecutors launched a preliminary investigation into Boluarte, accusing her of failing to declare the assets of public officials for several of the expensive watches she used. In response, Boluarte said that the watches were legal property that she bought with the money she had saved before becoming president. Peru's National Prosecutor's Office charged her in May on suspicion of accepting bribes, among other charges. However, even if Boluarte is indicted, the authorities will have to wait until her term ends in July 2026 or after she is impeached before the case can be heard.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

· Boluarte likes to wear watches.

It is worth mentioning that the Peruvian president's visit abroad must be approved by the Congress, and the success of Boluarte's visit to China shows that the Peruvian government has reached a consensus and agrees to strengthen cooperation with China.

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

Cooperation with China for development

Peru is the country with the largest number of Chinese Americans in South America, and Peruvians love to call Chinese "fellow countrymen". Since the first Chinese arrived in Peru in 1849, the Chinese have lived in this land. Today, 1 in 10 Peruvians are of Chinese descent. Not long ago, the Peruvian Congress also passed a resolution to designate February 1 as the "Secret China Friendship Day" every year.

"In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon represents strength, nobility, good luck, optimism and ambition." During this year's Spring Festival, Boluarte expressed New Year wishes to the Chinese people and the Chinese government from Peru, wishing Chinese society harmony and prosperity and a healthy life in the Year of the Dragon. "Special and fraternal greetings to all of you, Happy Chinese New Year and hugs to all."

A female president who came across the ocean, learning to peel eggshells

· Boluarte blessed the Chinese in the air.

From June 17 to 19, the seventh round of negotiations on the upgrade of the China-Peru Free Trade Agreement was held in Beijing, and the two sides held in-depth consultations on customs procedures, trade facilitation, trade in services and many other areas.

"In the face of external uncertainties, the female president seeks economic stability." Han Han said: Boluarte's visit to China has undoubtedly promoted the steady development of Sino-Peruvian economic and trade relations. Cooperation in the fields of mining, high-tech, automation and information has become the focus of her discussions. Her focus on technical cooperation reflects the deepening of the understanding of the new generation of Latin American leaders about China.

In the past few decades, China's trade has mainly been dominated by the export of mechanical and electrical products, high-tech products, textiles and clothing to Peru, and the import of fishmeal and copper, iron and other mineral products from Peru. In the field of investment, the Chinese side mainly undertakes the construction of Peruvian energy and infrastructure projects. In particular, China has become the largest source of investment in Peru's mining sector.

In November this year, Peru will host the APEC summit, of which China and Peru are important members, and Peru hopes to gain China's support in setting relevant agenda items and reaching consensus. According to the analysis, Boluarte's visit will help China and Peru enhance political mutual trust, economic and financial cooperation, and people-to-people exchanges.

Producer: Zhang Pei

Editor: Ling Yun

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